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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. http://www.areavoices.com/bisonmedia/?blog=19941

    We're trying to get a game @ Wisconsin.

    If you'd like an example of wag the dog BS from an administrator look no further than this. As many as three different schools would have to re-arrange their schedules to get the dates for an NDSU- Wisconsin football game to line up. Gene's just setting up an excuse to tell the Bi-son faithful when he brings in Concordia St. Paul or Arkansas- Monticello for their final non-conference game next year.

  2. You can't be stupid enough to believe you can come to this site and take that kind of cheap shot at the Englestad family. If some farmer (lol) offered to build you tools a new arena in Fargo for $100 million dollars, you'd take the offer in a minute. For the 1 millionth time, THERE ARE NO STRINGS ATTACHED TO THE BUILDINGS HERE AT UND. This why Bisonville exists. Go take your stupid ass cheap shots over there where you'll be appreciated. ???

    It'll take a lot of cow college grads selling their prize pigs to raise that kind of money, so I wouldn't hold my breath for that to happen.

  3. Maybe if you talk about the road schedule but the HOME schedule is PITIFUL!

    Texas AM Kingsville, a bad D2 team, is arguably the worst team on the home schedule but there are some pretty bad teams. How about winless Southern Utah? How about the St Cloud State out of the NSIC? THey

    were 1-7 in the NCC last year. The only game that will be competitive is South Dakota.

    I tell you this.... I don't miss the schedule during the transition becaue we had some horrible games too. Crookston does have an opening... tempting huh?

    OK Gabe Ruth, We're in year one of the transition and we have tough time getting home games. That's a viable excuse. You really shouldn't throw stones considering the two turds the Bi-son scheduled for the nonconference games. Austin Peay and Central Connecticut are pretty much crap and you'll more like than not add another turd because Bohl and Taylor aren't interested in scheduling any non-conference games that they might lose.

  4. My thoughts exactly.

    I think their needs to be some pressure within the state by UND grads to have Hoeven remove Paulsen from the higher education board. He obviously isn't doing his job if he insists on being Chapman's lacky and should probably be forced to remove himself in from any decisions involving UND given his past allegiances. It's disappointing to see that he's put himself at the forefront of the nickname decision as he obviously doesn't have UND's or the state's best interest at heart.

  5. WOW I'm so impressed. (All universities can list a set of accomplishments) The fact that you had to actually do it, well I won't go there. Just one question ricky - If everything is so wonderfull why has your enrollment been declining for the last few years?

    I'd be interested in seeing a similar list of accomplishments from NDSU. I bet it would be a much more difficult list to put together.

  6. I agree. Women's hockey right now is in its infancy stages, just like Womens Basketball in the day. Now look. Who would have thought it might have outdrawn the men back in the day? Now we have Womens Pro Basketball.

    I only see Womens Hockey as a potential to grow. More HS programs are adding womens hockey teams, so that is good.

    Yes, and Women's Pro Basketball doesn't make money either. I'm going on the record and saying that Women's Hockey will never, ever make money anywhere. Let alone UND.

  7. has women's hockey attendance been increasing nationally (don't know)

    you think a 12000 seat facility is great for a team which averages 298 fans a game, in a sport where only two teams average 800+?


    there is a reason the Minnesota women play in a smaller arena and Wisco is looking to build a smaller women's arena

    Does the betty have ice capabilities- would be perfect size for women's hockey

    In my opinion women's hockey is another Title IX poison pill that will kill the sport of collegiate hockey at a lot of small to mid-size universities. It doesn't draw well anywhere and has incredible costs. It's not worth starting if you can avoid it and only schools who are seriously committed to college hockey will add it.

  8. Put me in the category of being strongly against adding lacrosse at UND. Adding the sport would be super expensive due to travel and this only gets worse if we have to pay for games and practice time at the Alerus Center. Baseball may not draw much but I'm unconvinced that lacrosse would draw much better. High costs and low revenues make lacrosse look a lot like our womens' hockey program that's already a cash drain. Keep the baseball program, it's a sport people actually care about and plus has tons of alumni who will donate money during the D-I move.

  9. In 2008 it looks more like a scheduling allliance seeing that UND may not play Cal Poly and USD will not play UC Davis. In 2009 it will be a conference when all teams will play each other. The players get to play for a championship, All-Conference teams, player of the week ect.... This is important for both UND and USD because they can not make the playoffs for a few years.

    I am hoping that a few more teams will join the GWFC in the next few years. The other USD, the University of San Diego, is a leading canidate to join and there has been two other teams that have inquired. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

    Who are the other two teams that have inquired as to membership? Are they both West Coast schools? Just curious because you probably have some better sources of info out in California than we have here.

  10. I agree entirely Walrus. In my opinion a lot of the other sports have taken the shaft since REA got put in charge of marketing. The marketing for football is pathetic and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that the REA would not be inclined to market an event at the Alerus Center. I think this can best be illustrated by the UND - Delta State football game a few years back. It was a matchup between two top ten DII teams (at the time) and we couldn't even put together a radio advertising campaign let alone anything for television. Instead we got billboards and television ads for the World Juniors Hockey tournament, an REA event. The REA management has consistently proven that the interests of the REA will come before that of UND and our new leadership will have to draw a much harder line with them in order to right a lot of things in the athletic department.

  11. I think what this story brings to light is how different the GFPD treats students compared to the general population. I highly doubt that your average citizen would have received a citation under these circumstances. Until GF realizes that having one set of rules for students and another set of rules for everyone else is wrong they will continue to see UND students opt for elsewhere after graduation.

  12. Would Greg Lotysz (sp?), have any interest in becoming more than a volunteer coach?

    I believe if he takes a paid position it will interfere with his NFL pension so I don't think this would be an option for him, but I'm sure he'd love to take a more active role.

  13. I think this just goes to show that we need to bump our football coaches pay to at least the $150,000 range for the head guy and the $80,000 range for assistants. How can we expect to keep good people around if we pay them some of the worst salaries at our level? I know this would upset the supposed salary heirarchy at UND, but it needs to be done because apparently football coaches are in lot higher demand than hockey coaches nationwide and if we're serious about this move then we had better start paying our people what they are worth.

  14. I wish UND would have expanded their search like NDSU did. I think UND screwed up by hiring Mussman so soon. Maybe he is the right guy for the job but it wouldn't have hurt to bring in few other candidates.

    What exactly were you hoping for with an outside search? You would have gotten applicants from small-time DII- NAIA programs (Winona State, University of Sioux Falls) and guys who got their ass canned at I-A schools. Plus, you would have pissed away an entire recruiting class and probably disrupted the program so much that guys would have started transferring. We were 11-2 last season. If it isn't broke then you don't have to fix it. You conduct a head coaching search a lot differently with a successful program than you do at a losing one.

  15. Why do you go out of your way to capitalize every school except NDSU?

    Are you that bitter?

    No bitterness here. Just giving some NDSU (happy now?) fans a taste of their own medicine. I probably wouldn't do it if your school didn't have some of the most classless message board fans around, so if you have a problem with it maybe you should go to bi-sonville and start handing out reprimands. If not then I suggest you grow some thicker skin.

  16. If I could give you rep points for your post I would

    In a few years the SIU job won't be on the same level as the UND job. The talent level between the two programs is pretty much a wash, we currently have better facilities and will have better facilities in the future after both schools complete their facility upgrades, and fan interest and attendance is pretty much equal. The only difference is coaching salary and the potential for playoffs in the next four years. Time will take care of these two. Let's get SIU on the schedule and make Lennon regret his decision.

  17. Disorderly conduct is a blanket charge that police hand out nowadays. Anytime anything happens where drinking is involved the police hand it out whether it's deserved or not. A lot of times the charges don't stick when people contest them. Don't jump to conclusions folks this could be another example of the GFPD squeezing some more dimes out of another UND student for the city coffers.

  18. So Sioux fans, did UND offer Horner from South? How about Bourne-McFarland, a receiver from Bloomington or Reid the linebacker from Milwaukee? Or is it if NDSU got him UND didn't want him? I hear that more from UND fans than NDSU fans.

    Honestly, what are you hoping to prove here? It doesn't really matter all that much whether UND recruited those players or not. Both schools recruit guys who fit well intheir system. There are good players on ndsu's roster who wouldn't have fit at UND so UND didn't recruit them. Likewise there are players at UND who wouldn't fit well in ndsu's system so ndsu didn't recruit them. Other than the top level blue- chip guys who sign at Ohio State, USC, and schools of that caliber everybody else is just trying to find talented players who fit into their system. It's an in-exact science. Arguing that you have a stronger recruiting class simply because you may or may not have recruited some of the players the another team signed is not only pointless but pretty damn stupid. Most of these kids are a year away from even seeing the field and you can bet that at least one of your superstar signings will be a total flameout and that some other kid who walks on will become a valued contributor so it would appear that high school success isn't always an indicator of success at the next level.

  19. A lot of offers are generally made on a recruit's official visit. If a kid chooses to forego a visit to a school because he's already accepted an offer elsewhere there is porbably a pretty good chance he hasn't been offered by that school as they haven't had the opportunity to have done so. It doesn't mean they were any less interested.

  20. I wonder who will win the Will Jackson sweepstakes. According to that website, he has offers from both ND schools. Should be very interesting.

    Has anyone heard any more on this? A poster on bisonsports.net says he's verballed to UND, but didn't give a link. Anyone have the inside scoop?

  21. As far as I'm concerned, before UND hires Mussman or anyone else with ties to the program, they have to look at outside options. NDSU's success since the D-IAA move has been a result of hiring an outsider with recruiting contacts outside of ND and MN. While I hope UND continues to recruit in the area, it also needs to realize that to be successful, it has to have a recruiting presence outside of the region.

    The two best Bison players from last year's team were both from Illinois, the kind of players I don't think the current crop of Sioux coaches can land. As much as I respected Dale Lennon, I saw this as a concern before I knew he was leaving, and feel that UND has to at least consider other options at this point.

    To give credit where credit is due, those two players were recruited by Babich not by Bohl. So for your above analysis to be true you'd have to consider Bob Babich an outsider with established recruiting contacts outside the traditional recruiting area. Given he'd been at NDSU a number of years prior to signing these players and none of his previous recruiting classes had IL players, I'd say your theory doesn't hold much water.

  22. ;)

    Fine, I guess if you feel that guys who have sacrificed their time, their energy, and their bodies for Coach Lennon deserved to hear about his departure from co-workers, newspapers, and internet message boards then I guess their isn't any real point in me debating with you about this. We obviously will never agree.

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