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Everything posted by GrahamKracker
Most everyone tries to rationalize with me, who? Everything I say in here is taken out of context. and "I" don't want to embrace the truth? What truth? The truth that the Sioux Nation is against the use of the name? Now THAT is the truth. From your perspective, all we, the Lakota, must do in life is dance and perform in your eyes. That is VERY far from the truth. You know nothing about our heritage. And one more thing, the Sioux nation has NOTHING to do with hockey, not one thing. Go look in your history books. This SiouxHockey crap is one made up in the 50's, and trust me, the Sioux people have been around a hell of a lot longer than hockey. You think its honor, what if I took your daughter/sister as my wife to "honor" her, yet she didn't want anything to do with me. Is she right to think its not honor, or am I right for thinking I'm honoring her? Think about it.
Dictatorship? Is that like the SBHE and Kupcake ignoring the request of the Sioux Nation to retire the name? Unfortunately, most of the world sees UND, the GF community, and ND for that matter, as backwoods-resistant-to-change-hicks. I mean, how stupid does it look to hold onto and embrace a name that you have no rights to? you seem to use $$$ signs so much in your postings, that is only correct because as we speak, Cupcake is on a SD reservation making his plea to members of the Lakota Nation, and throwing around 6-figure numbers while doing it. Yes, there is a price on this. More than .25M, less than .5M. How do I know this? I've spoken to tribal members of tribes he's approached with this "price". Of course they turned him down. In reality, the founders of the name here should have used a different tribe to make a mockery of. I don't know how much history you know about the Sioux, but we don't get bought off that easy. If that was the case, we would have taken the "over a billion $$$" now in trust for the Black Hills. You call it a dictatorship. I call it progress. At least NCAA has the balls to enact this, even if it pisses off the non-enrolled/non-indian sioux people of ND.
I truly hope that UND takes this thing to court. They just don't know when to quit. It too bad that instead of focusing their resources on the real problems on campus, they are fighting a battle that they can't win. Even if UND won an appeal or a court battle, do you really think it will be over? With all of the programs out there against the name, including University Senate, this thing is far from over.
You just can't stick to the subject at hand, can you? Instead of focusing on what we are talking about, you go off on these tangents. But then again, could I expect any more of you? Probably not.
Its only fair that you all know about this: There will be a UNDIA (University of North Dakota Indian Association) General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, March 8th 7:00 - 8:30 pm at the International Center, 2908 University Ave. There will be voting on the resolution to change UNDIA's neutral stance on Fighting Sioux Logo. This event is open to the public, however you must be a UNDIA general member to vote. (FYI change UNDIA's stance to against the logo) I hope to see you all there. Hecetu.
This is an email I recieved today....anyone going? I'll be there, of course. "Please note that Bruce Schein, CBS Sports-New York, will be on campus on Saturday- March 4th to conduct interviews regarding the Sioux name controversy. It will be aired nationally on March 12th at noon Eastern Time." Oh wait, this is an "invitation only" gig, my bad. You guys can watch it on the 12th, though, and you know I'll put a good word in for all of my sioux-lovin people here on campus! ;-)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........I wonder if, well, I know of someone who was known for having parties on Hitler's B-day, dressing up in Nazi clothing.....would that be the same? I wonder if they would be just as hated, or are there certain $$$ amounts that can get a community to see past that? I think the latter.
PCM, For having a "real" job, you sure waste of hell of a lot of time posting things in here, on grant time too, no less. tsk tsk tsk.....I would hate to see you get in trouble with the people paying your wages if they knew you were wasting their time/money on a dying subject. As for Savages, we didn't "coin" the term. Do your history, you'll see that infiltrators as far back as 1492 coined the term.
lol, I love how you ASSume so much about people. "Maybe if they were fans"..... well maybe if you were SIOUX you'd understand why there isn't one SIOUX tribe backing UND. As for myself, I love sports, I play it, watch it, live for it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to spend thousands of dollars buying jerseys. I don't need a jersey that says SIOUX because I am Sioux. You should be proud of who you are and not try so much to impersonate someone else or another culture.
Blahblahblahblah...... Did you pick up a Tribal college magazine yet? Probably not. Keep to the subject. As for massage parlors, it was only an example of information you can find on google. You'd be surprised what you can find on google ;-) As for UND and how they recruit Natives, they NEVER mention the FS BS in ANY of their literature or ads targeting Indian country. Gee, I wonder why?
I said a "tribal college journal" not google. Hell, anyone can google anything, I mean I can find the most random things like Massage parlors in the middle of ND if I wanted to. ("Massage", so they say, when I was in Thailand....well......lets say that a massage isn't the only thing on the menu, lol). If you think you are so damn righteous, look in a "tribal college journal", not google. And as for google, try this because I thinks its absolutely nuts. First, under images, type in "Sioux", you'll notice mostly Indians or indian related stuff. Now, under images, type in "Fighting Sioux".......all white people, or the dead indian head. How ironic is that.
The name a catalyst? you are 100% full of it. The name has absolutely NOTHING to do w/ my education here. The only thing I learned about the name is that NON-Sioux people think they are honoring you by wearing green wigs and forcing so called "honor" down your throats. Go look in the brochures they use to entice Natives to come to this place. Go look in the Tribal College Journals. There is not ONE mention of FS BS anywhere. As for asking others to step outside of their "bubble", good luck truesioux. Especially on this board. But you can't say it's a midwest thing, because I know many, many people from the midwest who are willing to learn from others. I would probably specify that level of ignorance to more this region/town. Remember when the SI article came out about RALPHIE? Man that pissed people off, or when the NY Times article came out? Yeah, well now that I think about it, just about "every article pertaining to the FS BS" portrays ND in negative light........yeah, I can see why everyone is defensive. It doesn't help that there isn't a single SIOUX TRIBE that is behind UND. ps. If you don't have anything to say positive about the racist logo/nickname, "they" don't want to hear it, even if it is legitimate and the truth.
I'm not saying that I'm the only Sioux in here, what I am saying is that YOU, DIGGLER, are not SIOUX. Simple as that. And even though you blame me for everything, blame me for NCAA coming down on UND, blame me for all of the protests, and you think I'm the only living soul who is against the name, I am only one person. The facts I present to you go unheard. I know Sioux people who are for the name. I also know white people who are against it. So what? When I bring up the fact that the SIOUX nation does not want you to use the FS name/logo, its because it is a very powerful and commanding fact that needs to be addressed. Yet everyone dances around it likes its trivial. Its not. And you know what? UND will lose its appeal because of this fact. Not because it doesn't have enough Indian programs on campus, or not because only 4% of the student population on campus is Native, no it will lose because the SIOUX tribes are against UND's use of the name/logo. Plain and simple.
Getting desperate? lol, Diggler I have not yet begun to fight. As for "ignoring things", has anyone told you the INDIANS that you HONOR don't want you to HONOR THEM ANYMORE? I don't know, maybe no one has informed you of that simple fact. Talk about ignoring.......
Jeez, I wonder why that is diggler......could it be because YOU are NOT SIOUX? Just a little FYI....the National Congress of American Indians passed a resolution asking UND to quit using the FS logo/mascot. So the chances that UND would get the approval of "every single tribe" is about as good as Ralph going to.....nah, better not go there.....but anyways, I don't spend as much time on this issue as other "Jo"shmo's I know, actually I was too busy the last couple weeks hanging out with true "Sioux" people. I will skim over what is being talked about in these forums, but that's about it. It is nice to see that even though I'm not here all the time I'm talked about.
Wow, now I know y'all are getting desperate!! You should raid their cabinets, I bet you'll find Land-O-lakes brand food and calumet baking powder. That'll make them racists for sure. As for the Aztecs, well I can't really comment on them because were assimilated/beaten/raped/conquered 100's of years ago by the Spanish, heck I don't even know one person who can speak Aztec and I know many many natives. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Vent people vent, get it all out!!!!!
Does it just make you wanna "RRRRRAAAAALLLLLPPPPHHHH"? lolol
They are more indian than you, that's for sure. As for who they are, they are doing good, but what does this even have to do w/ the situation here at UND? They ARE Native, are YOU? So what's the point? I bet LaFranz, or whatever the his name is, isn't touring any reservations (besides his dads, even then I bet he has nothing to do w/ the Flandreau people.) If he did, we'd probably hear more from them standing up for UND, but I haven't
Another discussion on the Sioux Nickname
GrahamKracker replied to 82SiouxGuy's topic in UND Nickname
Yeah, did you bother to ask Dr. McDonald "his" stance on the name? lol, HELL NO.....because if you did you'd find out most of the N/A Vets on this campus are against it. -
Another discussion on the Sioux Nickname
GrahamKracker replied to 82SiouxGuy's topic in UND Nickname
Please bring your information/pics/articles stating your facts over to the NAPS because I have NEVER seen anything that has stated that UND was given this name in the 30's. I would much like to see these articles. If you don't have them, maybe you can tell me where I might find them. Back in the day, the black people didn't mind slavery. Women didn't mind not owning land or not being able to vote. That mindset has changed over the years, though. Just like this logo issue. At one point in history, yeah, it was okay to make a Nation into a logo. Not anymore. the SIOUX Nation has asked UND to stop using its name as their logo. Plain and simple. -
Another discussion on the Sioux Nickname
GrahamKracker replied to 82SiouxGuy's topic in UND Nickname
I have tons of research/pictures that beg to differ on your opinion. As for my "ancestors" giving this name, you should really do your history on this issue. I haven't found ANY documentation of Natives setting foot on this campus until at least the 60's. As for where the name came from, when I have time I will fax some documents for you to look at. Do you really think that in 1930, only 5 years after Native Americans became citizens of this country, that UND would even have ANYTHING to do w/ the Sioux people? At that time in history, Indians were looked at as less than human, do your history. But the past is the past, we can't change that. But RIGHT NOW, in the PRESENT, the SIOUX NATION does not want UND to use the Sioux as its mascot/logo/moniker/nickname. Simple as that. -
Another discussion on the Sioux Nickname
GrahamKracker replied to 82SiouxGuy's topic in UND Nickname
a Nazi is racist? Nah, they are just a part of history. My ancestors killed many, many Germans. My ancestors also killed many, many japanese people, and at the time they called them "Japs". Hell, I was watching the History Channel the other day and famous Admirals proudly talked about "Killing the Japs". My point is that even if the intentions may have been good in the beginning, Like the Fighting Sioux.....it eventually becomes "not-so-nice", especially in a part of the country where Natives have been treated like sh*t for the last 150 years, do you really think that because UND used this name that Caucasian people have treated Indians w/ more respect? If you do, you need to open your eyes more. Whatever your reason to complain, just remember that the SIOUX NATION is not behind UND's use of the FS logo/mascot/name. If you need copies of the resolutions, just tell me where to send them to. -
Another discussion on the Sioux Nickname
GrahamKracker replied to 82SiouxGuy's topic in UND Nickname
Wannabe Sioux. So you're saying your Sioux? Wow, the brainwashing worked! I wonder how many white people have stated this fact to me over the last couple years, too many to count. Yet, when I go back to my Sioux reservation, I don't see them anywhere. You think so highly of yourself, but you are nothing. You hide behind your posts. Keep hiding because that's the way things are done on this messageboard. As for your comments, if you truly had "honor, pride, devotion, wisdom, spiritual strength" and you didn't preach "hate, intolerance, and superiority" then this name issue wouldn't even be an issue because you would have seen long ago that the people who you claim to honor doesn't want you to honor them anymore. I wonder if other Institutions have this discussion? I wonder if the Gophers, Badgers, Pioneers, etc, etc, hold so proudly to their mascots....I wonder if they "think" they are what their mascots are....I wonder if they put as much devotion into it, or if its just here. I wonder about the people who say they will be "Sioux forever" and wear Sioux across their ass and live and die by Sioux wins and loses, I wonder if they even know how stupid they look impersonating a people that they know nothing about. I wonder.