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Posts posted by JESUS,family,rutgers

  1. Hi Sioux-cia,

    If you saw me, you would certainly say I am WAY too much!!! I better do something about that soon or I won't be able to fit into my Sioux jersey or my car for that matter!!! Anyway, a terrific fan from Grand Forks sends me tapes of the games and she recently sent me some newspapers from Grand Forks and I noticed the kayaking event in the Outdoors articles. Thought there might be somebody out there who was interested,but missed the article.

  2. I hate computers!!!! Anyway, I have no idea why the link won't work,but if you go www.bemidjistate.edu and then click on events there is more information there. Excuse me while i go shine my wooden shoes.

  3. For those interested, I saw some information about a learn to kayak class in the Grand Forks Herald. It will be held on campus at Bemidji State University February 5 from 7-10pm. The cost is $15 and the contact number is 218-755-2999. Here is a site for more information----undefined

  4. The whole state must be going crazy! Can't wait until I see the games(there is a VERY nice person on siouxsports who sends me tapes of the games. For some reason, our local cable station has been showing a lot of Hockey East games,but not many Sioux games. What can they be thinking?



  5. What a great series Fighting Sioux!!!!!!! If this continues and the Sioux aren't placed out West, I hope they are placed in the Northeast Regional in Manchester, New Hampshire. I know--don't put the cart before the horse. Congrats players,coaches, and fans!

  6. The Dartmouth campus was very nice and it had just snowed on the drive up from the New Jersey Shore. I probably look so cold because it was 55 when I left here and around 25 in Hanover,New Hampshire. Some campuses look great with snow and some,like West Point and Princeton, look terrific all the time. As for Rutgers, it is an average looking campus that certainly looks the best after a snow(but they bring some of the piggies,cows, and horses inside).

    SiouxMeNow, thanks for posting my picture. --I have received hundreds of requests for dates. While I appreciate the interest from the married women, I don't want to break up any marriages so keep trying to work things out. My current dating schedule is booked until November 2012 and I have mentioned I am willing to meet for dates halfway--around Rockford, Illinois. I had no idea so many ladies were looking to date poor guys from New Jersey who need to lose thirty pounds and have a receding hairline. :sad:

  7. Hello cujo2,

    After following Rutgers for thirty years, I gave up on us starting an NCAA Division 1 hockey program. I didn't want to root for a sports factory( I always cheer for the underdog). That eliminated Notre Dame,Michigan, Ohio State,etc. After going on a lot of Hockey East,CCHA, and WCHA web sites, I narrowed it down to Maine and North Dakota. For some crazy reason, I thought it would be a little different following a team from a state all the way across the country and I like the team name,logo, and colors. AFTER I picked them, I found out about the seven National Championships. Once I joined siouxsports.com, I was contacted by several people who have been kind enough to send me Sioux books and game tapes and many other items. One woman who is a big fan even sent me a Tim Skarperud jersey. Even though I do not have a long history with the state or university, I will always be a fan of the North Dakota teams. The gestures of these North Dakotans came at the worst time in my life and were totally unexpected. It is great to know there are still people doing such kind things without demanding something in return--sometimes I think our society has forgotten that this used to be common.



  8. Tommiejo,

    Congratulations on ANOTHER National Championship. Your sports fans must be going wild between basketball and football. I would assume your team is now taking almost all the best recruits and leaving the rest for Miami and Florida State. Do you and other Gator fans think that South Florida could replace Miami as one of the Big 3 if Miami doesn't get their facilities,coaching,behavior, and image improved soon?

  9. Sooners,

    You may also want to try two environmental groups that have chapters all around the country. The Nature Conservancy(not political) and Sierra Club(leadership is far too left for me). They sponsor hikes,bicycle rides, canoe/kayak paddles, and other outdoor activities. I have volunteered for both groups and the average members are very nice people who love the outdoors and want to protect our resources. Once in a while, you might run into someone who will give you an attitude because you aren't wearing clothes made of freely falling maple leaves,but that is the exception.

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