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  1. We need Jerry time in this game! Prove all the haters wrong
  2. From what I've seen, UNLV coaches were the ones that promised the $100k and then kept telling him it would come until it didn't.
  3. Agree, he should have never stepped foot in Vegas until he got a signed contract. However, that still doesn't change the fact that UNLV legitimately tried to scam the kid. Let's not forget that.
  4. Shame on UNLV for what they did!! Especially the assistant coach that made all the promises and didn't deliver!! For Matt, how do you have a 6 figure deal and not make them provide some sort of contract???
  5. I just hope we cover the spread this weekend!
  6. Absolutely! Way better than playing the trash D3 or NAIA teams that aren't an actual game!
  7. And we play Utah Valley twice?? UTSA twice??
  8. Please reread the actual question asked. You missed a key part of the question. Thank you.
  9. So now we're using Tom Miller as justification for why Romfo keeps starting and we give our backup QB 0 snaps?? Wow!!
  10. We do run RPO's but Romfo never keeps it. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a QB that can't throw a football but supposedly has great legs if he never keeps the ball on those RPO's...
  11. Too many concussions will do that to you unfortunately
  12. I hate to do this to you twinkle toes but to the blue tent you go!! The neurologist needs to see you asap
  13. We aren’t covering anymore
  14. Facts. He was open by 15 yards
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