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Posts posted by iramurphy

  1. 2 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Okay. I’m only 10, so I don’t know if you’ll still be around by the time I’m 21.

    Odds aren’t bad, but I might need a ride to and from the nursing home.

  2. 10 minutes ago, shep said:

    The longer you bang your head against the wall, the sooner you realize you aren't doing your head or the wall any good.

    You're better than worrying about certain other's opinions.

    No worries. He doesn’t bother me. I find him amusing at times. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    And just to be clear, this message board is the furthest thing from a court room. There’s plenty of evidence to go around, but you really have to be quite ignorant (and lazy) to not acknowledge it *unless* I proceed with a deposition and present several exhibits for your liking. Again, I also do not have to answer your several questions for that reason; not because I “have no answers for your questions”. 

    Again, let’s see what happens. UND football is up against it with funding issues, so that is a challenge, but I also don’t agree with their current leadership and hiring processes. That could be done better, regardless of budget. 

    Thank you Judge Judy.
    So now you have decided I’m “ignorant” and lazy because I question how you reach your conclusions. If that makes you feel better, good for you. I was only giving you an opportunity to give us any excuse to lend any credibility to your statements. 

    • Upvote 3
  4. 1 hour ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Stop deflecting. It was obvious which direction Bubba was going to go from the get-go. Predetermined decisions due to a lazy predictable decision-making process. Your justifications are just as predictable. 

    Bubba has one hand tied behind his back because of poor funding, but I’m not sure the free hand is all that capable, either. 


     I pointed out that you make assumptions and use your assumptions to state your opinions as if they are facts. I raised fair questions for which you have no answers. Tell me the details of how the decision was made, what is in the signed contract, and what process was used to reach the decision, cuz I don’t know. If you know so much, why have you no evidence to support your claims of a “lazy predictable decision making process “?  That is as weak as your nonsense that hard working guy hasn’t “earned” a chance.   Joel may or may not be the right choice but he has “earned” the opportunity. 


    • Upvote 4
  5. 14 hours ago, GDPritch said:

    But now half the time we don’t even make the NCAA tourney so no shot at all at winning a natty. We always had that chance under previous coach while current coach only won the natty when handed the keys to a Cadillac.  

    Yet other coaches with “keys to a Cadillac “ failed to win a National Championship. All 3 of our most recent coaches failed to win a Championship when UND had arguably the best team in the country in given years.  That is because it’s hockey, which I believe by nature of the game, makes it difficult to win a championship even with the best team or an outstanding coach. The other issue that applies to all of sports is that the players play the game and once the puck drops that is the most important factor. 

  6. On 2/4/2023 at 9:32 PM, tnt said:

    Wondering if Tyler Hennen from Kittson Central has college potential.  They play a soft schedule, but averaging 5 points and a hat trick a game, must have some potential considering the other teams are probably keying on him.  Would imagine he will need to prove he can do it against better competition.


    I saw him play last night. He has good size.  They got beat 6-4 by DL in round 1 of Sec 8.  DL is good but not great. Hennen  had one assist. I think he will need a year or 2 of juniors to develop.  He looked like a very good HS player.  Doesn’t have a lot of help so tough to say but I’m not the guy to evaluate. I may have expected too much. 

  7. 5 hours ago, burd said:

    Did we win a banner with him?  Simple question.

    No?  Grindah.  


    I assume this is sarcasm but for the sake of those whose lives seem askew when our sports team aren’t performing up to our expectations, fans aren’t the ones who win and lose.

    A simple answer to the simple question:

    Not Yet. 

  8. 4 hours ago, brianvf said:

    I can see it now...

    Motzko is taking a prized recruit around for a tour of Mariucci.  The recruits parents look around and mention in passing that the Ralph seemed to be a much nicer arena with better amenities for the players.  Motzko, with his razor sharp ears, hears this comment and feels the need to confide in the parents.  "You know, according to some posters on the siouxsports.com message board, there is a potential locker room issue going on at that school...I'd steer clear."  The parents, who are always interested in gossip (they watch a lot of TMZ), are intrigued and take his comment to heart.  No less than 20min later, the highly sought after recruit has given his verbal commitment to join the Gopher program for that fall.  After the family leaves, Motzko chuckles to himself and says "thank you siouxsports.com...thank you once again."

    ;) :)  

    Of course with your experience as a college player and coach you know exactly how it works. Maybe not. Many other college teams including the Gophers have upgraded facilities since the Ralph was built. The gap between facilities is no longer the same advantage.
    Coaches don’t have time to review ss.com. They will hear about the  rumors. I would question whether or not you have ever been involved recruiting college athletes if you don’t think the negative rumors are never used in recruiting. I would bet the unfounded rumors regarding racial problems at NDSU gets used against them by some. Recruits are asked what other schools they are considering. They answer St. Elsewhere University. Someone says “are they still having locker room issues?” or “ any truth to racial issues”?.
    “I heard coach x is on the way out”.  
    Rumors like that don’t need to be used by many of the best programs but it’s cut throat business and I have seen how that crap gets used.  

  9. 1 hour ago, I Ranger said:

    I heard from very reliable sources this weekend that there are locker room issues and other circumstances leading to this decision which is all together ironic in the fact that he was brought in due to the decision to let Morrow walk because he (and his father) could be a distraction and not UND culture. 

    Always good to get rumors from “reliable sources “ when spreading those rumors can hurt the team, especially recruiting.  I have no idea what goes on in this locker room, but I guarantee that once this appears on a public forum,  it will be brought up by other schools when they talk to recruits. At this level, there are usually folks monitoring opponents web sites for anything they can use against opponents. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    I don’t think they can play like this next week if they expect to win. 

    The good thing is that other girls stepped up and contributed at different times. They played good D. Good teams find a way to win when you aren’t at your best. 

    • Upvote 2
  11. 11 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    What’s he supposed to say to the media?  Tell ‘em how miserable he is and prepare for the locker room “Code Red” as soon as the spot airs?

    You think he’s miserable?  If he isn’t happy, I doubt he says anything.  


  12. 3 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Why the announcement now? Spring ball is supposed to start in a week on the 20th. Timing of this seems odd since he is not transitioning to another FB role/position. 

    The timing may also be related to the timing of an opportunity outside of coaching. There are a lot of coaches with the ability to be successful in other occupations. Him having been a college athlete and coaching in a leadership position makes him an attractive candidate for businesses, companies or corporations. I would bet it will be at a significant salary increase, and a good chance more time with family, and he won’t  have to deal with the uncertainties in a profession governed by the flailing NCAA.  Coaching at this level can be a thankless job even in good times. 
    Having said that, I have no idea what his plans are but it’s a scenario that could explain the timing. Employers aren’t going to consider how the timing affects the previous employer as long as the can hire the person they want. 

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