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Posts posted by iramurphy

  1. I would resist any downgrade to one program to shift resources unless absolutely necessary. I’m not saying giving up the larger ice sheet is a down grade. I would defer that to the hockey staff and Admin staff and the Engelstad foundation for input. Adding seating around the large ice sheet could increase opportunities for hockey tournaments for the community. I agree we should be able to rework/ upgrade facilities for MBB, WBB and VB. In addition to increased seating capacity, we need enough court space so MBB and WBB can hold in- season practices at the same time. I haven’t seen their locker rooms but for 15-18 players they should be top notch for all three teams. 
    Lounge and study facilities could possibly be shared. I would try to get input from athletes and coaches regarding the feasibility. They could each have dedicated meeting space but every square foot needs $.
    I’ve never liked isolating athletic teams from each other or even from the general student population. However,  these are different times. Sharing study space might  be beneficial for social interactions, but also could better utilize tutors and supervision of study hall attendance when required. It might even be a positive recruiting tool. Just food for thought. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Does any of this matter in a world of open-enrollment? 

    Give me a PowerBall win and I can load up any HS school I choose using "Sicatoka NIL" funds to HSers. 

    It has. It has been occurring in rural areas where NIL funds haven’t become an issue. However offers of jobs for parents have been part of the recruiting. 

  3. 56 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    Here's a question.  Does the hockey team really need an Olympic sized ice sheet to practive on?  There are only 6 schools thgat use an Olymnpic sheet and really only one we play consistently (SCSU).  It made sense when we had the wopmens team to avoid ice time conflicts.  But is it really necessary now?  Instead of building seperate volleyball/basketball practice courts sonnected to the Betty, why not just convert the Olypic rink to a facility with basketball/volleyball courts, new locker rooms, weight room, offices, film room, etc.  Seems like a better use of the space.  Plus a renovated Betty with a state of the art practive facility would deffiniely help recruting and transfers.  Just a thought.

    Yes. Because,  that is where the donor wanted his money to go. 


    • Upvote 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, Kab said:

    I think the argument on the parochial schools is they could recruit.  They say it wasn’t done but we know it may have (did) happen.

    same with schools on reservations where students just seemed to play where there were going to be good teams,

    IMHO,  tell me where I’m wrong.

    as long as the lower 2 classes can still play each other it should be fine, otherwise the travel could be a nightmare.

    to me a school night should have no travel more than 75 minutes.  Have more Saturday afternoon games and girls and boys double headers , getting kids home after midnight is crazy.



    Public schools have also been recruiting for many years. That hasn’t been just parochial schools for a long time. Also, in larger communities, when school boundaries are adjusted, much of the debate regarding boundaries is related to athletics. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, gfhockey said:

    I see hennen from hallock going to augie also


    quitnthe class they putting together down there 

    Raboin is well liked and respected by players. Great recruiter. With Morton as AD, new arena and Sanford money I would expect them to do well given time. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, SIOUXELEVENS said:

    Maybe the staff should try too flip this commitment. 

    His brother Grant committed to Northern Michigan. Was with FForce a couple years but now I think with Omaha or Sioux Falls. I thought Grant was top MN top HS scorer his senior year. Might be tough to flip if brother still committed to NMU. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Teeder11 said:

    6’9” on paper. 

    Can he move his feet, rebound and play D?  If he can do that there will be a place for him. 3 pointers are frosting on the cake provided he can get open and get his shot off. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. 30 minutes ago, Und246 said:

    Yes. If you get 13,500 to a game the Ralph can rock. 95 per cent of the games the sound would be up by the suites. Anybody that went to those games at the Ralph would admit you don’t feel the crowd hardly at all except for those unique games. That is the reality of it. 

    Yeah I know. Even if we were battling for conference titles and playoffs I doubt we would get 5000 except maybe Bison game.  It’s tough to re-engage the fans especially the students. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Und246 said:

    Except Ralph has zero atmosphere for basketball. 

    You must not have been at the UND Kansas (Boschee) game. It can rock given the correct circumstances. They introduced one of our HOF teams, they had the Wizard of Oz “we’re not in Kansas anymore”  video and UND went up on Kansas early. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    I was at Sheyenne vs. Davies last night and after a slow start Davies just took it to em in the 2nd and third.  Sheyenne has a slew of kids hurt and sickness, and just lost a forward to the dreaded mono bug which is a season ender with mandatory 6 weeks no contact.


    If the athlete recovers and does not have an enlarged spleen, he/she may not need to sit out 6 weeks especially if the spleen isn’t enlarged and the symptoms mild. Unfortunately, it also means sometimes they are out >6wks. 

  11. 1 hour ago, nodak651 said:

    You're ignoring the fact that "other people's money" isn't needed for a buyout that only costs 80k.  

    His contract runs through April 2024. Salary was around $180 000. Salary plus benefits are likely around $190,000. Dump him now and buyout would be next year plus $45,000 for the remaining 3 months through April 2023. In my experience buying out school administrators, it would be the cost of salary and benefits for the remainder of the contract plus attorney fees and any incentives to get them to move on if you would like to minimize hassles. In this case, with the lack of success of the program, you probably would have to throw in incentives. I’m not sure where you came up with only $80,000. I’ve estimated based on base salary I found listed on one source. I would estimate a buyout at the end of this season to be at least $190,000 which is a conservative estimate of salary and benefits for April 2023-April 2024. I’m guessing.
    Show me what I’m missing. So who pays for it? I’m not going to. To be clear, I haven’t suggested those who want Sather gone should pick up the tab. I suggested those who want to buy him out now, have some boosters donate the money or find money in the budget, should pick up the tab. 
    I would rather weather the storm and spend the $190,000-$235,000 on better coaches salaries or program upgrades wherever needed. I also would spend from now until the end of his contract searching for viable candidates. 
    I’m sure the real “best fans” (or whatever they claim to be) and our BB experts with a better understanding of BB, coaching, contracts, buyouts etc than I have, will be happy to point much better solutions. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Kab said:

    Do recruits ask how many years a coach has left on their contract?

    Yes. I experienced that question personally more than once.  Not only that, but opposing teams use it against schools where it is rumored that a coach is either taking a different job or losing their job. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 3 hours ago, HoopsFan03 said:

    Exactly! Us season ticket holders that are at every game, watch every single road game online, travel to road games at times. We have no opinion in this public forum unless we pay $50k out of our own pockets to buy out the current coach. It makes a lot of sense! Just shows you what type of people the minions truly are! 

    On second thought, I think I'm going to start selling Sather's Minions merch! All proceeds will go to buying out Sather from his current contract. That way I am allowed an opinion in this forum and am allowed to talk. Will that work Minions??

    On the contrary, you just expressed your opinion and I doubt you gave UND $50,000. 

  14. 3 hours ago, UND-SPORTS-FAN said:

    :tinfoilhat: Some might say the same about you SD UND, when I mean some i mean everyone except Ira who can't take sarcasm either

    I can take anything you want to toss out here but if you think it’s clear that everyone outside the ss.com experts can tell when your pals are “kidding” or “sarcastic”,  I beg to differ. 

  15. 1 hour ago, NewUndFan said:

    You were the only one who thought he was serious = Karen .  So I'm not allowed to have an opinion unless I agree to buy out the coach huh ? You are obviously blind and have no sense for basketball if you think our program is going in the right direction. 

    I didn’t say I thought the program was going in the right direction. My comment about a buyout was to those who are frustrated someone else isn’t doing it. I’ve never liked the comments from those who have answers as long as someone else pays for it. My comments aren’t to everyone who wants a coaching change but to those who want someone else to pay for a buyout. I have no issues with those whose opinion is to change coaches. Maybe they are correct. I’m not blind. My basketball experiences, and coaching experiences are irrelevant. You may think your basketball experience and expertise far exceeds mine and anyone else who isn’t in full agreement. You may be right.  I’m smart enough to know I haven’t kept up with either sport to think I can coach. Maybe others have. My initial comment was after a post related to a poll that might influence UND “brass”.  I made another comment about the AD’s home phone number. Some of you infer an awful lot from nothing.  Because one disagrees there is no reason to take it as an offense. 

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