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Everything posted by MeanEgirl
You're funny! I like you!
Injuries is the biggest problem for the season, to be honest. When I tell most people that, they roll their eyes and I want to punch them. But seriously, there have been a few games this season where we didn't even have enough healthy skaters to dress a full roster. There have been about four surgeries, one stroke (yes, I said STROKE), and a plethora of pretty much any other bodily injuries that you could think of - wrists, shoulders, backs, groins, legs, ankles... etc. While talking to Coach Russell, he told me that he has NEVER in his fifteen years of coaching seen ANYTHING quite like this. Whistler, I firmly believe my team would be sitting at 6th place right now if we hadn't gotten screwed with injuries like we did. Oh well though. This one's almost done and we'll get a new start next October. Next season for Tech WILL BE BETTER. Brett Olson and Jordan Baker will be leading the way for this team... leading them right out of the basement.
The misery is almost over...
On our way!! Red Pepper, here we come!!
POUND the Beavers! ??? Remember what happened a couple of years ago after the Sioux lost to Michigan Tech in December? They went on a farking rampage taking out every team they went up against. After the Sioux lost to that piece of !@#$ MSU team and the slightly better MTU team, I think their eyes are open now and they're ready to rock. I was ticked off enough when the Sioux didn't beat MSUcks. Enough is enough. It's time for the Sioux to start beating crappy teams... and it can start THIS weekend. God, I hate the Beavers so much. On a side note, who's the genius updating the standings on the SiouxSports front page? I looked at that and thought, "WOAH! When did Tech get SIX points instead of the four I was sure they had?" Yeah um... Dear SS Standing Updater Person: GLI games are non-conference. As much as I would love for Tech to have those two points, I'm going to have to decline them. ... Sorry if someone already pointed this out.
Section 112 Row 15 Seats 9-11
We got pulled over in Minny somewhere. We weren't really going that fast. Bleh, we were pulled over about 100 yards from a 60 MPH sign. He clocked us going "57 in a 45" I guess. Psh. There wasn't any cops in Wisco, I guess. And with Tes... yeah um.. he's outta here. He's gone. We'll miss him in net, but Mr. Nolan is more than capable of filling his shoes. Hell, it was Robby that was in net both nights when we swept the Sioux a couple'a years back.
Just wanted to pop back in here and tell the Sioux fans good series. Ok, so Friday sucked, but Saturday and Sunday were both pretty good. "Eleven" SOG for the Huskies on Sunday though? Ouch. Luckily, Tech doesn't go to Grand Forks next season during the regular season... YAY! ... Probably will be there for playoffs though... BOO! As for me, I'm glad to be home now. I left shortly after the game and drove back some 9 hours to Houghton. We got back around 9 AM EST. Only got pulled over once.... but no tickets. As many of you probably heard, this is Teslak's last season with Tech as a junior. He will/should soon be signing with the Flyers. I'm sure you Sioux fans will all miss him so. See many of you at the Final Five. I'm bringing my Sioux jersey along. Btw, Sioux-cia, great meeting you on Friday! ======= EDIT: Oh yeah, and will you old foags quit beating your chests about who donated more money and who has been going to Sioux games for longer? Sioux Yeah Yeah is just a passionate Sioux fan. Don't take everything she says SO LITERALLY. Instead of criticizing her, maybe try admiring her passion. I agree that standing student sections are louder and more energetic than student sections that do not stand. I've been leading the Tech student section for 3 years now. They've gone a long way. Coach Russell has been fighting to make sure that we are able to continue standing because of the great atmosphere that we bring the John MacInnes Student Ice Arena. I really wish I could've seen the atmosphere at the Old Ralph. I've heard so much great stuff about it. It really is too bad that the students are being held back too much by UND at the REA. That place could be pretty scary if they were allowed to stand and be as loud as they wanted.
Oy... we may be in trouble tonight...
You win this thread... ---- Tomorrow should be interesting....
1) It's Ugly Betty. 2) I left the glasses at home. I'll bring them next time I come to Grand Forks. 3) My hat is sexy and you're just jealous. 4) I've taken this long trip at least 5 times to see beat downs... although they actually one a pair a couple of years ago... 5) It's no longer "Sioux play like Pioux"... but now "We (MTU) play like pee" ... but since I don't want to make a new sign, I'll just have use the existing Sioux play like Pioux sign. The Sioux are my post-season team. Quirky is right!
How would I beat this Sioux team? Something along these lines...
Sigh. Why can't my team stay out of Grand Forks? I'm so sick of this place. Sioux play like Pioux, etc, etc. Kinrade gets two goals this weekend.
Congrats, Siouxzies, on your first sweep of the season. I figured it would be against Tech. The Sioux played and looked good on the ice tonight. They were really physical and defensively: awesome. As a Tech fan, I was getting a pretty frustrated that the Sioux were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. Again. And my team... oy. These are two of the worst games I've seen from them this season. I swear they looked better in the 6-0 Sioux victory at home earlier this season. This past weekend, they just looked so lost. Ah well. Our season's over. Fire Russell. Etc, etc. Since the weekend's over, I can go back to being a quasi-Sioux fan. Oh goodie. Good luck the rest of the way, guys.
Do you remember a fellow by the name of Ryan Hale?
Wow... Osh lost his A, eh? Bummer. I think Greener should've been kicked off the team for his DUI. But that's only because I don't like him. And someone brings up John Scott in 3...2...
Ha! If you want an autograph from Mr. Hockey, you need to buy his book. He came to Tech a few years back for pro hockey's centennial (it was born in Houghton, biotch ) and he refused to sign autographs for people who didn't buy his book. My housemate is still pissed about that. Who knows though... maybe he's changed his ways... Either way, good luck.
I think Ben is doing much better now. He went home several weeks ago and I haven't heard really much of anything since then. I think it's just been an upward climb since the UW series (which was right after the MTU-UND split at Tech). I'm really thinking no news is good news here. It was definitely an emotional thing for the team and clearly for Coach Russell. Brianvf: I hope you don't hurt me anymore. I WILL be at the F5 and the F4...
No... it was Nolan in net for the 6-0 Sioux victory. BUTTTTT... like I said... Nolan is now back to his old self... and if you recall, his old self in the Sioux-sweepin' type. And brianvf: How many times are you going to have to break my heart before I can't take anymore?
Ok... so if Sioux fans can say that after one 6-2 beating of the lame WCHA Huskies that it's a turning point in their season, I can probably say that after FOUR games, the real Robby Nolan is back. In the last four games, Robby has a save% of .959. And... if you're so excited to see him in net this weekend, take a stroll back down memory lane and try to recall who was in net for both games at UND last year. Personally, I'd probably be alright with either of my goaltenders taking on the job this weekend. As of this morning, Coach Russell still isn't sure who will be in net this weekend or if it will be split. It's still a little too early to know about the status of MLT. Brianvf: You better be there this weekend...
Personally, I'm hoping for a repeat of last year's MTU @ UND series. We sweep you guys and then you guys go on to win almost all of your remaining games this season. Doesn't that sound like a good deal? Does to me! I think the Sioux team and fans owe a lot to Michigan Tech for last season... although, we should've beaten you guys a little worse so maybe you guys could've beat BC, since they couldn't get the freakin' job done against stupid MSU... I can definitely see a split happening though. Usually, Tech doesn't like winning on Saturdays, so they normally don't... but we'll see how it goes, I guess. I can only hope that your GFH writer says something really mean about Michigan Tech again... so Coach Russell can highlight it, clip it out of the newspaper and hang it in the locker room. luapsided: I'll be back again this year with my signs, so if you still feel the need to slap me, I'll be in the same place. You're more than welcome to. Looking forward to this series, for sure. With each series getting nearer to the end of the season, the importance gets higher and higher... So this is definitely a big series for both teams. I hope you guys lose though... and HARD! We need it more than you do!
Nice win by the Sioux today. Even though you buttheads took over the #4 spot in the WCHA currently, it's always good to see the Gophers lose.
Not sure what that has to do with anything... I'm not jealous of a bunch of girls that can annoy 11,000 people at once. I'm actually fairly good at it myself... My annoyingness doesn't involve skirts that are too short or ear piercing squeaky voices... just some fun creativity. Oh and hey.... Tell Teej that the girl-who-offered-him-pacifiers-and-said-that-he-was-very-cute-while-he-was-in-the-penalty-box-at-Tech says hi.
I have mixed feelings about the cheerleader business. It's great to see that they're not on the ice anymore... but on the other hand, one of the highlights of my last visit to the REA involved a cheerleader not taking off her skate guard when she stepped on the ice. Things like that make the skating cheerleaders SO worth it. However, the sad thing is, since they're not on the ice, it seems that they would be in the stands even more than they already were and annoying the fans more. This is very unfortunate.
Read this Blog article about this loser from tech
MeanEgirl replied to proudsioux's topic in Men's Hockey
OH BABY ... --- And as for the rest of you... take another look at his blog, if you have not yet already... http://yooperscooper.blogspot.com/