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fighting sue

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  1. So . . . are we really on board with referring to UND women's teams as the "Lady Hawks"? I'm OK with this as long as we call every men's team the "Gentlemen Hawks." Whenever I see "Lady" in front of a team nickname I always think it's a subtle way of telling people, "You're not the REAL team. You're the ladies' team." I know even teams like Tennessee does this with their women's basketball team and I think it's nonsense. With that said, good luck to the Gentlemen Hawks hockey team tomorrow! Good luck to Lady Hawks in their next game!
  2. Caggiula's goal was #1 on SportsCenter's Top 10.
  3. Ha ha . . . I agree, but I guess I want to know what the best ribs are, not the best "ribs" or "ribs-like mass of tissue."
  4. Maybe I'm just hungry, but I thought this was a question worth posing: Where in Grand Forks (or nearby) can you get the best ribs? Either: as an item on a regular menu, or as a temporary or special item, even if it's just once a year. (Yes, I can make them at home, but sometimes I just don't want to bother.) Let's hear some opinions . . .
  5. All I listen to for sports radio is 1590 Fox Sports -- the reception for 1520 can be a bit sketchy and 1440 is just awful -- but all week they've been playing, I kid you not, the Flintstones' theme song. I know what they're doing is called "stunting" -- which means they're probably going to have a new format soon. That's unfortunate, but has anyone heard anything definite? I've watched for mentions in the Herald but it's seemed to have gotten zero coverage. I suppose after 94.7 pulled the same trick with Christmas music maybe the Herald isn't willing to give radio stations free press anymore. Anyway, has anyone heard anything definitive?
  6. Does anyone have any more specific info regarding the online numbers? I didn't see any note of them in the "enrollment statistics" section on UND's page. I've heard this is UND's most significant growth area, but I'd be curious exactly what UND's online enrollment numbers are. I know online students are real students taking real classes, but campus certainly doesn't feel different or more crowded than in years past.
  7. I hear you, but the top three "fan-interest" games, as I like to think of them, are all away games this year: South Dakota, South Dakota State, and Montana. Once we start getting our old rivals plus some new geographically-relevant ones, like Montana and Montana State, people will be filling the Alerus. Also, I can't wait until NDSU returns. Goes without saying.
  8. NIU 38 UND 10 I hope it's more competitive, but I don't see UND in any sort of offensive rhythm right now.
  9. It would be cool, too, if this were taught. It's history; people need to know how to deal with it. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m113...44/ai_12841383/
  10. Does anyone know why this information isn't on the GF Herald website? Is this an intentional omission? How is this more relevant for the Forum's readers? Also, it's interesting to note that the Forum still treats their readers like adults and allows them to comment on articles, while the Herald prevents anyone from speaking their minds on articles that are deemed "controversial."
  11. It's always annoyed me that the GF Herald hasn't allowed comments on all of their articles online. I don't like the idea that someone has pre-determined whether or not an article is "too controversial" (or too whatever) for comments. It seems like lately they've been better with articles related to the Fighting Sioux name, but in the past nickname articles haven't always had the comments option. Anyhoo . . . you can write comments on articles when there's no comments link; simply replace "article" in the URL with "comments," and bingo. However, I'm not sure if others can read your comments. Maybe I'll test it on a Marilyn H. article.
  12. A poster above was correct in saying that legislatures in the past have gotten involved in the scheduling of college athletics. I don't know about Kentucky-Louisville, so I'll take his word, but the Auburn-Alabama game, one of the best rivalries in college football, was suspended for 40 years, from 1907-1947, because the coaches and college administrators were pouty. Is this the thinking between UND and NDSU? "Let's dig in our heels and see who blinks first"? All I'm saying is that I'm looking forward, then, to 2042 or 2043 when we get things going again.
  13. Was anyone else taken aback just a little by the photo accompanying the truck driver in Sunday's paper? Normally, I sometimes think people are way too PC, but his truck has smiling, slant-eyed, buck-toothed Asian people on it. And his farm is "Hong Farms," written in a font traditionally used to signify something Asian. I mean come on . . . http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/i...to.cfm?id=12378
  14. Indeed, I have been wondering more and more if the writing is literally on the wall. Driving by the Alerus today it looked like they had a new (or revised) sign saying, "Home of UND football," with an accompanying helmet graphic, hung from the south side of the building. On the other hand, however, The Ralph has always proudly proclaimed, "Home of the Fighting Sioux." Is this an example of the Alerus distancing themselves from the name? Does this reflect an official position of the Alerus? Are they trying to create promotional materials that will survive a name change? Or, is this simply because "Home of Fighting Sioux Football" would take too many letters?
  15. If the name gets dropped I don't think, as some on this forum and others have suggested, that UND can simply go nickname-less. It's not feasible for marketing and merchandising. I hope that there is a lot of student and alumni involvement throughout the re-naming process and that whatever is chosen isn't bland. I would hate to see another "Mavericks," "Wildcats," "Eagles," or the like. And, I think having a name that has to be explained in every breath -- the Norkotas, e.g. -- would just about be the worst thing. I would also hate to see something chosen unilaterally -- unilateral decisions (from any institution or individual) mostly reflect an arrogance of self and a contempt for disagreement, no matter the path. I also agree with a previous poster that there seems to be a fear of having Sioux gear confiscated, kind of like when people say, "They're gonna take our guns away!" Not gonna happen. I would also be sad to see the Ralph lose the Sioux themes throughout. After all, you can take a jackhammer to the past, but that's not going to erase it, especially if that past is on Italian marble. However, if the name changes, I think the outside of the Ralph -- "Home of the Fighting Sioux" -- would have to go. I mean, how lame would that be?
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