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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Redwing: If security actually were to follow their own policy, they would veto the McDonald's sign, because that would be "commercial."

    I was in Houghton and did not understand the "overrated" chant the Tech fans threw at the Sioux. What's even more ironic than "irony"?

    I suppose someone could put a booster seat in the penalty box in case of a visit by Pittis but who am I to talk?

  2. With the picture of the nerdy trio supplied by Diggler:

    "Tech's first line...

    Sent from the planet Pocket Protector"

    Re: Diggler's "Too Old to be a Freshman"--USCHO lists Taggart Desmet's birth year as 1962. We can only assume that's a typo because, otherwise, Tech's got a 42-year-old Canadian on the team.

  3. Any sign requests or ideas for the Tech Series? I haven't come up with anything particularly brilliant but so far, I'm thinking...

    "Thank You, Seniors" --definitely need to hoist that on Saturday

    In honor of the grudge match, without referee intererence--

    "Ryan: Beat the Scott out of him!"

    [picture of the MacNaughton Cup] "Yeah, We Want Fries with That!"

    Never get past security but it amuses me--

    "Until you can fill this cup...[picture of jock strap]

    You'll never skate with this one [picture of MacNaughton]"

    Good ol' fashioned highschoolish..

    "Wreck Tech"

    Assuming the students are loud and proud...

    "Can You Hear Us Now?


  4. If Duluth loses on Friday, I would like to see the Cup presented to the Sioux at the conclusion of our win over Tech. C'mon Hennen! In the final minutes of Friday's game, with the Sioux up by 4, say, "At the conclusion of the game, please stay in your seats for a very special presentation."

    On the other hand, I can imagine Blais wanting his players focused for the entire weekend and even asking Hennen not to announce the Wisconsin-Duluth score during updates. If we have to wait until Saturday, I can handle that, too. Either way, I'll be wearing my "Cup Crazy" hat.

  5. Beersong: And, because the Gopher fan acted stupidly, a GROUP of big, brave Duluth fans were justified in beating him up? What, you couldn't let paid security handle it, because your honor had been stained? Don't wait for any applause from me for that.

    No wonder our society is going to hell in a handbasket. I weep for the future.

  6. I'm going to chalk all this "run a lap at the DECC and we'll dogpile you" nonsense up to pre-game hype and rhetoric. At least, that's what I hope it is. Wouldn't that look pretty on TV? Duluth fans attacking Sioux fans like soccer hooligans! I have to believe you guys are better than that.

  7. I don't know if Al has any room or not but maybe someone has backed out at the last minute. The bus leaves from the Ralph at 10 on Friday. Here's his home number: 701-775-6859. Transportation & tickets were $80 or $85, hotel extra. If his wife answers, tell her what you're looking for and she'll probably give you a number where you can reach him right away. I'm assuming we're staying at the Holiday Inn, as usual.

  8. Aaron of SSSS has asked us to keep posting ideas so here are some of mine...

    What if the SSSS writes up a short blurb for Scott Hennen to read over the PA, encouraging some fan volume? At football games, the PA announcer exhorts everyone to get "On your feet for another Sioux kickoff" and to "Let 'em know it's third down." Something similar could be done for "The Red Pepper Power Play" or for faceoffs in the attacking zone or any other appropriate time.

    I know a lot of the season ticket holders and suite holders have a problem with students standing the whole game but why couldn't the arena start the tradition of standing when Hennen tells us, "One minute remaining in the game"? If everyone stands, no one's sight line is blocked.

    You'd think people would know when to cheer, but it's apparant that a lot of people in the arena need prompting, if not outright prodding. How long does it take to recognize that "Welcome to the Jungle" is the cue? I think the noise meter beats people over the head with the idea that they're supposed to get loud and maybe that's what it's going to take to get some sustained noise going.

    It would be a good idea for the ring to flash, in some semblance of cadence, "Let's...Go...Sioux!" either to start that chant or to build it.

    I may as well confess that I don't usually "Sieve" the opposing goalie. A lot of people may think that such a catcall is a sign of bad sportsmanship (my excuse is carpal tunnel syndrome) but as my tiny contribution to supporting the students' efforts at "Raising the Roof at the Ralph," I'll join in.

  9. I was listening to the game on the radio, too, and for some reason I got the impression that the guy who said, "10-1, Put that on your f-in' radio show" was a Sioux fan, maybe even someone Tim knew because Tim followed that with, "real classy" and then he said a name that sounded like "Win-rick." Hope I'm wrong but that's the feeling I got.

  10. PCM: Thanks for posting the signs/banners rule. I don't believe any of the signs we've had censored have been "commercial, political, derogatory or obscene," certainly not by any legal definition. The problem with the signs is mostly the inconsistent enforcement--approved by a guard at the front door on Friday, rejected by a different guard at the student door on Saturday. That creates the appearance of disparate treatment by suggesting that when the signs are carried into the arena by a charming but matronly fan, they are viewed less suspiciously than when carried in by a student. I suppose the solution would be to have the Friday night guard place a stamp of approval on all the signs so they aren't subjected to a second review which uses apparently different standards.

    Sorry if anyone thinks this is off-topic but I have sort of vested interest in the signs.

  11. I also want to thank Aaron for taking positive steps to remedy the situation. For any given problem, there are legions of people who can tell you what's wrong, a smaller number who can tell you how to fix what's wrong and a smaller number still who actually roll up their sleeves and go about the work of fixing what's wrong.

  12. Redwing: I don't know that the TV standard is gonna fly. I was watching "Scrubs" (great show, BTW) the other night and there were some words in the script which, while not shocking to me, I bet you can't yell at the Ralph. Also, on the repeat of "The Apprentice," one of the wannabes referred to himself using the simile "like a virgin on prom night." If security tells NorthStar to limit the use of the "checking the cheerleaders out from behind" sign, I have to think that NBC's Standards and Practices guidelines don't have a snowball's chance in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks of being adopted as a model by the Ralph. That said, I don't agree that the language at the Ralph has to be policed to a G rating. It's not a museum, a cathedral or an opera house. We need reasonable standards that consider the context in which the language is uttered.

  13. Not much for prayer circles, but let me be the first to put some positive energy out there. The Sioux, led by Bo-bey Baker, will stomp the filling out of the cupcake this weekend. The slump will end. There wil be much rejoicing throughout the land.

  14. PCM: Several years ago, some students and I put together a proposal for improving the atmosphere at the old Ralph (yes! during a championship season! at the OLD Ralph!) which we called "Take Back the Ice." We got a meeting with President Baker, Scott Hennen and the former AD, Wanless, among others. One or two of the suggestions we made were put into place for the very next home series then promptly abandoned. What I learned from that experience is the importance of following through. It's not enough to make a change, you have to make the change permanent, if you get what I mean.

    Nodakstud: If you think my prior experience would be of any use to your student group, I'm willing to help.

  15. jerseychaser1:

    Edited to say: Sorry, I didn't read your post more closely. I thought you were asking whether other schools/teams had sites that featured their cheers. Thus, my comment below. But, upon further review I see that you were suggesting that UND, officially or unofficially, create such a site. I think there is a place where the lyrics to the school songs (alma mater and others) are posted but I don't think there's a "How to Be A Sioux Fan 101" site. I suggested that something could be put together like that ages ago, back when Toby Kvalevog's brother Shane had the first Sioux Hockey message board.

    Other teams do have such sites and I'll try to post some links here. What you'll find, however, is that the chants elsewhere are as bad, or worse, profanity-wise than ours. We're not allowed to use that as an excuse not to clean up our own act, however.



    Nashville Predators:


    Michigan [Note, the site creator indicates that the most famous C-Ya chant, the one that contained a whole string of bad, bad words was removed. Note, also, however, how often the word "suck" is used]:


    A motley collection, some with bad words:


    I'm sure there are many others.

  16. Since we have the technological means, how about a pre-game or intermission video "pep rally"? The cheerleaders could be miked and taped doing a cheer or two. (Sorry to say, I can't hear them from my seat halfway up the lower bowl when they're on the ice so I'm hopeful the video will have better sound quality) University Bards or some such chorale could be taped singing "Stand Up & Cheer" or "Fight on Sioux" or appear live. Students could go over the the Ralph and be taped doing the "Sieve" chant with someone explaining beforehand "Why We Sieve the Goalie." Every single weekend, some newbie is asking the person they're with, "What are they saying?" and the experienced fan has to explain why a goalie who can't stop the puck is like a colander. Sad but true--the Ralph sells tickets to some people who don't know the significance of "Sieve."

  17. I would like to help the students out any way I can. For example, l can make signs (that cue cheers or encourage support from the other side of the arena, e.g, "Sec. 101, we can't hear you!") or rally hats with appropriate slogans for your group at my own expense. Let me know what I can do to support your effort.

  18. The students were mostly silent this weekend, not because they couldn't stand and not because they couldn't swear but because they were MAD about not being ALLOWED to stand and swear. They're playing the old passive-aggressive game with The Man: "Well, if we can't stand and say what we want, then we'll just sit here and say nothing. See how they like it then!"

    I don't fault the students for being mad about being scapegoated and stifled but I know they are capable of much more constructive responses than the above. Michigan Tech series is supposed to highlight Fan Appreciation Night. I think it would be great if the students, season ticket holders and reps from REA and the Athletics Department got together and worked out a win-win solution for everyone. Some give, some take, some compromise all around. I know the students feel that the powers that be have broken faith by not following through on their promises regarding using the available technology to promote the fight songs and the Sieve chant and this would be a golden opportunity for the Ralph to repair that riff.

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