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Everything posted by aleah

  1. I hope you get it resolved!...in the meantime: http://www.antistalking.com/victim.htm Back to the subject...prp tore his acl..he should be back in a couple of weeks....but has to have surgery at the end of the season.
  2. woohoo...me too.
  3. at least you had the guts to cheer in front of all those people!!!
  4. kudos to the Goalie!!...thats a lot of rubber to see in one night!
  5. I didn't laugh. That hurts! at least she didn't do it at a skating competition!!.....now that's embarassing. But I was only 9, so I could still use the "just a kid" card.
  6. I heard they skated for 2 hours with the bags on, yesterday......I'm sure that's the inspiration they need for the weekend!!
  7. thanks bob!
  8. Jealousy is the ultimate flattery...
  9. I didn't know that cheerleaders had to maintain a GPA like the other athletes...interesting. I hope they get a credit each semester for that. Or maybe that has changed too since I went to school! Good job last night ladies!
  10. aleah

    Tim Iversen

    I just wanted to post a topic here because tonight I saw Tim Iversen. He is a LONG time, LIFE time Sioux fan (any sport) who is known by many! The summer of 06, he had a freak/tragic accident where he dove off a dock and basically shattered his neck....the MPLS docs didn't give him a chance to live. Tonight he was at the game in a wheelchair BUT..he is able to move from his upper arms up. It was his first time in GF since the accident!....he had a crew with him taking pictures with everyone he knew. When I got a chance to say hi, he said it didn't matter what the score was, it was a the BEST GIFT for him to be back at the Ralph, something he never thought he would see again!!!....He spoke of what a privilage it is to WATCH a hockey game IN PERSON at the ralph and how much he wanted to jump up and clap when the SIOUX scored!......makes you think of how much we take for granted!!!!...so, in honor of Tim Iversen, I will ALWAYS ... jump up out of my seat and scream as loud as possible when the boys knock one home..........Congrats Tim, you've come a LONG Way!
  11. don't sell yourself short.....I'd kill for that. really.
  12. I just stick out my chin and grin and say.........oh........the sun will come out in Denver...but ya gotta hang on till Denver!!...come what may....
  14. as a goaltender....more past then present....there was no need to even go down on that shot. Standing up your chances are MUCH better to stop a bouncing puck like that.....don't get me wrong, I think JPL has done great, but I do agree that JPL maybe should take a break. Hey, at least it wasn't from ACROSS the ICE say 170+ feet!!
  15. I heard from Big Osh...you are correct!
  16. You're probably right. I just saw the games against weak teams where she skated most of the game with the puck on her stick. I just thought she could have passed more often in that type of situation. And I also based my opinion of her based on my sister, who played against her.....for someone who is very shy, apparently she liked to chirp (on the ice that is). So I guess my overall opinion of her isn't favorable..but it is just my opinion. Good Luck to her at BSU, I hope she represents Crox well. I also know the coach (Moe). I am impressed with what he's done for the program.....I bet the girls could beat the boys team!
  17. Game is Sold Out!! let's hope for a LOUD CROWD!!!!
  18. So T- minus 2 hours until game time!!!!! I didn't see a game thread for tonight, so I figured I would start one! Game is on FSSN (i believe) and webcast for members (who pay) Thanks to everyone in advance for giving the game updates....they mean a lot when you can't watch!!! Good Luck tonight boys!!!! and GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!!!
  19. Hey thanks for being a great SIoux fan and cheering when you're in the dreaded Gopher Country!!! enjoy senser's...you'll like it and be surrounded by at least a few other Sioux fans! GO SIOUX!!
  20. He's awesome!......watched him in high school. I think he would have been an impact player for the Sioux.....glad he found a place he's happy!
  21. that ice is pretty cut up during a series anyways! I'm pretty sure a few jumps isn't going to warrant an issue of not going on the ice. At least I'd hope not....pretty poor reason...... Holly P is my fav cheerleader!
  22. what he said!
  23. last time I ordered, there was a piece of glass in my marinara sauce..... maybe it was just karma!!
  24. haha.....Cheers!
  25. You Too!!
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