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Posts posted by JESUS,family,rutgers

  1. Thanks PCM. Next up is Cincinnati-Saturday night November 18 on ESPN. When the New Big East Conference was created, they might have been the only program that was worse than RU. If they can ever get some of the top talent in Ohio to say no to Ohio State, they could be very good. The state of Ohio produces a ton of football talent so I would expect they will be improving if they are committed to football and not just basketball.

  2. Hello Siouxcast,

    Is there a way to read a transcript of your show? If it is already there, please forgive me. Just a few years ago, I could barely even get on websites and didn't have an email address. My brother has dragged me kicking and screaming into the 80's! Thanks for the help and your show.

  3. Thanks GBPkrzz. I remember the name now--not many guys named Rock. He was there during the early years of a head coach we had named Doug Graber. We had mostly just below .500 seasons during Graber's five or six year run. From what I remember Graber may have also coached at Montana State(or maybe Montana) so naturally our former AD thought he would be a great recruiter for kids in New Jersey :D After Rutgers, Graber coached for years in the NFL-Europe and is now an announcer for ESPN. Most of the time he covers games in the South.

  4. Even if we beat Cincinnati,Syracuse, and West Virginia, there are a lot of one loss teams like Florida,Texas,Southern Cal, and Auburn who would probably get the nod ahead of Rutgers. The funny thing around here is that we don't really care. Everyone is just glad that we have come out of the wilderness. I don't think the NCAA has time to figure out a way to have a 16 or 8 team playoff system. They are too busy trying to figure out ways to take freedom of speech away from North Dakota and other universities :D

  5. The signature line reminds me each day of what is most important. Siouxscore, I am a Rutgers alumnus,but my Dad and I used to go to RU football and some basketball games when I was a kid. Was the strength coach with the football team during the Dick Anderson or Doug Graber years?





    Last night was a perfect night. My Dad started taking me to Rutgers sports events thirty years ago even though he had no connection with RU. He took me because I wanted to go and then he started to love going himself. We have been so bad so long and we sit here in New Jersey on a goldmine of football talent that administrations and coaches continued to find ways to bungle recruiting and the overall running of the program for decades. The amount of pent up enthusiasm in this state can not be described. I wish last night could be bottled. I'll bet my Dad was up in Heaven cheering last night too.



  7. Originally, students tickets were going to become available today and the AD said he would not turn away any students who came on Thursday night. That was before this morning when 10,500 student tickets went in only four hours. THe university has now realized Thursday could become a safety concern if we keep letting more and more students into the game so it looks the cutoff point is about 45,000 for our 41,500 seat stadium.

  8. The entire university has 48,000 students if you include the Camden,Newark, and New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses. The New Brunswick/Piscataway campus has about 30,000 by itself. At sunrise, there were two helicopters from local televsion stations filming the students in line for tickets. It seems after thirty years we are back where we were in 1976--an undefeated football team and a stadium that is too small for the crowds. Now if we can just get Louisville to cooperate Thursday night on ESPN!



  9. For those of you who bought these, is the Sioux logo embroidered on or is it a decal that has been put on the jacket? It looks great on the website. I have emailed them and they said they were aware of our Top 15 national ranking and were considering adding Rutgers. Still hard to believe they are selling very many of some of those schools.

  10. Here are some upcoming TV games. The websites for the Devils radio broadcasts are www.923freefm.com or www.wfan.com.

    November 7--Carolina--Versus TV

    9--Chicago--Fox Sports New York


    14--New York Rangers--Versus TV




    24--Anaheim--Madison Square Garden Network

    25--San Jose--FSNY

    27--Los Angeles--Versus TV

    December 1--Pittsburgh--FSNY

  11. It seems strange that the "Q" is building a brand new,small hockey/basketball area. Their new facility will hold less than 4,000. I wonder if it makes sense financially for North Dakota to fly all the way across country to play in such a small building. Hopefully, the "Q" can make it worth their while.



  12. Thanks to a great North Dakota fan out there, I received a tape of the game against Minnesota-Duluth. The Sioux running backs looked very good and it looked like the game was pretty much over by the end of the first period. While I have been to Division 3 and Ivy League games, this was the first time I watched an entire Division 2 game. It was a much higher level of play than I expected. Compared to the Ivy League(where it should be illegal to charge admission), the execution was much better. I think North Dakota could give the lower end of 1-A like Buffalo,Ohio, and Temple a decent game and could certainly beat some 1-AA's. Even before the move to 1-AA, it looks like there is a good amount of talent to compete in the higher division.



  13. Louisville's offense looked GREAT! It is going to be very difficult to beat them. I was glad to see almost the entire halftime spent interviewing Coach Schiano. A university can rarely get this much exposure. One of the local papers estimated Rutgers has received about $16 million of free publicity since Labor Day and that was before this past week. November 9 will be the biggest crowd ever at Rutgers Stadium and another ESPN game--everyone around here is just counting down the days.



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