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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Actually, it isn't HIPPA in academics. FERPA is what you are referring to.(minor details)

    Watch any movie like "Blue Chips" or "The Program", and I believe it is a pretty accurate representation of bigtime college athletes on campus. You will have exceptions who are here to learn AND play hockey/football, etc. For the most part, these kids are here to play sports, get "the ladies" and have fun...I wish I was wrong on this, but I believe that is the general truth. (I'm not trying to generalize here, as there are exceptions to this) I spent a good number of years on campus and out socially back in the day, I know what Sioux Yeah Yeah is talking about. Again, this is my personal opinion.

    You have obviously never participated in college athletics. Those movies are terrible exaggerations and actually pretty piss poor all around movies. Those movies are as representative of college athletics as the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" is about sea travel.

  2. were we not up for voting? or are we really not gonna be in the top 50 teams next year

    This is a poll put together by fans who post often enough of the anygivensaturday.com website. Most haven't probably heard too much about us since we're new to Division I. I'd say give us one or two seasons and we should start appearing regularly in these things.

  3. I really wonder who fans that say they will stay home and not support the teams during the transition think they are punishing. Is it the players? the coaches? the Administration? You're only really hurting our teams with that attitude.

  4. And I disagree. Funding equity was supposed to be a priority(1 of 4) since the Educational Roundtable was created at the beginning of the decade. Unfortunately, the only change in the matter was backwards. The initial plan was for 20% of any new monies to be allocated to equity and the remaining 80% to parity. The problem was there were no new monies. In fact, budgets decreased, which made the situation worse. The few attempts that were made to fix the problem were all opposed by Kupchella. At first, all attempts were made within the system. After 5+ years of no progress, some campus leaders(including Chapman) went outside the system for help. Agree or disagree with the methods, the problem did, and does, exist. Due to the large state surplus, there is finally enough money available to go a long way toward solving the equity problem. If Kelley were to oppose such an initiative, it would show that the cold war between the two campuses will continue. Supporting such an initiative can't be considered extortion if it's actually the right thing to do. Heck, UND would benefit from improved equity funding(percentage-wise, NDSU would benefit more, but UND might get more actual money). I know a few posters here think Chapman=evil, but the decline of relations began in 2003 and 2004 with the actions of Kupchella(two years before the Potts/Chapman firestorm).

    As for the doctorates, that's really a guess on my part. I think NDSU has a goal of 20% graduate students. At the moment, the number is 14.2%. Clearly there's work to be done, and new graduate degrees will probably be a big part of it.

    Seriously this a great use of revisionist history. Chapman has always been the president who couldn't work with the other university presidents. He was singled out as a cancer by both Dunn and Potts and there aren't a lot of kind words to be said about him in certain circles. Chapman's idea of cooperation is subordination to his agenda and I hope Kelley tells him where to stick it at the next legislative session. The political pressure to renew the rivalry will be too strong for Chapman to stand in a few years anyway so it's only a matter of time before the rivalry is renewed. In the meantime UND should just focus on doing what's best for UND and let the arrogant leaders at NDSU commit career suicide by standing in the way of future Sioux-Bison games.

  5. Speaking of using logic... where did I say that NDSU would beat Mizzou? And no UND would not beat SIU. They would win by at least 4 td's.

    Since we're into making bold predictions based on little or no actual knowledge I predict the Bi-son will finish the season 5-6 and will get their ass handed to them by both Southern Illinois and Northern Iowa.

  6. Hmmmm . . . that's the same paper championship that you will be playing for over the next 5+ years. That's got to suck.

    Yeah the transition does suck, but I'd hope our program would have a little more pride than buying phony rings and pretending we won a make believe championship.

  7. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, but I guess it's a Sue board. OK, I normally don't do that, it's Sioux, but come on dlsiouxfan, that's pretty weak. Cow college, good one. Please tell us about doing things the right way? Would it be calling a press conference, talking about the evils of DI and that UND has no interest in it. What confernce are you in? I thought going it alone was insane. What changed DL? Good luck to Mr. Faison, really, I mean it and to UND on a successful transition.

    Taylor called a press conference and slandered the academic records of thousands of UND student-athletes. To my knowledge there has never been a comparable statement made by anyone in the UND administration. Even during the Hager years when a Bi-son football player with a diploma was harder to find than a needle in a haystack. Say what you will about UND's administration, but when you call in to question a group's academic performance as a piss-poor excuse for your own lack of courage then you've reached a whole new level of douschebaggery.

  8. :D

    Yea, But I heard the "TEAMMAKERS" bought them championship rings for their "CHAMPIONSHIP" season..... :silly:

    That's a bold move considering they weren't even conference champions. Were they made of paper for the "paper champions"?

  9. UND athletic director has D-I historyFaison extends his hand and gets...Whatcha been smoking there, Gene? :silly:

    And so continues the endless excuses from the Bi-Son. Taylor's lack of courage and character will be his downfall regarding this. UND needs to continue to do things the right way and focus on the transition. Let the classless losers at the cow college continue their pissing and moaning until their no longer relevant.

  10. I don't believe hockey experience, or lack there of, is a major player in the search for UND's new AD. College athletics, in my experience and opinion, does not change that much from football to basketball to volleyball to hockey. Sure the sports couldn't be more different but the management and administration of the programs are the same.

    That being said, not all programs get the same attention from administration, nor should they. I think UND administration should pay more attention to their "non-revenue" sports but the fact remains the hockeys, basketballs and football will receive the majority of the attention.

    A good AD would understand all of this as it is common sense within college athletics.

    Limiting the search to applicants who have experience with NCAA hockey would limit the field to candidates from only about 50 some schools, the majority of which would come from University's that have nothing in common with UND or Division I institutions.

  11. Ironic that a Bison fan would be questioning the integrity or study habits of UND hockey players with the Bison's rich tradition such as: the family tradition of running a theft ring and stealing merchandise from department stores (Dick family), running kids down with vehicles and then leaving the scene (Simdorn) or attempting to threaten police if they arrest players (Rocky Hager). But hey, who is judging? At least many UND hockey players will play professionally while NDSU players will dream of a short stint in the Arena Football League.

    Well I guess they did have Lamar Gordon who went on to a professional career after getting doped up and arrested for kicking in windows at Moorhead State BEFORE one of the most important games of his Bi-son career. A game the mighty Bi-son went on to lose effectively putting an end to the playoff hopes of probably one of their best teams ever.

  12. #1. I can't believe I'm still reading this trainwreck of a thread.

    #2. Every time I think Mpls can't come up with an idea dumber than he has in the past, he goes and proves me wrong again. <sigh> You'd think I'd learn.

    The reason research parks associated with universities work as well as they do is because of the cheap source of labor called graduate students. You close down UND's engineering departments and the EERC and R&T Park will disappear soon after. Since both schools have invested heavily in their research parks, neither will be backing off their engineering programs one little bit. The whole idea of eliminating "duplicate" programs is one that sounds good after a few drinks and it works when sketched out on a cocktail napkin. The problem is it falls apart in the cold light of day when everyone's sobered up. In current times, engineering and business are programs that almost all general purpose universities our size have. Sure, there are hyper-specialized colleges above 10,000 students that don't have one or both of those programs, but neither NDSU nor UND falls into that category.

    Here are a couple more thoughts. While UND's business program is justifiably good, NDSU would not be having such success if UND was fulfilling the area's demand. In fact, in almost every case of "duplication", both schools' programs are healthy. In these cases, the primary school is either unwilling or unable to meet student demand. It may be that one college feels their program is too expensive to expand, or that adding more students would degrade the quality of the degree. Whatever the case, if there are qualified students that want to study a particular field but can't due to size constraints, then a state university has no cause to complain when another university begins to offer the same major.

    I know that supporters of both universities believe their side can do no wrong, but I hope UND supporters can please see some of the things Kupchella did early on that soured the relationship. The DI move had little to do with it; that came later. Around 2000, NDSU was already approaching UND's total enrollment, yet was getting much less money from the state(even considering the money given to UND's med school). Every time Chapman tried for a more equal share, there was Kupchella blocking the path. If that wasn't enough, almost every time NDSU wanted to add a program, guess who fought it? Athletics are luxury item for a university; money and academic programs are the lifeblood. Or to use a more visual metaphor, the money issue was a noose around NDSU's neck, the academic programs a knife in our crotch. By comparison, opposition to our DI move was a hangnail; though it was far more important to our fanbase. It's no wonder that things turned into a cold war between the universities.

    Will things improve with Kelley as president? I'm hopeful. I'm on record(other site) saying that, if Kelley helps hammer out a plan that addresses funding equity in a fair manner during the next budgeting session, things will improve markedly. If he fights it every step of the way, we're looking at another six weeks of winter, so to speak. I would love for things to improve, but it's my feeling the ball's in Kelley's hands.

    Well, enough rambling. It's taken forever to write this since I've been watching multiple basketball games while writing it. Bison/Bunny women's game in two hours and #1 vs #2 in three. Any chance this thread can get back to radio and take the dunce cap off?

    In all seriousness if NDSU was truly for competition between the two universities Chapman would never have thrown the temper tantrum he did over the UND Fargo campus and he wouldn't constantly piss and moan about UND's advertising in Fargo. He doesn't want competition, he wants UND supporters to roll over so NDSU can get everything they want. What exactly was Kupchella supposed to do when NDSU was trying to take money from UND? Why should UND have had to sacrifice money that could be used to maintain some of the strongest programs academic programs in the Midwest so NDSU can start up mediocre duplications of those programs? The animosity won't end until that scumbag Chapman and his lackey's finally get kicked to the curb by a governor or state board that won't tolerate his unethical and illegal behavior.

  13. They can and should, but Clifford and Loftsgard are no longer the presidents. There is no leadership from the Governor's office. He will do whatever it takes to advance his own and his party's welfare. (no I am not a Democrat or even close).

    We now compete with each other for not only the engineering students, but nursing students and business students. It doesn't need to be a cut throat competition. NDSU has done a number of very good things and improved not only the public perception of the school and their mission but has improved the quality of a number of their programs. Those kids who look at those programs are the same kids UND is trying to attract.

    The sad part is that NDSU shouldn't even be competing with us for students in the areas of business and nursing. Our programs are far superior here at UND, but we're so poor at advertising and selling the strength of these programs that NDSU just says they're better or just as good and a lot kids who don't do the research believe it. I for one am looking forward to our change of leadership and wish Kelley would start tomorrow instead of July 1st. Kupchella has more or less been retired for two years now and our school has suffered because of it. We need to start marketing ourselves and fighting for the institution of UND, because the likes of Chapman and Paulsen view the competition between the schools as a zero sum game and will go out of their way to harm UND even if it means hurting the state of ND as a whole.

  14. UND students are affected by the decisions of local leaders almost every day. It's more than just property and sales taxes. It wasn't too long ago that a large number of UND students were excluded from available housing due to a zoning decision by the Grand Forks City council. Many live in GF year round and determining their residence based upon their driver's license is pretty arbitrary.

    Regarding this issue and others, there needs to be a change in attitude by many GF residents. GF should be looking for ways to make their community more attractive to the students who attend UND in the hopes that some may choose to stay there after graduation. In order to do this GF leaders and citizens need to reconsider how they treat students. Local leaders and citizens always talk about how they want young people to move to the city to build families and start careers, yet when they have thousands of young people living in GF they treat them like second class citizens. It shouldn't take much to figure out that every student you screw over when it comes to housing, wages, party fines, towing, etc. will be another student who jumps at the first ticket to Fargo or Minneapolis when they finish their degree.

  15. If it's any consolation this schedule was almost finished a few months ago. Two schools backed out of games with us (Butler, San Diego) both of which were going to be in the Alerus center and the Cal-Poly game was voided by the Commissioner.

  16. To get this thread back on topic. Is anyone else worried about the state of our 2008 schedule. It's looking like our home schedule is going to be:

    Texas A&M Kingsville

    South Dakota

    St. Cloud

    Southern Utah

    If we lose the rumored St. Cloud game it could get interesting. I know that it is a scary thought but is there any chance that we end up with an NAIA on the schedule?

    Honestly, it really would not be the end of the world if we were only able to schedule 4 or 5 home games next season. It's the toughest year of scheduling and hopefully we can arrange some home and homes for the following year. Plus having only a few home games would stir up demand for tickets as fans would only have a few times to come out and see the team play. As a fan you have to understand that the schedule will only get better, if we have few lackluster opponents this season then that is the price we will have to pay to have better schedules in the future. If we're still scheduling crap at the end of our transition (see NDSU's non- conference opponents) then we should be concerned.

  17. Ok, I am not the official on this offer, but the fact is, und needs the cash on this way more than we do.

    Would you care to enlighten us as to how UND needs the cash from a Sioux- bison game more than NDAC does? A lot of bi-son fans keep saying this but none can ever seem to state any facts that back this statement up. It would appear NDAC needs some cash of their own unless they hope to continue having the citizens of Fargo finance their facilities for them.

  18. Looks like Lennon could have some difficulties if he ever hopes to leave SIU in the same manner as he left UND. Over on SalukiTalk, the SIU message board, their is a long discussion on how the SIU athletic department is suing Jerry Kill, their recently departed coach, for a $58,000 signing bonus they had paid him. Pretty bush league move on SIU's part since $58,000 isn't enough to make a lawsuit worthwhile as the attorneys' fees will exceed that much pretty quickly. Maybe it isn't such greener pastures after all.

  19. I disagree with your post. The Bison are doing the right thing by scheduling two turds for nonconference games, which by the way are still FCS opponents. Don't you know that the Bison's conference schedule includes 5 teams that were ranked and the Gateway is without question the best FSC conference around.

    Hey that's fine if you're scheduling turds. Just don't come here and tell us their not when it's game time. Add those two along with your game against Indiana State and that means you have three games and possibly a fourth yet to be named against some of the worst teams in FCS football. "Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime" (Disclaimer: except against UND and in the Alerus Center or the Fargodome for that matter) is your advertising slogan so I guess you'll play any turd you can find so your win-loss record looks decent after you get through your other 5 games against real teams.

  20. What?? too harsh?? come on, you guys are so lame on discipline. Bina, Oshie and Towes(?) should have had 2 games out last yr. for the minor in a bar incident. Now Hextall (i know, hakstol) finally gets whats due. No one flips a ref off anywhere without consequences. In Fargo, where everyone wants to live, SU benched Jake Morris 2 games for stealin a sweater from Penneys, and benched Gordon for kickin in a window at a keg party at Moorhead State and should have done a better job when Rocky let those 2 guys off (Reggie Scott?) for the snowball fight with the campus cops. This is lame treatment for your nukker coach as he still gets full pay. The only thing you gotta worry about its that Eades loves this cause he wants the job so bad, he can taste it. Yea baby, go pea in an elevator and try get out of that, even if the power goes out. Ha, Ha, Ha.

    He only flipped off an official, it's not like he knocked up a cheerleader or anything like that.

  21. Will someone please get that joker proudsioux off our board? do you gusy know who I am talking about? I know dagies does.

    Hey sorry, we can't help with that. Lennon chose to burn a lot of bridges when he left here and ProudSioux's harassment of your fan board is a repercussion of that. Most of us have constrained our criticism of him to this board and for the most part have maintained our sobriety. That being said SIU has definitely moved into the number two spot on my least favorite FCS football teams list. Here's hoping you go 1-10 next year with your 1 win coming in the Fargodome against Bi-Son.

  22. I knew it! ;):sad::huh:

    There's some heavy lifting to be done (in FB, in BB) right now, you bet, but the groups that wanted the DI move need to be putting a shoulder to it right now (and not worry about hockey being DI already). You don't build up by tearing something else down.

    Tell that to the hockey people. There are those within the athletic department and who will do whatever it takes to keep hockey in it's number one spot, even if that means going out of their way to hold down other sports. Promised money and other resources gets diverted from other sports to hockey all of the time. The idea that O'Keefe would work behind the scenes to squash a Bruce Smith presidency isn't all that unrealistic.

  23. Like I said .... integrity. :angry:

    You'll get no disagreements from me regarding those thoughts. My point is more along the line that we should hold a grown man who has been known for espousing the values of integrity and honesty to a higher standard than an 18 year old kid.

  24. These are still HS kids. Until signing date they have a right to change their mind. If they verbal it is up to the staff to keep on top of the recruits to try and prevent this. It sometimes happens anyway. That is life.

    I don't think many people on here are that disappointed in the recruit backing out on the verbal. Myself and probably many others are more disappointed in Lennon continuing the recruiting process after Cavil had committed to UND. It's a really a knife in the back to Mussman and the UND staff and Lennon deserves a lot of criticism for it.

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