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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  1. Hey no prob... I added your guys names in too, hope that's ok
  2. Hahaha! Yeah except with my luck I'd get caught.... Not a smart idea anyways... I don't have to get a fake ID and drink to have a good time..... There are plenty of ways to have fun while being (and staying) sober.... I have a little more class than to be fake, thanks though lol
  3. I believe I already replied to a thread like this a little bit ago..... But you can add Sioux_Yeah_Yeah (Leah), WiSioux (Jenn), and siouxforeverbaby (Kerri) to the list THANK YOU!!!
  4. Hey so everyone's talking about hanging out and meeting at bars and stuff like that.... Any other underagers have any ideas where we can all hang out and meet?!
  5. Add Sioux_Yeah_Yeah, WiSioux, and siouxforeverbaby to the list please!!! Wow, this'll be awesome, thanks so much UNDLAW!!!
  6. My group of friends is scattered.... A bunch of us are driving from Grand Forks, picking some up in Fargo, and meeting one person who is flying in!! I hope to see lots of green!!! Go Sioux!!!
  7. Hahaha yeah, same with me... Us underaged kids gotta stick together!!
  8. We could all wear shirts with our user names on them LOL Oh but wait, we'd all be wearing jerseys and the like.... hmmm, I'll keep thinking
  9. Sioux_Yeah_Yeah


    I'm so impatient!!! One week!!!
  10. What?! How come I didn't know about this before now?! It would have been so much easier than what I've been doing the last few days!!! Oh well I always seem to be behind anyways
  11. Yeah I watched this a while ago... HILARIOUS!!!! "Ya fricken hoser!" haha "The worst part about this sport is the off season" I also like the stretching part haha
  12. Yes, I will say this too.... What a great group of guys we have this year!!
  13. Sioux_Yeah_Yeah


    My group is staying at a Holiday Inn by the airport...... And some of us may also be interested in going on the brewery tour.... Some of us went to the Miller brewery last year and it was lots of fun, although I was underage and still am haha....
  14. This is so true
  15. Sweet!!!! I'm so fricken excited I can hardly stand it!!!!!!!! So yeah... I vote every time we see a Sioux fan, we just yell out "Hey, are you on SiouxSports?!"
  16. If you make it?? Oh you're making it!!!!!! You better be!!!! Yeah.... Let's all wear name tags?? How are we going to see those if we're not like 3 feet away from the person??
  17. Whoa, those flashing ice cubes are pretty sweet!!!! Ah man sweet, how about some of these: http://www.windycitynovelties.com/EPaysoft...1&CatID=372 Haha ok yeah on a more serious note.... How ARE we all going to identify SSers that we don't know???
  18. Man, you better get that figured out soon.... I really need to know!!! Thanks
  19. Sioux_Yeah_Yeah


    I have a group of college kids going (with a few tickets left that need a person with them) and I figured out the estimation to be about $400/person..... with tickets, gas, hotel, and food....
  20. Sioux_Yeah_Yeah


    Haha we may be young, but we somewhat have experience in going to these big tourneys Thanks for the website, that was way easier than what we were doing!!!
  21. Sioux_Yeah_Yeah


  22. Sioux_Yeah_Yeah


    I know there will probably a good turnout of students.... I know there's 8-10 in my group!!! We'll be driving down, leaving on Wednesday evening, maybe a little earlier.... Anyone who knows the area?? What hotels/restaurants/bars are near enough to the arena to walk?? Any info (especially on hotels) would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!!!
  23. I don't believe they are coming home tonight... I believe the airport is closed due to weather....
  24. I'm going to the airport!! What time do they come in?? PS. WiSioux, siouxforeverbaby, and I are making signs..... lol
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