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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. I think UND might have won this game if it had even an average quarterback. UND's running game was really going well until Montana figured out that there was no passing threat whatsoever. If UND had a quarterback that could have kept the Montana defense honest, they might have had a chance. I don't think I can ever remember a UND quarterback situation as dire as it is this year. There is literally no chance UND can complete a pass more than three yards down the field.
  2. Ticky-tacky call to be sure, but I'm more upset about how stupid it was. The guy was 5 yards out of bounds and the UND player felt the need to give him a shove. Just plain stupid.
  3. Here come the undisciplined and pointless penalties again.
  4. Not sure if he's speaking nationally or more specifically to the Big Sky. As to speculation about NDSU to the Big Sky, I would love to see that happen. But I
  5. I don't think cost of the ticket is factor. You could decrease tickets to $10 and I don't think it would make much difference in attendance. There are probably many reasons for decreased attendance, as others have pointed out. My two cents is that Homecoming does well and Potato Bowl generally does okay. For any other game, you need a true rivalry game or a "name brand" opponent or people don't care.
  6. I like this idea a lot. The best idea I've seen on the topic. I really like UND's rivals under this particular model, but even if the particular rivals are tweaked, I really like the idea of a 4-rival system.
  7. Great news! I was hoping for new turf by 2012 and entry into the Big Sky, but next year is even better!
  8. Sorry, I'm not a big believer in quality non-conference home games. I'll need to see one before I will believe they are actually possible.
  9. I wouldn't call UC-Davis, Cal Poly, and SUU "rivals." We've only been playing them for two or three years. In my opinion, UND will no longer have any rivals. I'll tackle the issue from a road trip perspective. The Big Sky definitely has more appealing destinations. But any conference road game will require a flight. What good are attractive destinations if you don't have the time or resources to take advantage of them? It's one of those things that sounds good in theory and on message board arguments, but in reality is not that practical. As far as football teams coming to the Alerus Center, there are four teams in the MVFC that would instantly really excite fans - NDSU, SDSU, USD, and UNI. I'd say there are two in the Big Sky - Montana and Montana State. There are obviously other good teams in the Big Sky, but I'm not sure they will excite the casual fan.
  10. It's pretty clear that Fullerton did not want just UND. And I don't think it's too much of a leap to think that he sold UND and USD to the Presidents as a package deal. I wonder how the rest of the Big Sky is going to feel about UND now?
  11. Nevertheless, it's a completely legitimate question. One without a good answer.
  12. The other ten Big Sky schools. That's who. I guess it has to be UNC? Place the two isolated outlier schools together.
  13. I never said anything to the contrary. But UND would clearly be in the worst position of the Dakota schools.
  14. I call it like I see it. People around were giving Tom Douple crap for getting schooled by Doug Fullerton. I just pointed out that it appears Douple got the last laugh. I think the "dream come true" is yet to be determined. Let's see what the Montana schools decide.
  15. I don't think the Big Sky would have withdrawn the invitation if UND had held out a few more days. And UND and USD were not in completely different situations. They were in slightly different situations.
  16. Rumors of Tom Douple's demise were greatly exaggerated. As much as we dislike him around here, he gets the last laugh.
  17. I think the members prefer USD over UND due to location. The MVFC was never going to add both UND and USD. And left to their own devices, they probably would prefer to add neither. But I think the MVFC invitation to USD was a direct result of the Big Sky poaching UND from the Summit. It probably got some people's attention and caused the MVFC to wake up. At that point, UND is off the table and maybe the thinking was that 10 is doable. All I know is this royally sucks. Great for USD. Not so great for UND. I think the UND administration botched this. This should have waited a little longer before accepting. If UND and USD stay together, I don't think the MVFC ever considers USD.
  18. And possibly without Montana State. That would be the worst case scenario. I do not like where this thing is going right now. I have to say I'm quite jealous of USD. I can't believe they were able to pull off a MVFC invitation. I can't help but think none of this would have happened if UND had waited to accept the Big Sky invitation until USD had approval.
  19. Well, I shouldn't have said UND's biggest fear; rather, my biggest fear (other than football independence). I don't know how the UND administration will feel about it. I just can't imagine the other three Dakota schools in the Summit and MVFC, while UND is isolated in the Big Sky. UND will immediately become the Southern Utah of the Big Sky being geographically isolated and having no travel partner. And I am very concerned about Montana and maybe even Montana State leaving the BIg Sky. In my opinion, without the Montanas, the Big Sky loses a lot of its luster.
  20. If that got you guys in the MVFC, I doubt you'll stay disgusted for too long. This could be UND's worst fear (other than independence). USD will be fine.
  21. Strong implication appears to be MVFC in 2012. All I can say is wow.
  22. I can't find the quote anymore, but I know Fullerton said somewhere that adding UC-Davis and Cal Poly as football affiliates was a defensive move at the time, but that adding UND and SUU was not. Can someone explain that to me?
  23. I will reiterate that the worst possible conference scenario for UND (other than remaiming in the Great West and go independent in football), would be to go to the Big Sky, then have USD stay in the Summit and get an invitation to the MVFC, and then to have Montana and Montana State leave the Big Sky. That would be really bad. Not as bad as staying in the Great West or going independent in football, but I think it would put UND at a disadvantage to be isolated like that. In that scenario, I think the drumbeat would start immediately to get UND into the Summit/MVFC, which would be extremely difficult at that point.
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