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  1. Anyone know what is happening with the Crooked Pint building? Looks like signs are coming down now. I never cared for Crooked Pint, but I think that building has some potential.
  2. I hope so, but I think she has to much pride to go back to an assistant. Chaves never should have promoted her, she was not ready and still isnt in my opinion.
  3. The improvements I have seen in these players from the beginning of the year until now has been substantial. I believe they have a great core that they can build from. Get a few transfers to fill in the pieces. That being said I dont believe for one second this happens if Mal and anyone of her previous assistant coaches were still on staff. Otherwise I would have seen some improvements in her past 6 teams. Ibrahim for one when i saw her play last year, I didnt think there was much hope for her. At the beginning of the year i seen some improvement, but what I have seen out of her during conference and especially the last few games has been nothing but outstanding. I never saw any player under Mal's previous 5 years improve like I have seen this year. She is defensive player of the year and doesnt even start for us! I think Mal would be a ok assistant coach, but we need a new leader of this team and I hope the assistant coach is the head coach next year.
  4. I see Minot State is in the championship of Northern Sun. Better invite them too. They beat Minnesota State
  5. Typical North Dakota thinking. Now all those people who would go gamble any ways will go spend their money in moorhead and Minnesota and ND loses out again. Our state representatives can sit on their high horse while another state reaps the benefits. These old thinking people need to be voted out so we can move forward as a state.
  6. Not sure why we would want to go back to our Division 2 days and the NCC. Not necessarily sold on the Utah schools but I for sure know I dont want Division 2 schools in our area that will now compete for athletes and water down the summit.
  7. I guess it says everything when Paul Bruns fights Amar for a rebound and wins
  8. Thank god for Josie ! Could save Mals job
  9. Can't make this up 20 pont lead and now down 2. I knew that 20 point lead wasn't safe with Mal coaching. Putting Hurst in at all should have her fired
  10. They said on a broadcast once coach teaches them to get back to set for defense instead of rebounding. When I played we were taught to crash the board. We were up 20 and now a 3 point game. If Mal gets extended Chaves needs to go !!
  11. I agree the Texas schools need to be a priority but kc was rejected by the Missouri valley dont see them leaving.
  12. I like it! Now Fenton needs to get going on something,anything !
  13. I just dont see Drake or UNI moving from the Missouri Valley to the summit. When all the Dakota schools I think would move to the Missouri valley full time if they had a chance.
  14. I seen some rumors now out there that maybe we get the Texas schools to come here and form a new football conference. I do think we need to try and use the strength of our football teams to strengthen the summit league.
  15. Looked like they were picking on Treyson also. Their coach went right at our weak defenders every time. Smart coaches win games
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