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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. Although I am a huge advocate of a move to I-AA, I'd never be in favor of UND going I-A, whether NDSU went or not. I am a football guy, and I want to compete for championships. We do that now, and I firmly believe we have positioned ourselves to do that in I-AA. But I-A is a completely different beast. I admit that one of the reasons I am for a move is because I really miss the head-to-head competition with NDSU, but if they turned out to be so jealous of UND that they felt the need to attempt to one up UND again and squash their rich football tradition by going I-A, I say have at it. I'll take the basketball matchups and the $150,000 guarantee to play them in football. I agree that barring an event from the book of Revelations, there is no way that NDSU, UND, SDSU ever gets into the Mountain West. The WAC is a long ways off for NDSU, too. Maybe down the road if say one or both Montana schools get in it could happen. But it would also require a couple current members to leave. Even then, Sac State, Northern Arizona, Davis, or Poly would be more attractive than a Dakota school.
  2. Before Tony shut down/wiped out the forum it had 49 total threads. 47 of them were started by Bison fans.
  3. With only 9 confirmed games, I wonder if UND hasn't been trying to get out of the Mesa game. That would mean they're looking for two games, not one. Or, maybe both Mesa and UND are ungodly slow about releasing their schedules. I haven't heard of any quality openings other than what we talked about earlier in the thread, Tusculum would be a name opponent, Charleston was willing to travel but that would be a blowout for sure. UND really missed the boat earlier in the year when Pitt St. was looking for a home game. You couldn't ask for a better non-conference game than that, whether it was on the road or at the Alerus.
  4. I'd say it comes down to the AD, but the coach has alot of input. I doubt UND was the next option after UM, they were trying for Eastern Washington and Northern Iowa, but apparently cooler heads may be prevailing and the idea was tossed around. They would have preferred any scholarship I-AA come to Fargo, but they were only offered away games for 2006. If they had to travel they made the smart move in traveling a short distance for $300,000. I think Coach Bohl has been pretty vocal about not wanting to be associated with UND, and has also said he would have preferred not to play Minnesota this year. But Taylor was getting desperate, and Bunning is not Roger Thomas, so that's what I think opened the door to at least throw the idea around. Bunning has showed interest in renewing the rivalry. Ain't gonna happen for a couple years though, I don't think.
  5. Hopefully this will help the NCAA realize that they will be shooting themselves in the foot if they impose sanctions on UND that wouldn't allow them to ever host this event again.
  6. God, I hope so. Hey iramurphy, I've done a 180! You won't find me on the Belmore bandwagon going into this season. Start Manke, let Freund mop up (so he's ready for 2007), and propel Belmore to #2 holder. I had little faith in Belmore going into last year, then he got my hopes up, only to completely dash them.
  7. Will they be running buses all night during the games from the Memorial parking lot? I ain't gonna make it up there until about half way through the Holy Cross-Minnesota game. I'm guessing street parking to the south will be full by then, and I don't want to hoof it all the way from the football stadium.
  8. I never said he isn't knowledgable. In fact I said he may be knowledgable.
  9. I agree that is a questionable statement at best. I am a Miles fan from his Mayville days, as I got to know him personally there. He is a class act, very humble, and a very knowledgable coach. Bohl may be a knowledgable coach (perhaps remains to be seen) but he comes off as very arrogant, elitest, and according to Ed Shultz, "bush-league". On the other hand, Ed Shultz is himself an invertabrate, and has no spine, so take that with a grain of salt I guess.
  10. Am I interpreting this right: Is he saying that it'll be easy to form a new conference from thin air? That's a rather bold statement isn't it? I only know of 2 area schools that have recently moved up, and I doubt that either of them would extend a helping hand to UND. Unless he's assuming that USD or SCSU or somebody else has expressed interest in going with UND.
  11. Jeff Kolpack posted this in his Bison Media Blog over a week ago, regarding Bollinger's exodus. http://www.areavoices.com/bisonmedia/ Could there be any truth to this, or is Kolpack just blowing smoke? I know Lennon just signed an extension last fall, but I'm sure there are few DII coaches more attractive than Dale right now.
  12. FSN North or ESPNU are the only options as far as I know.
  13. One of NDSU's motives for going DI was to offer more football schollies and play opponents that offered more scholarships, which in theory is supposed to offer a higher quality of play on the field. Ironically, that first DI-AA game was against Valparaiso, which offers zero scholarships.
  14. NDSU has a much better basketball coach than they do football coach.
  15. Dataflix would make Steven Tyler's voice all scratchy and his face would be all pixellated so I doubt that they'd ever go for such an arrangem......................oh.............nevermind.
  16. Is that that same screenshot that refers to NDSU as "North Dakota", or is it this one? "College Hoops 2K6 - North Dakota plays big - XBox 360" Funny how on the same weekend that Red Baron screwed up, so did X-Box!
  17. I feel bad for the SCSU captain and the Wisonsin captain. They will probably be suspended from school now.
  18. Back on topic......... Steve Hallstrom reported on WDAY @ 6:00 tonight that the Bison will be playing the Gophers in football on October 21, 2006 at the Metrodome. A third year transitional school playing our region's most visible Big 10 school, in the nation's most visible sport. Guarantee of $300,000. That sounds like a reason to go DI to me............ http://www.wday.com/ (click on 6:00 p.m. newscast)
  19. I'd rather have the Gophers goaltenders wondering if they could catch a cold, much less a puck, which is what they're probably wondering right now. Briggs and Frazee are to the point where they are gonna be wondering what the opposing goaltender is gonna be doing rather than what the opposing forwards are doing. That said, I'm focusing on what Michigan is gonna be doing, not Minnesota.
  20. I agree. Not to take anything away Katy Peterson, she may be the perfect person for the job, but I would have thought that there would have been interest from several DI assistants and several top-notch DII head coaches in this position. This program has shown some amount of potential over the past few years. And the Sioux Center must be one of the top volleyball arenas in the country, regardless of division doesn't it? Perhaps BisonDan has a point. This hiring coupled with the defection of Rob Bollinger doesn't give me alot of hope about a DI move. On the other hand, I don't remember Tim Miles (who I think is one of the best coaches to reside within the Louisiana Purchase!) being on the radar of many DI schools when NDSU hired him. I still hold out hope. Good luck, Katy Peterson!!!
  21. I wonder how well this event is selling. I got my tickets on October 15th-- section 101, row I. Your seats sound better.
  22. Attendance is usually down for post-season events, I don't see why this would be any different.
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