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  1. Neither. Both are so far behind it’s unbelievable
  2. He had us all fooled so don’t feel bad. I predicted us finishing 3rd before the season started. Unless some miracle happens I don’t see that being a good prediction.
  3. Not saying you’re wrong, but it’s also been several years since we’ve had a QB that could throw a football further than 3 yards down field.
  4. I agree we need better athletes at that position. But our WR’s probably wouldn’t have looked as bad if we had a QB that knew how to throw a football.
  5. Hey, all you have to do is cry in a post-game press conference and Chaves will give you an extension. It worked for both Bubba and Sather. Maybe he’ll try it again after they lose first round of the conference tournament for another year.
  6. You’re right! I had my years off. Lame duck coaches aren’t normally a thing in CBB so yes he should be gone after this season. But Chaves will Chavez.
  7. @NewUndFan good call on Mayar last game! He’s probably been our 3rd best player lately
  8. Unbelievable
  9. Let’s somehow win this game please
  10. Can’t believe I was dumb enough to take UND moneyline
  11. Why does King not guard the other teams best guard? Is that not what he’s on the team to do???
  12. And walking all over us. What a disaster this experiment has been!
  13. It’s the little things that matter
  14. He just got en extension. So I think we are stuck with at least 1 more year of Sather. But one can dream after this season the experiment is over.
  15. *last 5 years
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