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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. For a contrasting perspective, here is an interesting behind-the-scenes account of Boise State hiring its new football coach. http://www.idahostatesman.com/2013/12/14/2926673/coyles-preparation-pays-off-in.html He conducted a round of whirlwind interviews and made the hire Tuesday, Dec. 10. . Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2013/12/14/2926673/coyles-preparation-pays-off-in.html#storylink=cpy
  2. So is this HR points system objective or subjective? I'd think the whole purpose of using the HR point system to determine the finalists is to make the process objective when it comes to creating a list of finalists, then the hiring person can use subjectivity in ultimately making the hire. If my assumption is correct, how in the world is Pflugrad not on the final 9? There are not 9 applicants objectively more qualified than he is. I dare anyone to make that case. Fightingbooya, you can argue that UND should not hire Pflugrad, but you're missing the point. If Pflugrad is not going to get the job, it should be FAISON making a SUBJECTIVE call on him based on the NCAA issues. Pflugrad in no way shape or form should be screened out by the HR points system. The most frustrating thing about this hiring process is learning that it's mostly University policy and not State law. It's very disappointing to see UND place itself at a disadvantage to every other peer University out there. It's not just the time consuming process, but the fact that AD does not appear to have total control over the hiring process. That is very disappointing. Someone mentioned that you can't blame Faison for the process. That depends. Did he do everything in his power to try to get it changed before he had to make a hire in a high-profile sport? If so, then you can't blame him. If not, then he should share in the blame. Faison has hired enough coaches to know the system and to know that it would be problematic when hiring a head football coach. I know it's not unilaterally up to him to change the system, but I hope he did everything he could to try to exempt the athletic department from this system. The system may be great for hiring a chemistry professor, but it makes zero sense in the athletic department.
  3. You don't have to feed it either with statements like "talk about baggage!" Anyone who learns the backstory of what happened is appalled. The key difference between "baggage" associated with Pflugrad and Hoffner is that Pflugrad actually was guilty of something, even if we all agree that the infraction was very minor and he ended up being the scapegoat. Hoffner was innocent of the charges and was falsely accused, even though the charges were extremely serious. One was guilty. One was innocent. It's not the same thing. With that said, I have no problem with Pflugrad. I believe that if there is an NCAA investigation of any program in this country, the NCAA will find an infraction. Not reporting that a teammate's mom bailed out another player on the team is an extremely thin reason to fire someone. It was an infraction that needs to be addressed and considered, but in my opinion, it should not prevent him from getting this job.
  4. I suggest you go read the court order dismissing the charges before perpetuating the perception that Hoffner has "baggage." I refuse to say the guy has "baggage" when he was falsely accused of one of the most heinous crimes imaginable that ruined his life. Even if there is a perception of "baggage" amongst the uninformed simply because he was accused, I don't think we should play into it. The bottom line is that he's not the most qualified from a football standpoint to be named head coach, but I'd have no problem with him as an offensive coordinator if the head coach so chose.
  5. Serious question - do these same posting requirements and hiring policies apply to the coordinators and assistant coaches? Everyone operates under the assumption that the new head coach will be able to bring in whoever he wants to fill out his staff, but is that really the case? Can he hire them right away, or does the new head coach sit by himself in the football offices for 6 weeks while he goes through the same ridiculous hiring process for his assistants? If so, we're looking at February before UND is going to have a football staff in place. And Sic, federal regulations are not slowing down the process. Look how quickly they do it in most other States. This is a State law/regulation issue. Since I'm not privy to how Faison is handling the situation behind the scenes, I think I'm mostly frustrated with State law and procedure (and hoping he's doing what he can to circumvent this ridiculous process to make sure he gets the best candidate that might otherwise want this job). I can find the open records law in the NDCC, but I haven't been able to find State hiring laws/rules that talk about minimum posting requirements, a point system, the finalist/interview process that supposedly applies to every hire. Anyone know where these laws (or rules) are located?
  6. And whether the Herald published the names of every applicant... In fairness, media has completely changed since Lennon was hired that even if the Herald didn't publish the names, someone else would and it would hit the blogosphere in full force anyway. I can't even imagine what it will be like when UND does an external search for the head hockey coach position for the first time in the internet age.
  7. I don't know what this particular website means, but despite the procedural requirements, I still think a lot of the work in the process could have been done "off the grid" to expedite the process and to make sure that you don't lose out on a highly qualified guy that didn't want to formally apply and have his name plastered in the newspaper unless he was reasonably sure it was going to lead to an offer and acceptance. Maybe that was done here to a certain extent, but I don't get that feeling. Maybe Faison thinks there's no way to be creative under the law and he has to do it strictly by the book. Who knows. I just hope we're not missing out on someone we might have otherwise gotten who wanted no part of this hiring process.
  8. It appears that DeBoer replaced a guy by the name of Phil Longo (who was Bubba's offensive coordinator in Duluth before going to SIU with him in 2008). Longo left SIU for Youngstown State in 2010, but only lasted there one year and is now the offensive coordinator at Slippery Rock (DII). Looks like the offense regressed a little bit after DeBoer took over.
  9. I've been wondering about him. I don't follow MVFC closely, so what's the deal with this offense since going to SIU? Where does it rank? What does he have to work with in terms of talent? Did it get better or worse after he arrived? Who did he replace (I can't remember who Dale chose as his first offensive coordinator)? Has it gotten better or worse since his arrival? Anyone have any insight?
  10. I'd love to see him try too. I don't know if he'd be successful or not, but I bet he'd try. NDSU can't sit around until mid January to hire a new coach. That just isn't an option. But it sounds like they will hire internally, making it a moot point.
  11. Personally, I'd love to see NDSU have to open up the position externally to watch Taylor try and wiggle out of N.D.'s asinine hiring process, or else have to wait until mid to late January to name a coach. But it sounds like they're going to hire internally. Given how long and difficult it is to hire externally, and given the quality coordinators they have, it seems like a no-brainer to hire internally for them.
  12. Do you know if all of these requirements are state law or UND policy? While this is a good process for a lot of positions, it makes zero sense in high profile and specialized positions, such as a head football coach. There needs to be more flexibility when it comes to jobs that are time sensitive and high profile jobs where applicants are going to be reported in the newspaper. Maybe Faison's hands are tied, but I have a very difficult time that Taylor is going to accept such restrictions laying down (if they open the position externally). He's not going to wait until mid January to get a head coach named. It simply won't happen. He'll at least try to get it declared an emergency hire and will do everything in his power to circumvent this asinine process.
  13. This MUST be a joke?!?!? I can't imagine the law requires such a specific procedure for every single state job opening. I'll bet anyone that NDSU does not follow this drawn-out process if they end up doing a national search. Not a chance. Taylor will figure out a way around it. If this really is the law, then using "emergency hire" procedures for hiring a head football coach doesn't seem so far-fetched. And is it really true that he hasn't even conducted phone interviews with any of these applicants? That is stunning, if true. Could he not review applications as they came in, conduct interviews and be ready to go once the posting requirement was fulfilled? Does state law really prohibit interviews until the posting deadline has expired? I just can't believe that is the case. It would be bizarre. Can someone find this "points system" requirement in a statute? I just cannot believe that the athletic director of a Division I institution needs a "points system" to narrow down applicants for a head football coach. There are only 70-80 applications total. About 40-50 of them can be tossed after a 10 second review of their resumes. You're telling me that, for his most important hire during his tenure, Faison doesn't have time to go through the applications and figure out who he wants to interview without a points system? Either the AD's office is getting bad legal advice, or this operation is starting to look that it's not ready for prime time.
  14. I get that there is no legal way to hire someone who doesn't apply, but this doesn't seem like it should be so complicated unless Faison wants to make it complicated. If Faison really wants to hire a certain guy who is reluctant to apply without assurances that he will get the job, Faison could simply give him those assurances. But it sounds like Faison wants top-end people to apply with no assurances they'll get hired, which is really difficult given N.D.'s open records laws. I always hoped that Faison would target the people he wanted, and the open-records and posting process dictated by state law would be just a nuisance that he'd have to comply with for show. What's concerning to me is that it does not appear Faison is targeting anyone (or more concerning, nobody that he targeted wants the job). So he's going through the standard process of finalists, on-campus interviews, etc. as if this were a normal job. Bottom line, if there's someone out there that Faison wants that has not applied because he doesn't want his name out there unless he's assured the job, then Faison should tell him he has the job, have the guy apply, and get it over with. Otherwise, just hire Pflugrad and get it over with that way. With the open records laws, you simply can't go through the normal process of applications, finalists, interviews, etc. and still have top people apply.
  15. I'm pretty sure Jeff Tedford was Shawn-O thinking wishfully. I doubt someone like that would apply to UND.
  16. Here is Mike Bath's press conference when he took over as interim coach. http://www.footballscoop.com/news/11128-miami-oh-interim-head-coach-mike-bath-has-an-emotional-opening-presser He's clearly a Miami guy. I like his passion. He's pretty light on experience though.
  17. Yea, I'm not sure why Ed thought he needed to wait until the 11th hour to apply. haha.
  18. Of the people that have applied, I think only Pflugrad and Cummings would get me excited. Bubba and Dewitt would be acceptable. I think anyone else would be questionable, but I'd keep an open mind. Still kind of hoping there will be someone new that applies and gets hired.
  19. Gotta love the conflicting info from sources on this board
  20. I think it's tough to judge because most Division I schools don't go through this type of dog and pony show when hiring a head football coach. Normally, the AD has a short list in his head at all times and he goes and finds his guy without all this nonsense.
  21. Cripes. Hopefully he's being especially deliberative because he's trying to convince someone else to apply.
  22. New applicant Bryant Soland - A Subway sandwich artist from Fargo that appears to be a huge New England Patriots rube? https://www.facebook.com/bryant.l.soland I can see him for a position coach, maybe a coordinator, but I think head coach is a stretch.
  23. He should get a serious look. I'd be interested in learning more about him.
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