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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. A few more...

    Penalty Box thought bubble:

    "Ross & Rachel


    End Up Together"


    "Oh, Do Behave!"

    "Leading the League in Nose Hair"*

    *In case you're wondering, I stole this from "Major League" which someone mentioned in another thread:

    Harry Doyle: Heywood leads the league in most offensive categories, including nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party favor.

    [two tigers in the tank]:

    "Two's Company;

    11,500's a Crowd"

    "I [heart-- but with the heart scratched out and the word "Tolerate" inserted instead] Refs"

    [Not that I'd condone fighting...]

    "Pre-Fight Checklist:



    Shirt" [with each checked off]


    [Tiger goalie beaten]

    "You Got Served"

    [in the unlikely event of a drop in cabin pressure or a Tiger goal]

    "Just a Bump in the Road to Boston"

    [referencing Tiger goalie]

    "GAA Higher than GPA"

    Anyone know who the officials will be? If we get a pudgy one...

    "[Ref's name here] Vertical Stripes

    Are So Slimming!"

    "Many Are Hot;

    Only Four Are Frozen"

    Someone, or everyone, give me a top five so I can start this weekend.

  2. Northstar: Are you kidding!? Can't tell from the smilie. Did a security guard really request that sign? I'm assuming it's meant for an ambidexterous player?

    We could have this sign for Sioux penalties or opponent's goals:


    A tweak on my previous suggestion, means less cutting and pasting for me:

    "Beat the Tigers--

    (signed) Siegfried & Roy"

    "Icing on the Cupcake!"

    Valentine's Day theme...

    [addressed to chunk o' beef player of Forecheck's selection]:

    "I've got a [heart] on for you"

    Penalty box, tagline from "Love Story" in which Ryan O'Neal played a Harvard hockey player, so it's kinda relevant:

    "Love Means

    Never Having to Say

    You're Sorry"

    Penalty box:

    "2:00 for Boring Us to Death"

    "Aw, Ref! That was Just a Love Tap!"

    [Not that Northstar will hold this one but...]

    "2:00 for

    Too Many

    Hot Men

    on the Ice"

    "2:00 for Checking the

    Cheerleaders Out from Behind"

    "Sk8r Boy:

    See You Later Boy"

    [Describing opposing goalie]

    "Shoots Left; Catches Nothing"

    "Beat Him Like a Rented Goalie"

    "A Pair of Parises

    Beats All These Jokers"

  3. Bumping this up for the purpose of securing your votes for the signs you'd most like to see next weekend. If you've got better ideas than these, post those, too. I'd like to get a start on these this weekend so let's hear what you think.

  4. The last few posts raise the interesting question whether the yelling and chanting should be directed only at building up the Sioux and not at tearing down the opposition. I think a balance can be struck between the amount of pro-Sioux cheers and the anti-opponent ones. But I'd hate to see the students told that they can't direct any comment at all, whatever its content, to the opposing players. The students are hockey fans, for crying out loud, not diplomats.

  5. You could communicate the students' starting lineup chant to the whole arena with the Daktronic or the fascia ring: "Non-factor!" "Cake Eater!" "Hole-y Goalie" The cure for "Who's he? He sucks $hit" is to stop at "Who's he?" It's not rocket surgery.

  6. I like the ideas being generated. In light of the Kupchella Commission on Fan Behavior being launched...

    "Welcome to the Ralph:

    Home of Banners,

    Not Manners"

    I asked several weeks back whether we'd rather have pro-Sioux signs instead of anti-opponent signs and no one semed particularly interested in that. Should we try to come up with some signs of good sportsmanship or do you think they would, Heavens to Betsy, be seen as facetious?

    "Welcome Worthy Opponents"

    "Wouldn't a Tie Be So Civilized?"

    "Tigers: We Admire Your Style of Play!"

    "May the Team with the Most Points Win

    (but only because that's the rule)"

    "We Will Rock You

    Then Apologize Profusely"

  7. As Northstar points out in the CSTV thread, Friday's Feb. 13th game against CC is going to be on CSTV so let the sign ideas flow. If you can come up with one that uses C-S-T-V to spell out some message, that'd be great. Also remember that the next night is Valentine's Day.

    I'll start us off...

    Penalty box signs:

    [illustrated with a Jell-o salad or dessert glass full of yellow and black Jell-o]

    "There's Always Room

    for Canzanell-o"

    "Giving Up Scoring for Lent"


    [to D-man Weston Tardy] "Is Tardy Ever on Time?

    "Even Siegfried & Roy

    Want These Tigers Beaten"

    [with appropriate Spanish punctuation, i.e. upside question mark and exclamation points]


    No! No!"

    "How the Mediocre Have Fallen!"

  8. Good idea, Northstar. I've already made up the "On a Clear Day You Can See Boston From Here" sign and have some ideas. Although not nationally televised, the Saturday game is on Valentine's Day so that could supply a theme. I'll start a separate signs thread and invite everyone to submit ideas throughout the next 10 days.

  9. Heretofore, UND did a horrible job of marketing athletics. I hold out hope that now that there are some professionals involved via REA, they will mount a campaign to promote our boys aimed at the powerful coaches voting block. I'm sure the Ralph has the wherewithal to produce highlight videos and other promotional materials in an impressive looking package and can find a Hobey voters mailing list. Somebody ought to insist, assuming such campaigning is with the rules, that they do exactly that.

  10. I wonder if there are any rules about campaigning or promoting a Hobey candidate. You know how Hollywood agents take out full-page ads in the trade papers asking Academy Award voters to consider the brilliant work of some silicone/collagen/Botox-infused actress for the Oscar nomination. Wonder what UND is allowed to do in Bo's behalf or Parise's?

  11. Last call. Which of the foregoing ideas do you want to see on signs this weekend? So far, I've made only 3: sibling rivalry, separated at birth and "That was DUmb!" I'm going make "Give Denver the Boot," assuming I find a good illustration. Any others get your vote?

  12. I think I can illustrate the sibling rivalry poster with two little boxers (if I can figure a way to flip the graphic 180 degrees--free rotate is not working) or with Sioux jersey and Denver jersey. Someone correct me if I'm wrong: I believe Jesse wore number 15 here?

  13. This is lucky: the Nick Jr. website is just full of printable, colorable pics of Dora the Explorer. Diggler--can you e-mail me a larger version of the Dora the Pioneer picture or give the website address where you downloaded it?

    Besides the "Separated at Birth" poster, do we have any favorites? Favorites that will make it past security? I can get started tonight if you give me some direction.

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