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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. If I remember right didn't we have 4 league games last year during the tourney?
  2. http://msn.foxsports.com/story/3131476 questions and answers with former SIOUX Zach Parise.
  3. Great article.With the pros on strike and ESPN2 picking up some of the games,the RALPH should be well known throughout the country once the tourney is over.
  4. Thanks DMT.Good choice.
  5. I havn't heard who is taking deans place as coach for the U.S. squad at the world juniors tournament.Anybody know?
  6. Thanks a bunch PCM.Good news on Murray.Hopefully its more like 2 weeks instead of 4.
  7. McMAHON got the best of Vanelli no doubt.That fight was better than 90% of NHL fights.
  8. then we have st.cloud st. after that who are beating yale 10-0 after 2.
  9. doesn't get any easier with undefeated cc coming to town next weekend.
  10. 3rd period penalties killed us.3-3 tie.kiss your sister.
  13. hey dean i know you aren't doin nothin now.what ya say you come on back to nodak.we need ya.NOW.
  14. totally agree.there is to much talent on that team to be lettin this crap happen.
  15. ya let em hang around a look what happens.ya gotta be kiddin me.
  16. sounds like lammy is playing pretty well.
  17. 6 min. to go
  18. full strength with 10 min. to go.now stay out of the box and lets play some SIOUX hockey.
  19. ne score.3-2 sioux.frickin stupid penalties are killin us.
  20. and yet another penalty.come on.this is nuts.
  21. 5 on 3 again.sound familiar.
  22. 2415 for the game.great crowd eh.
  23. that sucks.sounds like we should be puttin these bums away or you know what could happen.
  24. did the SIOUX win in football today?
  25. announcers did not sound to good about bradys injury.
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