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Everything posted by Skate_For_State

  1. Come on Goldy lets be honost with ourselves......
  2. MSN story and video of the shooting
  3. That's to bad if he's having any mental problems of some sort, hopefully he gets help and recovers. I still haven't seen the video yet, if some one has it would you send me a PM? Thanks
  4. That took alot of guts to write and let them put it in a paper, that was a great article.
  5. I don't think they should make the change.
  6. OSU just beat FSU in O.T.
  7. Thanks
  8. Waht are the pairings for the final five?
  9. How did the last Elite game go today?
  10. I wonder if the GF herald or the Fargo Forum may do an article on the team since its up in GF this weekend.
  11. Hopefully they can start to win some more games, and do well in the playoffs.
  12. anyone hear how the elite team did this weekend?
  13. 1-1-1 best record of the weekends so far.
  14. Not many guys are going to Madison, it will be interesting to see how they do with a short bench.
  15. Thanks
  16. Where did you get those stats?
  17. Who will get added on?
  18. Christian may have lost his game 10-2 but i heard he played well, Deichert won the game that he played 3-2.
  19. the Great Plains team didnt do so well the first game, but they won the second game and on the third game lost by one goal.
  20. They updated the Roster on the www.hselitehockey.com website.
  21. I think Weisgarber and Christian would be the 2 best choices.
  22. I wonder if they will find someone to replace him? Maybe pull someone up from the midget team, like Paul Weisgarber?
  23. Their first tourney is in Bloomington next weekend, be interesting to see how they do.
  24. A goalie from Fargo South, Sean Deichert (i beleive thats how it's spelled) he will be a sophomore next year.
  25. Actually this subject is about the team, not just those players.
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