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Everything posted by SiouxFanatic

  1. We went farther than anyone expected this season. Both teams played sloppy but BC capitalized on basically every mistake we made. Even though we lost I'm proud to be a Sioux fan and I'd like to thank the Fighting Sioux for such a thrilling season. And I'd like to say my farewell to seniors Mike Prpich(and Lee Marvin) It was great to watch you Prp for 4 seasons. We came up short this game and that's how hockey games go. And finally congratulations on Boston College. Collins played extremely well and he truly deserves to be a Hobey Baker finalist. Is it next season yet?
  2. With chances really slim of winning it why not put in Lamoreaux? It'll give him some good practice.
  4. There's still one period left. Don't jump ship just yet
  5. Drew can you use your awesome talent and score a shortie for us? GO SIOUX PK
  6. Disappointed. Come on let's return them with our own goal now.
  7. Parise big save! He's back in the game.
  10. Wow we're having a few stupid 'moments'.
  11. 3-1 BC in the lead. Spirko scored a shortie.
  12. Elbowing penalty on BC. Let's get a PP GOAL!!
  14. Alright let's GO SIOUX! Change the tempo of this game.
  15. We had a lot of good chances but couldn't capitalize on them. BC is having all the luck right now. Kind of reminds me of lasts years Championship game. UND needs to come out very strong in the 2nd period and put the puck past Schneider(sp?).
  16. Since the Sioux are playing early I think I'm gonna 'have' a doctors appointment to get me out of my last two classes to watch the game. Last time I snuck in a mini-radio but I got caught and it was confiscated and can't watch it on T.V. during class because my 2 last classes have teachers that are Bison Alums . So it'd be a great day to have a doctors appointment.
  17. This is going to be a great game. I'll be driving from Minot to catch the Regional games since it'll probably be the last in a LONG time. Pretty hard to get hotel reservations for the weekend because of the Regional and that Aerosmith concert. Luckily, I found a motel in Crookston that had 1 room left.
  18. Truly amazing game. I just hope SCSU can pull it off and win in OT. I really wanna play them again.
  19. lol looks like I did the same as you and posted my comments in the wrong thread as well . It really was a bad call. Right now SCSU is tanked. There simply out of gas and there only hanging on to the lead because of there goaltender. I actually hope they can hold on...I'd like to get some revenge on them for when they sweeped us in GF.
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