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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. You're right of course. Much as I dislike GK and KtF, at least a person knows where they stand on an issue. Not like this... Well, 'nough said.
  2. There was also a sign that read,"The Student Council does not represent us." The students actually came up with some new cheers. It sounded as if there was one student who was really working the crowd. Good for them!
  3. I know it's always fun when we win but dam#, I had a great time tonight. The guys were aggressive, used their bodies to the max, didn't take any cra%, the upper classmen showed their talent and the youngsters were outstanding! OK there was that one goal where Phil was left hung out to dry but overall it was still a great game. The fights were entertaining as well. I was happy to see that Finley is finally done with his 'hesitation' style of play. The kid is turning into a force to be reckoned with.
  4. You friggin' hypocrite!! There you are on the Name Thread whinning about how the Fighting Sioux should change their name because it was disrespectful to the Sioux Indians and here you are disrespecting the name. It's all clear now, you're nothing but a two faced troll.
  5. Just a quick thought, how about the band plays/the crowd sings 3 blind mice after an atrocious call? I seem to remember that from the old Ralph. Gotta go now, I have a team to cheer on. I love the old standard>>Hey, Go Sioux!
  6. Sioux-cia


    AND screen saver on my computer! I love that kid's hutzpah!!
  7. Sioux-cia


    Right next to the #19 throw back jersey on my wall. That's my boy!
  8. Are the DS editors grammer school students? They actually need someone to tell them what alternatives there are to profanity!!? I'm speechless.
  9. What's worse is that he doesn't think it was a big deal. Still doesn't.
  10. Why? Just for the record, Robbie is no wuss. He played hockey and football with my son. My son as a senior was 5'11" and 250#s of muscle and an excellent athlete ( ). During all their years of playing together, Robbie ranked up there with my kid as far as aggression, never giving up and never staying down. That's how I knew he was really hurt last year. Unless he was almost paralyzed (which, remember, he was), under NO other circumstances would he have laid on the ice the way he did. So again, why did you think the sign was ok or entertaining or appropriate or fit for public view?
  11. Goes ad hominem.. (Thanks Sicatoka)
  12. Ohhhh, . 'Land cows', good one. The ingenuity of SS.com members never ceases to amaze me.
  13. I believe the AD said he'd 'like' or 'could' to say if you can't say it in church...but then he seemd to laugh it off. That was a part of what was televised on on the news.
  14. Are you ok? Are you adjusting to being on the outside? Do you need a suport group?
  15. Dirty, were you at the meeting? Was it all one sided? Did the students get to speak? If they didn't, that su@ks. I agree there has to be more than one meeting.
  16. A name and logo compared to Japanese internment camps. Geeze, what next the Holocoust?
  17. You forgot to mention all the American Indian specific programs that the hostile and abusive University of North Dakota offers. American Indians come to this University because of the opportunities that are here for them specifically because they are American Indians. Opportunities that are not available to them at other Universities. There you go again with the insults when you can't win any of Da Pointes presented. The universtiy is a part of my life, the name and logo are important to me. And yes, I've been out of school a long time. My children are adults and lucky for me, I have time to spend on this issue. In fact, I enjoy dueling with you and GK on the issue. It's always fun to win. If I were a full time student, with two young sons at home, and a 'hate society' husband to contend with, I probably wouldn't be as passionate about the issue.
  18. 10% of the student ticket holders attended the mandatory meeting. Doesn't seem the issue is that importat to the majority. I posted these earlier and don't feel like repeating myself.
  19. Two hundred, approximately 10%, of the total student season ticket holders attended this mandatory meeting. Who cares? Should UND give the 7,000 students who don't attend Sioux hockey games their tuition back? Get real, Hollywood. You are paying $75.00 for hockey tickets, $5,000. is for your education. Too much for you? Quit school and you too can pay $550. for your hockey tickets.
  20. I think the rules are doable for students. If not, the seats can go to someone who can follow the rules. I'm sad because I have end seats.
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