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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. I have the "Parise Good as Gold" poster.

    I demand that I be give the Bochenksi half-naked poster to complete the Hobey Wannabe set (actually, I want the one from the Sioux locker room upon which someone wrote "don't blow it" below the "Bo Knows" declaration).

  2. I believe that all the hats I have made now have been spoken for. I've replied to everyone whose request I received and have made arrangements for delivery. If you e-mailed me but did not get a reply, blame Netscape. Then, post on this thread and I will try to reach you. I can make some additional hats next week if there's a demand

  3. Afternoon blood sugar drop making me cranky so here are some of my demands...

    1. I demand the return of the Fed Ex $100 special delivery

    2. I demand more buses running from the Ralph to the Memorial Stadium lot after the game

    3. I demand that this forum install a spell checker so I don't have to use the edit feature to correct my many typos

    4. I demand that the lazy slugs in my section (114) get off their rears and stand up and cheer this weekend

    5. I demand that people get to the game on time

    6. I demand that the students be recognized as the heart and soul of the UND fan base

    7. I demand that when a person is trying to get into or out of the row that everyone in the row has to stand up to let them pass, not just tilt their collective knees to the left

    8. I demand that some company sponsor a game that is "without commercial interruption"

    9. I demand that the cheerleaders give NorthStar some attention so he'll quit whining about it

    10. I demand that Dippin' Dots, if it's really the ice cream of the future, come out with a lo-carb variety


    Just finished reading the various lists of fan demands on USCHO in the Tech stays 2 weeks thread. Very high in TEEHEE ( the active ingredient in laughter). Pound for pound, I think the Sioux have the funniest fans on the 'net. Maybe we could post some demand lists over here, if you guys haven't run out of material.

    Did Dirty steal my line about Pittis & the booster chair? If he did, I demand he acknowledge my brilliance and his theft.

  5. Last chance to post a blow-us-away sign suggestion or to identify a previously posted one that you like. I've made: Sieveville, Jones Zone, Thanks Seniors & Lead Dog. What else do you want?

  6. I have about 4 hats still unspoken for, including one blank one that I can make to highlight a favorite player. So, if you want one, send me an e-mail with your seat number ASAP and I will deliver a hat to you on Friday night. Again, there's no charge; chalk it up to a random act of kindness on my part and to my desire to see Sioux fans dressed to support their team.

    If you're in general admission and want a hat, you can come to my seat (sec. 114, row K, seat 15) to get it but please e-mail me first so I'll know to hold one for you.

  7. "Shine Up

    The Cup!"



    NorthStar: I used something like this on one of the hats:

    "Welcome to the Jones Zone

    A Hard Hit Area"

    "[pic of leader in Hobey fan balloting Chris Conner]

    I Smell Vote Fraud!"

    I'll take a look through my recycling bin and see if I can find some signs from past series that can be used again. I know I still have the "I Got 2:00 for Hooking; Mom Got 5 Years" and "Couldn't Carry Zach's Jock (or fill it)" both of which I charmed security into allowing in earlier in the season. I'm pretty sure I saw the "Crappie/Crappy" sign around, too, unless we want to save that just for the Gophers.

  8. SiouxFan:

    E-mail me your address and tell me your preferences and I will make one to your specifications (color, style, favorite player, hatband message) and get it to you in time for the NCAA regionals.

  9. Since I've been asked....

    There is no charge at all for the hats--my gift to the fans; wear it in good health.

    Each hat is a little different. Most are plastic green top hats; some are black. One's a yellow hard hat that says, "The Jones Zone #3--Hard Hit Area." One says, "Fuher Factor #8 is Great!" One has a Sioux goalie in front of a net on a sheet of ice (ok, it's really an AOL CD) and says, "You Can't Shake Jake...Like a Rock" There's a set of 3 army helmets with a Sioux hockey player on top and trailing ribbons that say either, "Fight on Sioux" or "Welcome to our Battlefield" or "An Army Can't Stop Us." I have a couple more still to be made and if you want to "special order" one to feature a favorite player, let me know now and I can do it.

  10. Diggler: Thanks for posting the link for the pdf on the Huskies players. The "insight from..." sections are pretty funny.

    Many of the Huskies would change the game of hockey by eliminating face masks. Thus...

    "If Face Masks Were Outlawed,

    These Guys Would be Even Uglier"

    Chris Conner says his favorite magazine is "Maxim" Should he find his way to the box...

    "Reads Maxim for the articles"

    Each player had to list 3 words that describe him. Surely, we could tweak those a bit...

    Adapted this from the Predheads...


    Population: [pic of starting Huskies goalie]"

    It's getting late...post more ideas or tell me which signs to make.

  11. I'm making another batch of "Kickin' butt from #1 in the Pairwise" hats. I gave a bunch away on Pearson's bus to Duluth last week and heard they received many compliments. I offered to make up some special for SSSS but I never heard back from them so I went ahead and designed them the way I wanted to. If you will be at the game Friday night and would like one, e-mail me your seat number before Friday afternoon and I'll get one to you. Kids will like them, too, I think so if you're bringing a son or daughter to the game, you might want to pick one up for him or her.

  12. Diggler: Here's how we save the Pittis-Tattoo Separated at Birth idea, especially since we don't have a photo of Pittis, anyway.

    I'll just draw an empty rectangle and print in the middle of it "Photo Not Available." When side by side with Tattoo's picture, don't you think most people will get it?

  13. The only part of the sign policy they arguably violate is the "derogatory" prong. But that's both a stretch and a guess. The Scott Owens-Ron Jeremy one was second-guessed at the front door with me the first night but allowed in and alowed in with the warning to display it sparingly the next night when NorthStar lugged it through security. What, are they too "personal"?

  14. Diggler--While I think all your "Separated at Birth" comparisons are pure genius, security has a problem with them. But, you can continue to post them here and keep us all in stitches.

  15. NorthStar:

    Even though I know you're as secure in your masculinity as the Gopher hockey team, I don't suppose you'd hold up this sign, but maybe the girl next to you would:

    For the Box:

    "Too Many Men--

    So Little Time"

    "Dog Tired"

    "If You Ain't the Lead Dog,

    the Scenery Never Changes"

    "Don't Hate Us:

    We're the OTHER Huskies"

  16. For the box:

    "Is Patheti-sad a word?"

    I missed my chance to use this when the Seawolves were here, with a tip of the hat to Brett Hull:

    "Worst Hockey Inventions:

    3. The Morning Skate

    2. The Trap

    1. The Extremely Ugly Jersey"

    [allusion to fan voting irregularities at voteforhobey.com--damn engineering majors]

    "Tech Fans:

    Quit Stuffing

    the Ballot Box!"

    or for multiple Huskies in the sin bin:

    "First, they stuff the ballot box;

    now THIS!"

  17. Before the faceoff, home or away, I always yell, "Light 'em Up." Depending on the score, to start the 2nd, "Pour it on" or "Take back the ice." With a lead going into the 3rd, "Shut the door!"

    From here on out, I'll be wearing a rally hat--oops, I mean, a "Kickin' butt from 1st place in the Pairwise" hat--of my own design.

    I also say a little prayer before the game: "Let my boys skate their best in a fairly called game.''

    Guess that's about it--no drinking rituals though I am contemplating having champagne in Boston in early April. I stil have the empty bottle from Providence so that's a tradition I'd like to perpetuate.

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