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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  1. YAY CHAY!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Thank you hahaha
  3. How much time is left in our game???
  4. OK GUYS TIME TO STOP TAKING PENALTIES NOW!!! YOU CAN STOP!! Sad! They were playing "All By Myself" in the background!!
  5. UGH.... SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. LET'S GO SIOUX!!! Come on boys!!!
  7. Umm yeah I've seen him in person a few times.... He doesn't impress me all that much with his looks... sorry lol
  8. No prob!! GO SIOUX! C'mon Cards, let's win this and get baseball done with lol
  9. 4-3 Sioux, between 2 and 3rd
  10. He's not even all that good-looking.... haha
  11. Zajac seems to be struggling with the interview.... These questions aren't that hard lol
  12. Ugh what happened in the 2nd period?? Good first period though!! LET'S GO SIOUX! LET'S GO CARDINALS!!
  14. I felt the need, after seeing this thread, to say this: I am a huge Bison football fan. I grew up in Fargo and was raised to love it, and I still do!! People get confused when I say that because I am also one of the biggest Sioux fans!! But that's just how it is. It's gunna be hard for me when they start playing each other again cuz honestly I won't know who to cheer for. Just wanted to say something.
  15. UGH!!!!! I will comment more on this later!! Time to go to hockey!! GO SIOUX!!!
  16. 1 second? Are you kidding me?!?
  17. Oh boy.... I'm not liking this score right now!!! I gotta go stand in line for hockey soon!!! Let's go boys, pick it up!!
  18. This is kinda a boring game as it's so low scoring.... But I love watching it!!! If that makes any sense lol FEEL THE THUNDER!!! GO BISON!!! (I am highly anti-Minnesota!)
  19. Alritey, here's my short thoughts on the games this weekend. Everyone's saying that we were really fast on the ice, but I was at both the games and we didn't seem all that quick. I think the team needs a little more conditioning, looked like they were getting tired out lot more quickly than the Badgers. But other than that, we looked pretty good out there with them, I was proud to be a Sioux fan this weekend. As for the Saturday night game.... I'm still not sure if our "goal" should have counted or not cuz I didn't really see it. They don't have a camera right above the goalies like the Ralph does, so the replay was not very clear to tell if it went in or not. And their goal definitely should not have counted, it was totally goaltender interference. The Badger fans I was sitting by were commenting on that too. I just don't think our team looked as good as they could have. We could have easily swept them, the Badgers are pretty overrated, even with Skille. Like I said earlier, a little more conditioning could be the key. "The legs feed the wolf" right? Genoway.... wow, he's good!! And he's fast too!! I knew that before, but I guess I didn't really realize it till this weekend. I like him as a forward better than D, I think he's too little to be a defender, but that could just be my opinion. He's VERY focused when he's on the ice (seriously, you should see the look on his face all the time!) He should be a GREAT asset to our team!! And the fact that he's super cute LOL (sorry, had to throw that in there) Finley.... Except for his little screwup on Saturday night that gave away the goal, I thought he played alrite this weekend. He looks to be a little more agressive this year, and maybe a little faster? He seems to be a little more focused when he's out on the ice. I think good things will come from him the rest of the year, hopefully!! Phil looked awesome this weekend!! I was highly impressed while I was watching him play. He kept his cool in front of the Badger fans, he has some goaltending skill I must say!!! And although I do miss Parise in the net, Phil has his number haha, and I have confidence in him. Keep it up! The Badger fans this weekend weren't all too bad. My friend and I shut up some little kids, but hey their parents should teach them to shut up when their team is losing lol... Didn't run into too many drunken idiots, I was expecting a lot more than what we got. But now for some more random tidbits. We were out to dinner on Saturday evening, wearing our Sioux gear of course, and who do we run into?? None other than "my son is number 2 on the team"... Yeah that's right, Joe's dad came up and started talking to us. He's a very nice guy, chatty too. That whole family is tall haha! And then right before the game, we were in line to get in right behind Buning, who was commenting that it was nice to see "so many Sioux fans" come out and support the team. So that was random too. Alrite enough of this.... I just had to get some stuff off my chest. Time to focus on Maine, but I was proud of ALL our boys this weekend. GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  20. Some of my friends and I also met a bunch of Maine fans in Milwaukee. We actually were sitting with their "cheerleaders" in front of the band cheering against the BADgers with them. It was a fun time. The Maine fans have a lot of class, but who doesn't compared to Wisconsin fans haha! I think they were confused as to why we were wearing Sioux stuff and cheering with them, but we're diehard anit-Badger fans ha!! But anyways, it was a really fun time getting to know some of them!! And this may not be much insight, but this is what I heard from my insider at Maine: "They beat Bemijdi State 7-1 Friday, and 6-3 Saturday. Holy COW did that team take penalties. Friday night Maine scored 6 PP goals and 1 shorty. This sounds like they had great special teams. It wasn't so much THAT as much as it was rare to see 5 on 5 hockey that night! Oh well, good luck next weekend!!" Oh and then there was this too: "Watch out for #11!!" But anyways, that's about all I've got for ya guys. GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! And Go Holy Cross Crusaders!!
  21. How come most of the Badger fans I encounter are stupid, arrogant, drunken, obnoxious idiots?? I wanna meet these so-called "nice Badger fans" LOL
  22. Just a little Holy Cross Hockey update for anyone who cares.... The Crusaders played the University of Ottawa in their exhibition game on Saturday night (10/7), they ended in a tie. Holy Cross goals from junior Chris Trovato and freshman Peter Lorinser. For a small article, here's a link. http://goholycross.cstv.com/sports/m-hocke.../100706aab.html Go Crusaders. GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! PS. I will soon be talking to Quesada, McGregor, and the rest of the boys, so I'll update everyone on that when that happens.
  23. What confuses me more than WHY they check/swipe IDs at the hockey games is why mine only works half the time. See, I'm currently not a student, but I still have my ID... I've tried getting my own tickets twice, and it only worked once. And the one time they swiped my ID this weekend at the hockey games, it worked. So I don't really get that. As for why they look at student IDs at hockey games, I'm not totally sure.... I just hope mine keeps working like it did last night... Oh well.... GO SIOUX!!!
  24. Does anyone know anything about Finley being arrested on Sunday night?? I heard from a friend, and was just wondering if anyone else knew anything about this?? Is it true?
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