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Everything posted by Sioux

  1. apparently und was going to make a pitch to patterson...o well.
  2. i think your thinking of his GAA
  3. that sounds like BS to me. cichy has twice as many assists(29) to goals(14). also, everybody in the ushl can bench 100. are you just making this stuff up?
  4. i dont know...you ask some of the "experts" around here(who have never seen him play), and they say hes not ready regardless.
  5. here is a radio link to the Vees vs. Kodiaks http://esportsdesk.com/leagues/todays_scor...p;link=DoyleCup in the first 0-0 just click on the speakers 2 edits: the stars game is over. they got shut out 0-5 apparently they got owned
  6. --Breakin face "A newbie who likes to make noise"
  7. i agree as well. i think people are way too down after the loss, and losing a couple of players. there are some very good players coming back, and you combine that with a class that will rival the 06 class, you have a stellar combination.
  8. toews was not a 1st rounder in 2006 DT will probably be a 1st rounder this summer. id be surprised if not.
  9. ill bet 1 million that und finishes top 5....strike that. why are you predicting how the wcha finishes next year? the season ended 2 days ago.
  10. are you serious!? thats good news. and hopefully he beat the crap out of the guy that hit him.
  11. i would say oshie, chorney, and finley are 100%. kozek is increasing the more i think about it. over 50% for sure, but very likely that ATL will want to get him in the mix. duncan is the only one i can see staying more than leaving.
  12. i think that winning a championship takes a lot. puck luck, chemistry(which i think never was this year), will to win, rediculous goaltending, etc. you can win with big teams, fast teams, offense, defense....its not just one setup. i dont think that this would be as big of a deal if we had not lost to bc this year.
  13. if kozek and duncan stay we will have zero firepower problems. if both go, we will still be good...people are too concerned with the oshie departure. the talent is rediculous for next year.
  14. i actually disagree with a number of the comments that Irish made. it would take too long to touch all. i have to disagree with your comment too. people will be surprised at how good next years team will be. i have no question with their talent, it is the character that i do not know. i agree with your first comment...the drinking was REALLY disappointing. makes me glad to lose oshie. if im not mistaken, all of the guys that have gotten into trouble with the police will be gone after this year. that is good.
  15. Hextall holding the Fred Page Cup. they swept nanaimo
  16. Chris Butler is gone for DU. that was obvious. it will be interesting if they can hold on to Rhak, Rueg, and Bozak for next year.
  17. i have to disagree. i think lammy flopped. from what i saw in the replay, he wasnt even touched.
  18. great post...i would like it if more people looked more realistically at these things. hopefully egfHOSEHOUND will read this and maybe not be such a moron.
  19. was it said like that?
  20. i think he will be 3 or even maybe a 4 year guy. according to HF, the oilers look at him as a long term project. i like your thinking on jones. definitely duncan if he stays...he is fantastic. and your previous post with the caps signing finley... sasha pokulok was a lot like finley and they signed him after his soph season. i think finley is gone for sure.
  21. chorney will still be gone. i think duncan and kozek are the best hopes to stay. on a similar note, i wonder if stoa will be back for UM? i would say yes, and that will be very good for them.
  22. can an ADMINISTRATOR close this thread??
  23. thanks for the links. i didnt think to look for the video because you usually have to pay. nice that they changed that for the F4. i like the way jerry york talks about und all the time. has nothing but respect. also, im not sure if im the only person who noticed this, but our guys seemed a lot more relaxed than they did last year. thats probably good...they were too hardcore about last year. i remember watching BC last year and thinking that they were not focused enough(their guys were really relaxed and in good humor). i think that the team learned a lot about the last few performances.
  24. i feel confident in saying that is going to be the best class in the country. every guy is high skill next year.
  25. this picture is awesome. duncan looks really focused.
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