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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Comparing Civil Rights to a name and logo?! You just don't get Da Pointe.
  2. There you go again, skirting around a direct question. There are other schools that provide opportunity without risk. If UND is so danged hostile and abusive, why come to school here? I know the answer. It's quite obvious from your answers that you don't.
  3. Love these inside jokes especially when DaPointes are so obvious.
  4. No, no, no. That is a flawed. Some Sioux Indians have asked UND to change the name and logo. Some Sioux Indians 1) like the use of the name and logo, 2) don't care if the name and logo are used or 3) are proud of use of the name and logo. The Sioux Indians that are being honored for their courage, bravery, perserverance, strength,are no long of this world. UND chooses to honor them. I believe that those who are gone would be honored by the use of their name and image by those they would consider their enemy. I don't believe they would be honored by excuses, apathy, self pity, 'the blame game', lack of responsibility.
  5. Thanks, Sic. I had to look it up. Now I own it.
  6. I know what your suppose to be doing and chatting on line with the rest of us in the middle of the afternoon ain't getting it done.
  7. Dam#, conversations flowing fairly respectfully, then boom, the insults start. I had high hopes that maybe KTF could handle the give and take. But once again, in the face of not being able to come up with good responses to the questions, she starts attacking the person.
  8. There's only one United States of America. There are hundreds of other universities/colleges in the United States of American that have the same "opportunity" without the "risk" as the University of North Dakota, Home of the Fighting Sioux for American Indian students. Why come here?
  9. I don't understand why there are American Indian students enrolled at the University of North Dakota, Home of the Fighting Sioux?! Why here? American Indians have been instrumental for the grants, etc. that partially fund the American Indian programs and services at the University of North Dakota, Home of the Fighting Sioux. Why not take those funds to Fargo, Bismarck, Minot or any school in South Dakota. Why here? There are many good schools in North Dakota and South Dakota (and elsewhere in the United States) which offer some of the same programs that are offered at the University of North Dakota, Home of the Fighting Sioux. Why in the world would any one go to a school that they consider is hostile and abusive to them? Why here?
  10. You don't know! Well, when the Fighting Sioux name and logo are changed to the 'No Name' and a picture of a turnip, the top ten things that will happen 10. Everyone will own their own home with two new cars in the two car garage 9. Global warming will be a thing of the past 8. There will be no hunger in the world 7. Chemical addiction will be a thing of the past, world wide 6. Everyone in the world will receive health care free of charge 5. Everyone will have a college and post graduate degree 4. Racism, bigotry will no longer exist 3. Child abuse, domestic abuse, all abuse will no longer exist 2. World peace And topping off the top ten list 1. North American will revert back to American Indians and each American Indian will be granted one billion dollars to be considered payment in full for any and all real, imagined or thought about bad past deeds (but only if they are not "hang around the fort Indians" or Indians with "plantation Negro mentalities" ).
  11. OK I think I got it now. Those of us that bought our tickets in October directly from the Xcel Center (Priority Seat Renewal) won't get out tickets until February. I'm sure I didn't get my tickets last year until February either.
  12. Back 2 Back, 7>5 = Acceptable behavior Bina sign, Hirsh sign = over the line
  13. I like the black jerseys best. If you look around the Ralph, you'll see mostly black jerseys on the fans.
  14. Rabble rouser! You're looking at last years tickets.
  15. Sioux-cia

    PHIL #1

    Thanks for asking, I don't get it either?
  16. Tickets won't be sent out unil February.
  17. Sioux-cia

    PHIL #1

    Ever the optimist...
  18. If this is the tone that you derived from most of the messages here than you didn't read any except for GrahamKrackers, KnowtheFacts, and makos. Educate yourself before you start throwing out your own racist, bigoted and hatred filled messages and maybe you'll reverse your position on the name change issue.
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