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Sioux fan since '90

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Everything posted by Sioux fan since '90

  1. End of 1st period in Denver. Still 0-0 between Denver and MTU.
  2. 2-1 North Dakota! YESS!! GO SIOUX!!!
  3. Don't have any, but would love to go watch the Sioux play next weekend, if they get through to play Sat. night.
  4. Is anyone else watching the DU-MTU game? There is 5 min. left in the first period, and the score is still 0-0.
  5. Is it just me, or does it seem like the gophers get alot more pp than anybody else?
  6. It is now 4-3 MN.
  7. Will this site also work for LG phones from Midwest Wireless, or do I have to go to a different site for that?
  8. How come Phil is sitting on the bench instead of playing? Before he came to UND, it sounded like he played the same style Karl Goehring played, and he would be able to step right in?
  9. Is the game over, and did we really shut them out? Was Parise in goal tonight, or was it Lammoreaux? (Sorry for the spelling)
  10. It sounds like the refs either aren't letting the teams play, or there are some bad things going on between the two teams.
  11. Is it still 2-0 Sioux, or have the Sioux scored?
  12. So,am I to assume the tempo worse than last week's?
  13. How's the tempo of the game going? Is it like last weekend's games against Wisconsin? Or is the tempo better? The tempo last weekend seemed to be somewhat slow, and not what UND normally plays like.
  14. I guess it's the end of the 2nd. I just saw where they interviewed 2 basketball cheerleaders. It sounds like this game is broadcast in much the same way the MSU games are broadcast in Mankato
  15. I'm going to go off this board for updates on the Sioux, because I don't have it on Satellite, and the audio broadcast isn't working for me, so I need to stay updated as much as possible. I know it's 2-0 Sioux, but I'm not sure if it's the end of the second, or if there's still time left to play.
  16. Give the coach and team time to gel!! Success doesn't come overnight!! I know Hakstol was the assistant last year under Blais, but being the head coach is completely different from being the assistant. Have some patience. The changes made in the reffing calls this year are making a little harder for everyone to adjust to, not just the Sioux.
  17. Did anyone else see the comment made on sportscenter last night about the Sioux being referred to as the Hawaiian football team? What the he$$ was that all about!! Was this a slam by ESPN, or simply stupidity? If they referred to it as a joke, I WASN'T LAUGHING!! I wasn't very happy with the comment at all! It looked highly dissrespectful to me, especially for such a highly watched sports program.
  18. I saw the highlights last night of the game, and typical of ESPN, they only showed the BC goals,and when they gave the score at the end, they said BC 5, and the Hawaiian football team, 3. They were referring to the Sioux team as the Hawaiian football team!! How rotten of them!! We tried to get on the ESPN website to see if there was a phone # to call, and we couldn't find one. There was a way to e-mail them, but we didn't want to do that because we would get alot of spam mail, so we didn't want to do that either. If there's anyone who can get in touch with them and tell them off for us, it would be greatly appreciated!! What was the score of tonight's game anyway? I know we tied, but I don't know what the score was. It sounds like we at least played better tonight, except for the third period where there were alot of penalties. Hopefully things get better for the Sioux from here on out! GO SIOUX!!
  19. Sorry to here about your loss.Our thoughts, prayers, and condolenses to the entire Blais family. If there's anything we can do, let us know. I know this is a difficult time for the Blais family, and it is nice to know we are all thinking about them and lending our support in this time of need.
  20. CONGRADULATIONS TO DEAN BLAIS. I wish the best of luck to him and his family. Boy, was I surprised when I heard the news he was leaving for the NHL. I understood he didn't want to coach in the NHL, because at that level, you start dealing with player contracts, and their managers for money, what they want to be paid, and when they should play. I understand it's the coach who makes the final decision on how much playing time the player gets, but it's still adds to the stress of coaching. I know he will be the assistant, but it still adds to the stress. He will certainly be missed by myself, and everyone else who follows Sioux hockey. I really liked the way he handles the team, and the media. The team likes and respects him, and he always knows how to handle a situation with the media. The next coach certainly has some big shoes to fill, but I think whoever they pick as a head coach, will do just fine. I will miss being able to hear him on the internet every weekend after the game. I don't get the chance to see the Sioux games, because I am in southern Minnesota just outside the Twin cities, and we all know what that means. Goofer City! Everything here is gopher this, and gopher that. Not that the U of M doesn't have a good program, I'm just sick of hearing everyone talk about their beloved gophers, like they're better than everyone else, even when they loose. Down here, the Wooger, and Mazzocco talk about how much better the gophers are all the time, even when they play other teams besides the Sioux. Sorry if I rambled, but I just had to get that out. I'm really sorry to see Dean Blais leave, but this is a good opportunity for him, and like everybody said, it was his FAMILY he thought about first. Not hockey, or the program here, and that's the way it should be. Best of luck to Dean Blais and his family!
  21. While I do agree you should play the same to give the team a chance to gel, I also understand why he switched some of the lines once in awhile. Maybe someone was really on fire that night, while the linemate(s) weren't, so he switched them up to create more scoring chances. As for DB not coaching very well, look at his record. He has the best record in the NCAA tournament of any head coach in the nation, and you say he didn't coach very well? Let's not forget this is a very young team, and they really don't have alot of experience playing in the NCAA's. I'm sure next year they will do much better. The only thing I wish they would've done in the last game, was to bury their chances. They hit the pipe and the crossbar a number of times. Had they been over further, or down about an inch, they would have been goals. This team will be very good for at least a couple of years to come.
  22. I really feel bad for this group of guys. From what it sounds like, this is a great group of guys. The good thing about this, is this a very young team, and I think there will be more great things to come for this team.
  23. GOD DAMN IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE LOSSED TO DENVER! We had twice as many shots as they did, and they got the goal. I know the score is what matters, but I don't know if it was meant to be for the Sioux. With all the shots they had, the times they hit the crossbar, not to mention I don't know how many times they hit the pipe, the puck just wouldn't go in. We had this same problem during the season when we couldn't put the puck in the net. We'd either hit the crossbar, or the pipe. I thought that was over, but I guess not. Even though this really hurts, I think the Sioux had a great season this year, and hopefully next year it will be even better. I LOVE MY SIOUX NO MATTER WHAT!!!
  24. I can't believe there's still no score! I was hoping we would be up 2-0 by now. I'm really starting to get worried now. We really need to get a goal!
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