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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I agree. Having Jonathan on the team makes it not such a bitter pill to swallow.
  2. Any suggestions as to places to stay? I've never been to the area before.
  3. http://www.undalumni.org/pregameparties.htm I answered my own question re. tickets. Bought mine just now!! Now all I have to do is have Siouxmama overnight me one of my jerseys and I'm set!!!
  4. Is there a particular section that the Sioux fans will be sitting in? If I can swing it, I will be leaving Saturday morning and I will be alone so it will be nice if I can meet up with some Sioux fans. I wonder if the cops at the Ralph would release my sign from custody for this series. I made one that had cute little yellow chickens all over it and it said CHEEP CHEAP PUNKOBITCH
  5. Ditto. I think I'm about 350 miles from CC (Northern AZ). Seriously, who's going from GF? Maybe you can bring one of my jerseys with you for me? Where's a good place to stay?
  6. I guess technically HE 'didn't say an ill word about the guy'.
  7. It's going to be ok, GB, it's going to be ok and I do still love you. All your life people are going to disagree with you and your not going to like it but, with Mother Theresa by your side, you'll be able to gow from the dissent and withstand the threat to your ??.
  8. Mother Theresa forgives you, my son, and God forgive you.
  9. As your most recent post so clearly points out, stupid can't be fixed. As Mother Theresa, I will pray for you and fogive your shortcomings. God be with you my son and may all those in contact with you know as well that stupid can't be fixed and find it in their hearts to forgive you as well. *I didn't call him an asshole I told him to quit being one. *
  10. 1) I didn't call Whistler an asshole. I told him to quit being one. 2) I don't know what's going on. My opinion/speculation is based on well documented facts. 3) How do you know I never played organized sports? I did and my sons did and do. And yes, athletes do get kicked off sports teams due to health issues. As a health care professional, I know that for a fact. 4) What grounds for a lawsuit would apply? If someone's health prevents him/her from performing, there is no obligation for the organization to keep the player on the team. There is no contract in amateur sports that stipulates a coach has to keep a player on the team if the players illness is not adequately managed and is keeping him from performing his duties as a member of a sport. It's usually in the players best interest to remove him. My opinion. There is nothing you can post that is going to change my opinion on this issue. I'm sure you feel the same. I'm finding your opinion hard to ignore because I believe you are doing an injustice to a fine athlete who for reasons not under his control (my opinion) is going through a very difficult time in his life (my opinion) and is losing something that, at one time anyway (my opinion), he loved doing. I don't like to see anyone kicked when he's down. And, in my opinion, that is what you, and others I have disagreed with, are doing.
  11. Me, too. Cold Coke tastes really good the day after!!
  12. Re-hydrate! Lots of clear liquids but some folk swear by Bloody Mary's, hair of the dog!!
  13. Quit being an asshole and re-read my post. I am basing my SPECULATION/OPINION on published facts. I'm not here to educate you as that has proven to be an impossiblity. Keep posting your opinion and I'll keep posting mine. You don't like my opinion, use the ignore button.
  14. If you had bothered to read The Whistlers post 'folks diagnosing about mental illness without knowing the first thing about it', you would know I responded to that statement. I do know the first thing and more about mental illness. Temper? What are you talking about? I posted my opinion based on known facts. Why do you interpret that as my not being able to control my temper? Your speculation is based your hatred for the Gopher organization not on any posted FACTS. At least I based my opinion/speculation on known facts. If you had bothered to notice, my post clearly states this is my opinion/speculation.
  15. We have differing opinions. I can post mine as well as you can. However, I have managed to do it without lowering myself to call anyone names. If your opinion had any merit, you wouldn't have to resort to name calling. But as we can read......
  16. I'm a Board Certified, licensed, health care professional. I have never talked to Tyler, his family or friends. I have no access to his medical records and have based my comments on facts that have been published about his health, academics and actions on the ice. Given this kid's history of academic excellence and excellence on the ice, as an outsider, I view his academic failure (struggles?) and problems on the ice as symptoms that, to me, indicate his health problems are not under adequate control. Previous to his coming back to school and back to the game of hockey, his illness may have been under good control. The stressors associated with academia and pressure to 'put out' on the ice are two factors that may have resulted in an exacerbation of his illness which may indicate adjusting or changing his medical treatment to acheive good/adequate control. Rather than looking at this kid as having an attitude problem or being a cancer and detriment to the Gopher hockey association, and looking at what facts are available, I believe his problems are medical. I, too, wish him and his family the best outcome available.
  17. Yes, in sports players do get kicked to the curb because of illness.
  18. I'm confused! If he had academic problems last semester, he could play Friday but not Saturday? Given this kid's history of academic excellence, failing classes could also be a symptom of his illness.
  19. I don't know that anymore than you know he didn't. My response 'Why kick him when he's down' was to your ' However if his problem was medical rather than attitude would they have cleaned out his locker BEFORE they kicked him off of the team?' We know his history of illness. We don't know that he had an 'attitude' problem.
  20. Had that been the case, why did he 'play' Friday night?
  21. What has that got to do with anything other than maybe showing a little compassion for the boy. He didn't have to come in and do it himself. I can't imagine how painful it would be to have to clean out my locker and walk away from something I love and can't do right now because right now I'm not right!?! If Lucia cares about his players as individuals this is something he would do. How do we know that Lucia didn't talk to Tyler's mother and she asked his to to that. The Gopher's are a rival hockey team on the ice. Off the ice, many of these boys are friends of our boys. Why kick the boy when he's down? I don't understand that mentality and frankly, I don't want to.
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