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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Yes, I will be willing to make a few signs. NorthStar, you still have the reusable penalty box signs from the Anchorage series?

    The cold has got my brain moving very slowly. So far, all I've come up with:

    "Give Denver the Boot" [illustrated with a wheel, locked up by the mighty law enforcement tool, the Denver Boot]

    Probably too mean-spirited but...

    "To Make a Denver Omelet, You've Gotta Break a Couple Legs"

    If you tell me who the students plan to single out for abuse, I'll try find some appropriate factoid for an embarassing "Pio Bio"

    For the box when pushing maximum occupancy:

    "What Happens in the Sin Bin,

    Stays in the Sin Bin"

    For the box:

    "Mile High Silly"

    "Spoiler Ahead--

    Sioux Sweep"

    For Denver Miscues:

    "Must Be the Elevation"

    "Pete Rose Wouldn't

    Take Your Odds"


    For Max Bull, brother of former Sioux Jesse, in the Box:

    "When Sibling Rivalry Goes Bad..."


    Rocky Mountain Low"

    Obviously, I'm going to need some help so post away!

  2. I haven't heard Blais mention anyone other than Bo as our Hobey contender. On points alone, he should get the award but I thought the same thing about Jeff Panzer. And, yeah, I still carry a grudge against Lucia Pet for voting for Miller instead of Jeffy.

  3. I was also with Al's Pals on the Fun Bus. Great time in Houghton, a beautiful part of the country. Not only did the team sweep, but Sioux fans won two 50-50 raffles & I even won an Easton T-shirt in one of Tech's promotions. Odds were in our favor though, as there were very few Techies in attendance. Their Pep Band rocks, however!

    I couldn't figure out the "over-rated" chant at all. Must be some strange sort of Yooper humor. From my vantage point, it looked like Ryan got the worst of the fight with the big guy. Could be he was holding back, waiting for exhaustion to set in, but I didn't see Hale land a single punch.

    Al has 2 buses going to Duluth (tickets, transportation & keg should be about $100) but he says they are nearly full already. The Duluth trip is always fun even though we get the lousiest seats, very last row, up steep, unrailed steps.

  4. Al Pearson is taking a bus over to Houghton and we leave tomorrow night at midnight. If you are stuck at home listening to Tim H. do play by play, be sure to listen for Al's Pals whooping it up in the stands.

    P.S. He's also taking a bus to Duluth for the Feb. 27-28 series. If anyone is interested in going, send me a PM and I'll give you contact info.

  5. "I wish the Ralph would put together a fan handbook* that would clue these hopeless people in on ways Sioux fans can express their support for the team."

    *Jim: I think "in a non-lame form" was implied.

  6. Yes, the new Ralph can get pretty loud but it isn't loud enough at the right times. Everybody knows to stand and cheer a goal but the suits won't get on their feet and scream, for example, for face-offs in the opponent's end with score tied or the Sioux down a goal--exception to this observation, last year's second and third playoff games, both of which went to OT. Can you imagine the racket, even with everyone politely seated, if 11,000+ people stomped their feet rhythmically as well as clapped to "We Will Rock You"? The roof would come off the place.

    I see the student section waving its arms wildly trying to get the rest of the rink to stand and yell and not getting a lot of reaction for their efforts. I'd like any one of the slacker fans who sit around me in sec. 114 to tell my why they don't get to their feet more often. Are they afraid they'll knock over their over-priced beers?

    I wish the Ralph would put together a fan handbook that would clue these hopeless people in on ways Sioux fans can express their support for the team.

  7. Uh oh, even the trailer has me crying! I heard it opens on Feb.6, Sioux-Badger weekend.

    If you want to find out more about the movie, try imdb.com

    Choose title in the search menu and type in "Miracle." The Internet Movie Database also has a message board with movie/hockey fans debating everything including the flukey goal that allowed Team USA to win the World Juniors. Spread the wealth: go on over to that message board and enlighten some clueless people there about hockey.

    P.S. Invite the Canadians to come to Grand Forks later this year and take back the gold, if they can.

  8. I went to the meet and greet with the Golden Boys yesterday. I got there right at 1 p.m. and the line to see the boys had already doubled back on itself. It took me about two hours to get to the table where they were sitting. I was amazed to find them still courteous, accommodating and in good humor after signing autographs and posing for pictures all that time. That's a testament to their parents, their coaches and themselves. When I left the arena, there was still a very long line of people waiting for their chance at them, even though the session was supposed to end then and there.

  9. I couldn't retrieve the Anchorage Daily News article, either, but thanks for posting the snippet regarding the signs.

    I think the signs have been a success so far and I want to thank the students who hold them up--Forecheck, RedWing, NorthStar-- as well as the readers of this message board who contribute so many hilarious ideas.

    I also want to thank the students for their energy, without which the Ralph would be a mausoleum. I swear the people on my side of the rink are only one breath away from an autopsy. Right before Fylling's tying goal Saturday night, the Dak and the Ring displayed the "Make Some Noise" directive, "Welcome to the Jungle" was blasting, the students were going nuts, I was on my feet screaming and I looked around and I was the only one standing in sections 113-116. Most of them didn't get on their feet until Q's goal. Lame.

  10. Hmm, interesting article. I expect the Sioux will treat Fournier the same way they treat any opposing scoring threat; no better, no worse. The fans, on the other hand, will ride him hard and put him away wet.

    P.S. I only HOPE there are 11,000 in the arena this weekend.

  11. Okay. I guess that qualifies as a mandate. I've already printed "Has Parise Envy" and will paste it up tonight before the game.

    That reminds me. I won't be able to go to the Minnesota series later this month but I'd be thrilled if the "Crappie/Crappy" sign could go in my place. If someone wants to take it, send me a PM.

  12. Jerseychaser1:

    If you e-mail me with your seat number, I will personally bring you a sign. I've got "Skate for 8" printed and could paste it up tonight. The font is huge so it may even be visible from the upper deck. What time will you be there?

    I've made the Vacation sign, which I had to tweak a bit so it would fit but it's pretty good. I added slashes for "MVP/Best Forward" and "VCR/Fast Forward" so it makes the joke a bit clearer. Couldn't fit in "How They Spent" so it's just labelled "Xmas Vacation" with two columns, headed "Zach" and Chris". The print for the list had to be a little small but hopefully the Dak will pick it up.

    Also made the Murray-Parise-Stafford sign which spells U-S-A vertically, and colored it neatly. That one would be really cool to get autographs on Sunday afternoon.

    These are the others:

    Chris: want fries with that?

    Seawolf--The Other Dead Meat

    UND gets the gold mine;

    UAA gets the shaft

    Got Gold? [with WJC pics, only wish they were bigger]

    Separated at Birth? [sorry not in color]

    Welcome Back Chris;

    Keep Your Chins Up

    No one seemed to like the "Breakfast Club" references for the penalty box but UAA doesn't take many penaties anyway. NorthStar: I'll bring "Kiss Cam" and a few other oldies.

    Or, if I hear from you guys right away that you like a particular idea for the penalty box, I'll have time to make one more sign before I leave for the game. I was thinking about some play on John Hill's (UAA coach) name. Something like: "You can sit here 'til Hill freezes over" or "You sit here while Hill boils over" ... "Hilluva player"... "Hill of a time to take a penalty"

    You see what I'm trying to do.

    Thoughts, please?

  13. Forecheck:

    I have three signs made, including "Keep your chins up." I'll make three or four tonight. I was thinking "You Want Fries with That?" & "Chris: Enjoying your Cheeseburger in Paradise?" illustrated with a big juicy burger sitting in the middle of an outline of Alaska.

    Could do something like this:

    Chris: Of course you FIT better in Alaska--

    Alaska: 570,833 sq. mi.

    North Dakota: 69,299 sq. mi.

    I really need a people's choice for the penalty box and the 80s theme, though. NorthStar, any requests?

  14. Redwing: I'll find you. I expect to be there about an hour before game time myself.

    Boston: I like the "How I Spent My Christmas Vacation" idea. Golden Arches v. Gold Medal, Big Mac v. Big Game, etc. Looking for some acronym/abbreviation to contrast with "MVP." Any ideas?

    Wasn't there some "scandal" about Fournier borrowing money from other guys on the team:

    "Chris: What's in Your Wallet? (And who do you owe it to?)"

    "Seawolf: The Other Dead Meat"

    "Sioux Hockey: R U Buff Enuff?"

    [allusion to great 80's movie, "The Breakfast Club"]

    "'The Clean Plate Club'

    --The Fat Pack Comes Back!"

    While additional ideas are still welcome, can I get some feedback about which signs you want made?

  15. Diggler:

    Are you referencing Forecheck? As long as I can find one student sign lifter in the crowd, I'll assume he or she can find the others. Just need a seat number before game time so I can drop off the signs.

  16. Gentle Readers:

    Feel free to start voting at any time. Copy & paste your favorites in your posting with the notation, "Gimme these." No fuss, no muss, no hanging chads. The sooner I can get some idea of which signs you want to see, the sooner I can get started on them.

    Still waiting to hear whether I will have any sign lifters in the lower bowl. Where are my student assistants?

  17. Didn't anyone tell him that the fishing ain't bad at Devils Lake? I've slayed many a white bass there and I am a lousy fisherwoman.

    P.S. Wonder if the lesson to be taken from Chris' disaffection is that the Sioux need to make Ernie the Angler one of their scouts?

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