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Posts posted by kr

  1. I wonder if they have him on just because of the Clear Channel connections? I am pretty sure! They would never purposely have somebody on who is knowledgable about college hockey.

    It was something K-Fan was trying -- they "checked" in with quite a few stations (Fargo, GF, Mankato, a few others), each station had a few minutes to interact with the duo (PA and Dubay). It sounded like one of the guys in their studio had done the work (lined things up and done a little research regarding topics in each town), it didn't sound like PA and Dubay were too thrilled to be doing this.

  2. CB on with Tim and Swyg this morning (comments on Jason N are on the Notermann thread).

    Talked about CC and referee Mike Schmidt, last year vs. this year, then into gopher talk:

    Loss of Dan Welch will probably have a huge impact, however, Gino G. and Barry T. are back, and they are both very talented. No team has any freshmen left as after the Christmas break no one is a "fresh" man anymore.

    While the world jrs. are physically and emotionally draining on players, this year probably wasn't as bad a year as Halifax didn't require an overseas trip/flight.

    Goaltending is being questioned by everyone -- Jake B. probably on Friday --- practice and a host of other things go into determining who plays in goal.

    Many players for UND are coming into their own -- Rory M has really stepped it up. (also Ryan C and Mike P, and Lee M stepped it up this past weekend)

    Tim: what are you going to do about line combinations, Notes, David L and BB played so well together.

    Possibly: Jason N., David L., Brandon B.

    James M., Kevin S., and Zach P.

    Mike P., Ryan H., Rory M.

    Good to have the Matts back -- after Saturday's game David H and Andy S looked like wet rags.

    Vanek is dangerous -- he can pick his spot with his shot; but Riddle is the guy that can really burn you -- moves, speed, ability.

    UND can't afford to take the bad penalties (hooking, tripping, slashing).

    Swyg wished the team good luck "at the John" -- that's Swyg's new name for the Gopher's arena (since we have the Ralph, they have the John)

    (Tim mentioned something about being on KFan around 11:15 -- I think he was talking about today)

  3. CB was on with Tim and Swyg this morning -- they asked CB if Jason was a captain -- no, but he was and more importantly ......... he is a leader on this team, he is working so hard and he knows how to win. Tim stated that it's good to see him score goals and his move was fabulous. CB said that it is fun to see Jason have success.

  4. Dagies, you are right. Actually, don't you think that thanks to the water bottle incident/pubilcity the officials will keep an even closer eye on DeMarchi, more than they normally would? As it has been stated previously, as important as this series is for UND it is more so for the gophers. They really need a couple wins, especially while playing at home. Maybe instead of a Marquee DeMarchi Matchup, they could let Virg and Sid wage a NCC/Div.II/Herb likes us better vs. Big 10/Div.I/we have no money to compete: the word war (print vs. radio).

  5. Not to advocate physical play too much, but...... I'm thinking that if there is an altercation it'll be Prpich or Massen taking on "Vanilla Thug" ..... I think that JM plays much better when he lays out a couple of good hits in the beginning of a series and I think that Prpich isn't one to shy away from contact...... our de-men would be better occupied taking care of our zone (around the goalie) let the forwards take care of DeMarchi if necessary.

  6. The Wooger was on K-FAN -- UND's defense is more rugged/aggressive. He mentioned more mobility, but I'm not sure if it was in reference to the defense corp of UMN or UND.

    UMN is not spectacular in net, but they are better then what UND has in net. The gophers chances this weekend should be pretty good. The question(s) is/are what will UND's goaltending do on the road and can they play and WIN on the road.

    The loss of Dan Welch was hard to take. Welch's dad is one of Wooger's best friends. He has been given many chances so it is his responsibility. Lucia did the right thing not playing Welch even though technically he had every right to let him play (especially with the team being shorthanded -- injuries/world jrs). It is difficult to take a player in the top 6 or 7 and replace him with a 12 - 13 range player.

  7. Doug Woog was just on K-Fan (Mike Goldberg substituting for the common man) -- regarding officiating: Greg Shepherd does a good job overseeing the officials -- the coaches have the utmost respect for Greg -- Greg does a good job reviewing the jobs turned in each week by the league officials -- if there are problems he has had discussions and/or handed out some form of discipline .....

    the call on Saturday cost 2 points ..... (I can't honestly say if it was the Wooger or Goldberg who said that last comment, but it was uttered)

  8. To beat a dead horse ..... this team has great leadership. Posted on another thread are comments made by AC David Hakstol: we need a big weekend from JN, KS and DH

    .... and those 3 provided points and playing minutes in abundance (as did the team). It's only the mid point of the season and there is improvement needed; however, to not be questioning the leadership bodes well for this team, especially with all the up coming road games. Go Sioux.

  9. I hate to see any player from any team be dismissed . . . like it has been mentioned it will open up an opportunity for an underclassmen. I thought Welch, coming in at the mid point last season, really added a lot to the Gophers and their title run last year, he'll definitely be missed this year - kudos to Lucia for drawing a line in the sand.

    Since I complain about how much time is spent on the Sioux on the Gopher web site, I didn't want to start another thread on the Demarchi incident during Saturday's game. I was at the Sioux game and did not see the incident, however, based on uscho accounts I want to ask:

    Is there a place for this behavior?

    Truthfully, to me, incidents like this, particularly when there is no possibility for harm, just add flavor to the rivalries. (think of "our" own waterbottle incident from the early 80's). My main complaint/beef with this particular incident is that Demarchi did it while sitting on the bench with little time left ...... sort of a H2O sucker punch..... the SCSU player(s) didn't have a chance to return the favor. As a senior I'd expect better of him --- if you're going to pull crap like that, at least be willing to back it up. However, this is Demarchi I'm talking about, why should I expect him to act any different.

    Why bother talking about this? Well, obviously this was a dissappointing weekend for the Gophers - only 1 out of 4 points against a cupcake (copyright - happy) -- and they'll probably be pretty chippy next weekend. Is this the behavior he'll be looking to give the Sioux? He hasn't met Matt Greene yet, has he? :p:(

  10. Question: is there a second page to the nominations standings on the hobeybaker voting site? ;and if so, how do you access it?

    The reason I ask is that prior to nominating player(s) I didn't see David Hale's name on the list/standings, however, after voting I looked at the standings and David appeared on the list with 6 votes --- so I looked to see if there was a link to a 2nd page as someone else I nominated didn't show up (Grant S. from MSU-Mankato).

    (I know, in the whole scheme of "hobey" voting our input isn't too significant -- but it's something to do during the work day! Considering this is only the first day of voting, it was surprising to see which fans have found that site (UND and UMN are well represented) ..... I realize that Chris Higgins from Yale isn't a "scoring leader", I believe 17 points on the season but he is a good player, however, he only has 7 nominating votes so far. . . . . . )

  11. Tim talked with Assoc. Coach David Hakstol this morning. Comment was made that Tyler P. would see time in the defensive corp. Ryan Hale did a good job on d last weekend, but he is needed on the checking line more. (I honestly don't know if they were kidding about TP being on the d.) Didn't catch if there was talk about who'd be in goal. Yes, it is tough with 3 gone to World Jrs., however, the other players on the team are talented too. It's their chance to step it up. (Talk about UND men's basketball loss on the road and generally about home court/ice advantage/disadvantage.)

    A little talk on the strength of CC - Peter S., what can you say, amazing player. The pp of CC is deadly; the number of goals by Tom P. 11 out of his 14 are on the pp. They have snipers. Just as the Sioux are concerned with the Senja line, they (CC) will have to be concerned with Brandon's play (25 goals), as he's on fire right now.

    Leadership has to come from upper classmen: JN, KS, DH and crew.

  12. Not sure if this had been mentioned -- CB was on 1590 am this morning -- I missed quite a bit of the conversation, however, there was some talk on the participants of this tourney. Much cheaper to have two teams which will bus in (Manitoba and Bemdiji) -- for Brown UND pays for the flight tickets and hotel .......

    Tim on 1440 will try to talk to David Hakstol tomorrow morning for those in the listening area.

  13. On the gopher page there is a topic on Garrett Regan - played for Waterloo Blackhawks prior to this high school season (Hill-Murray). It's mentioned that he is being recruited by UMin, UNH, UMD and UND. Has anyone heard his name mentioned before in connection with UND recruitment? (this was attributed to an article from Nov. 28)

  14. Did anyone else out there catch Tim O'Keefe's interview with Rachel Blount (Star/Tribune journalist) between the 1st and 2nd period? She was complimentary of ZP. Some talk about the pipeline (TO'K's word) from SSM To UND -- yes, UND was able to sign players the Gophers wanted, however, UMin signed players UND wanted -- two good programs. A little talk about Herb Brooks and his comments (he coached Dean Blais, likes Dean Blais -- words may have been said but the context/tone probably can be spun many different ways).

    With the Gophers not playing this weekend, I suppose RB had an open weekend and came up to see the Sioux (at relatively full strength, prior to World Jrs.) before they show up in Mpls.

  15. DLW4GOPHERS -- I hate to see you denied the chance to watch your gophers --- on the 11th (Saturday night) there is a gathering of Sioux fans at Players @7061 Clairemont Mesa BLVD Kearny Mesa in San Diego(one block east of the 805) -- here is the link to the alumni website (scroll down a little bit) and there is a contact person (for UND) if you really want to watch the game you could always ask the contact if you'd be "welcome" http://www.undalumni.org/reunion.htm

    Have a nice trip.

  16. Andy on this morning with the "dyanmic duo" ;)

    It (St. C. series) was a fun weekend. Somethings went really well -- got 4 points out of it.

    Tim: Things got a little rugged near the end....

    Andy: I was looking the other way talking with a guy .... it's the end of the weekend, hard fought series, emotions are a little high ...... you just hope nothing happens 'cause we both play next weekend, especially StC as they have Denver and it's an important series for them .....

    Tim: okay, so you've almost had a huge fight then the officials/coaches line you up to shake hands, what do you say ..... does it get ugly ....

    Andy: naw, "good weekend guys.... sorry about that...." but I don't know what they said to Brian

    Tim: heard that the league may review it

    Andy: don't think anything else will happen

    Canisius is playing better than the beginning of the year -- can't go out and take 'em lightly.

    We (the guys) that come to UND come because we want to win - even though the games have generally been (only) one goal wins we are getting it done.

    The first thing a player notices at our rink are the banners...those banners put the expectations up there.

    CC series will be very important..... The real character test is upcoming .... sometimes playing on the road is better than being at home.

    Tim wants the fans to remember these are 19,20,21 year old guys -- they have a life outside of the rink. Wants the die-hard (hockey is my life) fans to ease up on the expectations/critic/etc..... They are a good team, but........ enough already .........

    Andy: As a player you come here to win, not to knock Grand Forks but there is not as much night life as say Denver -- the priorities are different for those who come here ---

    break will be good, going to do some ice fishing up north

    St C series probably wasn't the strongest weekend they've had, however, the defensive unit isn't worried because they know the guys will put the goals on the board --- the forwards are hard working guys.

    (please note that nothing is a direct quote -- the words may or may not be the same but the conversation had the same ideas/contex)

    Fun interview. There was joking back and forth but it'd take too long to explain.

  17. Maybe, but maybe not (I could've missed it but I thought I caught most of the coversation). CB isn't the type to avoid questions and I don't think Tim and/or Swyg are the type to avoid asking a question. Truthfully they talked for quite a while and touched on a lot of stuff (I doubt I "transcribed" 1/2 of what they talked about) ..... there is only so much time they have and it was pretty full ..... I believe that they'll be talking to Andy S. tomorrow on the radio, so maybe the topic will come up. I think the team missed having Brian in the lineup at the beginning of the year when he was injured. Having him back in the rotation has been good 'cause he's a tough, tenacious, lots of hustle player ... for him it's tough to be forced out of the line up as there are good/solid players waiting in the stands.... (Saturday: Quinn and Tyler and Lee) As they want to give Tyler one more week to get up to speed, I'm assuming Quinn will be back in the line up. Who knows what went on/or didn't go on leading up to the incident. Thankfully no one was injured (here's hoping Jake M. makes a speedy recovery) and Brian is going to serve a "penalty". End of story.

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