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Posts posted by kr

  1. With 30 seconds left in the pp Cornell came oh soooo close -- hit the post then a skate then the UNH d-man almost put it in --- goalie Ayers however may have pulled something .... announcers saying he looks like he's hurt.

    More: since the point when Ayers may have been injured, he, Ayers that is, has been hit 2 more times -- #20 for Cornell slid on his knees (head down) into the back of Ayer's legs and took him down (Ayers was looking to the corner and didn't expect the hit -- not an intentional hit) and then just a bit after that Ayers was knocked into by another Cornell player.

  2. Saviano is having a really strong game -- earlier he had a nice short handed break (didn't get a shot on goal but a nice move and ate up clock time) and just a few seconds ago he was "rubbed into the board" but still fought through to get a shot on net.

    Another penalty on UNH (Kevin Truelson) with under 4 minutes left in the 2nd. A senior d-man - just threw the guy down.

  3. U2 - I thought it was a weak call as well. He got pushed in Ayers as much as anything else.

    And surprise .... Cornell gets a powerplay with under 12 minutes left in the 2nd -- remember the WCHA marble theory -- aren't the powerplay chances even now?

  4. 2-0 UNH goal by Steve Saviano -- oh my -- nice break out passes to lead up to that goal. Just over 18 minutes left in the 2nd period. Penalty on UNH at 17:48 left in the 2nd.

  5. End of 1st -- still 1-0 UNH. As the announcers are saying, Cornell really dicatated the play/tempo prior to the disallowed goal. The momentum did shift when there was "no goal". (With under 4 minutes left in the 1st UNH did have a powerplay- penalty on Travis Bell - chance so both teams are 0-1 on the powerplay.)

    More: UNH had 11 sog compared to 7 for Cornell

    Announcers giving props to Coach DU for putting the 4th line out right away after giving up the "no-goal" --- showed faith in their play and it resulted in a goal just a few minutes after a bad giveaway along the boards leading to the "no-goal".

  6. Controversy right away!! Don Adam is the ref for the Cornell/UNH game. Under 9 minutes left in the 1st Cornell seemingly scored a goal on a deflection by Shane Palahicky -- after a delay of a couple minutes, video replay officials determined it was scored with a high stick. Very close call (I'm not saying it was a goal but it was close). Cornell is carrying the play but UNH is doing enough (read: Ayers the goalie hasn't let anything which counts by him) -- Cornell is 0-1 on the powerplay.

    Abbott and Foley's line for UNH just had a really good chance ..... and now at 5:39 left in the 1st the 4th line of UNH (edit: Goal by Tim Horst (a junior from St Paul MN) from Robbie Barker and Tyler Scott) scores to make it 1-0 UNH.

  7. psst.... JWG -- word to the wise -- resist responding to siouxrock -- he's the blackhole -- once you acknowledge him you lose all sense of how to understand -- he sucks you in with a question and be4e u no it - hE hass u talking like a pigdgin .....

  8. Greyeagle -- see, we (Sioux fans that is) think of you as an "out-ed" Sioux fan -- you post reasonably, stick to the issues, etc.... while the Hammys (i.e. stirring the pot on the hobey thread), Handymans (i.e. last years run to uscho tattle) and WPOSs (i.e. what doesn't he do!) of the Gopher fan base are typical Gopher closet Sioux fans -- sort of like in 7th grade when you really, really like someone you do your best to annoy them so they pay attention to you. :p:D;)

  9. You have to admit it's pretty funny/ironic that within minutes of my post someone desmonstrated my point. :D:D

    But ... it is siouxrock we're discussing and he is sort of the exception to any rule! :p;) Maybe we could agree to let siouxrock offset the sid factor (love to trade 'em for happy, but siouxrock's rambling is eerily reminiscant of a sid soliloquy) .. ;)

  10. sigh....

    please get in the kitchen where you belong ...

    (This will date me -- and you're probably way too young to get the reference Wiseman, and it's terribly corny but....)

    "I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, ever let you forget, I'm a college hockey fan.... 'cause I'm a woman ....."

    I have no problem being in the kitchen as I have a tv there so I can cook and watch hockey -- I'm very good at multi-tasking.

    *** I don't make cupcakes, but my 7-layer bars are to die for! :D

  11. and as long as they are civil you don't see Gopher fans getting defensive about it.

    And generally on this siouxsports board the Sioux fans aren't defensive either -- it's just when a "visitor" gets offensively offensive that the "goons" of the board come out to lay the smack down! ;)

    **Goon -- I mean that in only the nicest way! :D

  12. It would be a shame if Sejna didn't win it. I realize the Cornell goalie has some amazing stats but based on how his team plays (conservative/defensive minded), I think a lot of goalies could throw up some darn good numbers in that type of a system.

    Sejna would have my vote.

    Do you really want the obvious retort that most Sioux fans would toss out?

  13. Someone on this board said UAA an Tech are what they are. UAA yes Michigan Tech no. Will Tech be a force to reckon with, probably not. Are they a team that can steal a win or a final five appearance away from you, absolutley.

    While Tech and UAA appear to be fixtures at 9 & 10 in the league race next season, it'll be really interesting to see what strides they make.

    Tech will have a new coach -- will that result in a tumultous transition (ala Wisconsin/Eaves)?

    There are 18 returning jrs/sophs/fresh that have played at least 27 games for Tech. Colin Murphy a soph had a 40 point season -- Chris Conner a fresh had 37 points and 3 short-handed goals and Brett Engelhardt a junior had 32 points. Throw in Cam Ellsworth (currently a soph) a decent goalie who had 4 freshmen d in front of him (the 4 played in 38, 28,31,30 games respectively) 2 soph d (38,27 games respectively) and 1 junior (37 games).

    What about UAA -- did the hockey voodoo curse run its course this year?

    Looking at their stats can blow you away -- they only had 6 players whose overall point totals were in double figures (28,23,17,15,11,10) and in WCHA play only 4 of them notched double digits. They should have more wins next year (goalies will both be seniors - Chris King & Kevin Reiter) but it looks like it's going to be a rough year next year too. Does anyone know who UAA is bringing in next year? Curtis Glencross looked good this year (freshman) as did Ales Parez but that was about it. (Yes, Fournier is suppose to come in but that has been discussed ad nauseam -- and most of us are familiar with what Chris will likely "bring to the table".) -- I'm sort of angling for someone to relay what Chris H.'s site lists as recruits for UAA as I don't know his website address. Thanks for your help.

  14. Melissa, I just talked to a friend who lives in the Boston area and travels back to Grand Forks/Fargo a couple times a year. There is not much price difference if you fly into GF or into Fargo, so I'd say fly into GF as you'll just be a couple miles from the arena. If you want to save a significant amount of money your best option is to fly into Minneapolis. Karen figures that at most times of the year Boston to Mpls is close to $400 cheaper than Boston to GF (B to Mpls fares can run as low as $250 round trip while B to GF seems to hover around $635 round trip - so the $525 that you have mentioned is a better price). Coming in October the weather should be decent; however, last winter there was a blizzard in the middle of October (a trip by rental car from Mpls to GF takes 4 - 4 1/2 hours in good weather). Hopefully someone else has better info on discount tickets/specials etc...

  15. The only thing worse than a "woofing" gopher fan is the "woofing" that'll be done by non-wcha teams if 3 or more of the wcha's 5 teams lose in this opening round -- so go WCHA! :D:D

    On a side note: Didn't Kunitz (from Ferris) alledgedly squirt a fan with a water bottle this year? IF they play UMN tomorrow it could be interesting as DeMarchi was proficient with water bottle squirting this year too.

  16. However, overall, I am pleased the way the team played when they really wanted to win. Unfortunately, we didn't put it together when it really counted in league play, or tonight. We have a nice corps of players coming back, and some good guys coming on board. The team went further than I anticipated they would, and I expect a lot more out them next season. Hopefully, they work hard, and focus on where they want to go next season.

    Well, I think the fans are on the same page -- let's hope the team will be too! :D

    Great career props to Chris, Jason, and Kevin. Can't tell you how much you will be missed. Good luck and God speed!

  17. They played two weekends longer than last year -- this game had 2 seniors and 4 juniors -- next year that'll be 4 seniors and 8 (f/d) 2 (goalies) that'll be juniors -- 4 sophomores (MG,LM,ZP,MP-- all played significant roles this year) next year the pressure will be on this team to perform past the sweet 16. The only disheartening part to this loss was that it seemed like Ferris "wanted" it more, as Sioux fans it's hard to see our team being out played. Like they're saying on the radio now - they need to see leadership.

  18. Or is it Mark Kauk? :D Whatever the case... he's a Sioux fan! :lol:

    That is so what I was thinking, but didn't put down -- I'd concur with airmail ... Mark is good, he was on the radio this morning with Tim and Swyg.

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