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Posts posted by ND-fan

  1. The schools must pretty much know what's going to happen before these shows go on because how else could they get this settled in few hours and agree to be part of these tournaments. Also, they have only few days to book travel and get to their designations. Especially the Wnit where the teams get to bid on hosting games. Maybe somebody knows how all this works.

  2. The mention of the 23-24 season, I have to start with the construction of the roster for UND. They will have 6 scholarships available as it stands now to construct the roster. They already have 3 freshmen commits for next season leaving three openings. The three commits are one guard and two guard-forwards who are just around 6 feet tall.  I have to believe they have to be looking for one of these positions to be plus 6-foot player that will be able to provide minutes right away. The reason for that if we're going to be able to make run for the Summit we need to start matching up with taller teams where we had trouble this past season. Being quick and athletic only goes so far because number of these teams are still athletic and being tall give them definite match-up advantage. Also, Hurst does have big presence inside, but I think it's going to take her time to figure out how control her play without getting in foul trouble because she is such aggressive player both offensively and defensively that leads to her picking up extra fouls. Then comes the question if Kacie's sister does want to come UND and how that will affect team. I think with right addition of these 3 open spots we can compete to be one of the top teams in the Summit. I sure do hope we can get post season invite because that extra playing time will be such positive for younger players gaining valuable experience and has been one reason South Dakota schools have been ahead of rest of the schools in the Summit. It also helps to recruit better players because people want to play on winning teams. This is not to mention to help coaching staff learn also from playing better teams.

  3. Past history of UND in getting looks at post season invites i am not very confident on getting a bid. I can't tell you the reason but there seems to be some bias against us  and i don't know if stems from nickname or other reason. I look at football can have best bid in still don't get to play at home or send us to deep south and have to dress in outdoor tent.  Last time Women's basketball ends up playing very good Weber team and loose in very close game and they move on reach the championship game.  Yeserday's loss was not the way to get into WNIT we end the season with two straight losses to number 9 seed and number 6 seed out the Summit conference and our wins against NDSU losing to number 10 seed, South Dakota loosing against 5 seed  ORU  pretty much lowers the value of most of their wins down the stretch on paper. I hope I'm wrong but nothing comes easy in rebuilding this program in Women's Basketball and it appears they are going to have to prove it by winning on the court to get to the dance.

  4. Brady is asked to defend a lot of players he shouldn't be defending, and you can't say that doesn't affect his statistics. My eye test is that creates disruption on whoever he is guarding and sometimes when he gets overmatched on the person, he is defending it does lead to breakdown and easy score. The metrics doesn't always tell the whole story on players and if we get to that point the game will be done for me. It's like baseball I used to be big fan and since metrics got involved, I have quit watching games and they are trying to play the game like video game. the games have become long and boring with too many strikeouts and way too long to watch. But getting back to players that can come back will be hard decision for coaching staff in constructing rosters and maintaining players because of playing time. The problem is you have these older players getting extra year and younger players not getting say length of playing time so these older players are taking time away from younger players.

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  5. It’s just not her salary but to have success you need to have good assistants to help develop talent and also recruit talent. Mallory needs to be paid somewhere near midrange and also assistant coaches need to be brought in level play. We all expect high performance and I think we have been getting good effort to improving the program but people need to be rewarded for effort.

  6. Poorly officiated game all the way around especially end of 3 and beginning of the 4. We still had our chances to come back but couple of call were three point errors against us. I sure hope that conference has some grading on officiating because there has to be some account ability to get refereeing better. What I saw there were blown calls both ways but it sure looked like homer job to get home team. Back into the game. I don’t believe that was the case but I believe officials were not position to make good call. Second we’re seeing too many flops or fall downs to get a call. 
    the bottom line is we need to g et ready for the tournament and win our first game or otherwise all hard work put in for the year just goes away. I believe if we can win two games in the tournament we could be looking at post season play. Who knows what happens if we get to championship game we have opportunity to win the conference and that’s why we play the games.

    this has been good year and program is getting better and our young players are looking to make that next step forward next season. The players that are coming back next year know they can compete and played enough to know what they need to work on for the coming season. All we need to do is win get our opportunities to play in the post season to finish out this year.


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  7. Western Illinois will be tough game tonight even though on paper we should win. They are always prepared and they seem to like split most of their series with conference opponents. Ideally tonight we would win and NDSU would lose and then on top of that would be USD would lose  2 this week and Denver win Saturday then I think we would be covered if we were in tie with NDSU. I sure would like us to finish in the number two spot for locking up post season play. A sweep this week and winning games at Summit tournament would get us to 20 win game season also helping our chances in the post season. Just win tonight and Saturday and I believe everything will fall in place for this team.

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  8. I too had questioned on Bernhard but felt she would become good coach just thought it would take her several years to gain that experience. I was wrong on that and looking back interim year was unfair to her holding her responsible for outcome but would not  give her full control and knowing she had time to make changes and would have time to do so. Also limited her on recruiting because would be difficult to get commitments from recruits not knowing if she was going to be their coach through college career. I think she is getting better as she goes along because she is learning how to handle team and getting better at constructing team. I impressed with this group of payers and not only how they play but high quality of individuals and, they represent university well will become very successful people in their lives. I think the future looks bright going forward it now will take time to build program to reach level where they can compete to get to next level in division I basketball but takes time by building reputation by becoming winning program year in year out. Quite a turn around in just few years .

  9. I have been looking at standings there are so many different out comes that can occur after this last weekend it going to be hard to figure out where everyone settles. Like if USD would loose two this coming weekend they would end with record of 8-10 which could end in three way tie with Denver and Omaha or they could end up behind Denver something that could effect UND and NDSU standings. That is not mention what could happen to both UND and NDSU on how they play this weekend so the out comes are to many to worry about all we can do is work on getting sweep this week and let chips fall after that. I think if we win out this weekend would have real good chance to get second place and if bot we get third place. I sure hope we get second place because would guarantee us place WNIT. What ever just win and see what we can do. 

  10. If we end tie for second place what are tie breakers? I know it’s head to head record but each these teams have so far split with each other so what is t he next tie breaker is it point differential on head to head. Then what happens if there are three. I know there is long way to go but just thinking about possibilities. We need to win Saturday and it will be tough day with senior day  always tough to win on special days like that. 
    I was surprised that Manson didn’t use her extra year and Gordon finally is showing what type of player she can be after losing  two years of basketball but I can see she ready to start her life after school. All the girls will be missed and we as fans should be grateful for their time at UND.

  11. Is that guaranteed spot for WNIT based on their conference record. I didn't know that I always thought it was invitational tournament based on strength of schedule. Is that change since we have been in Big Sky conference because when we tied for conference championship, we were not invited to WNIT then and i believe we were asked to the CBI tournament and lost to Weber State which lost in the championship that year in that tournament. I sure hope we take care of the business this week if we play like we did this past week we should come out week with couple of victories. I didn't think we had shot at getting second place after we took loses to KC and losing at NDSU early in the season. We come long way in the last two seasons to where we are playing meaningful  games now at the end of the season. I sure hope they are using this for recruiting if they can bring in potential recruits for the excitement playing meaningful games.

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  12. I don't know and nobody knows but I can tell you team has improved week to week as the conference season has moved along. Today's team on floor and people on the bench they all looked bought into the game and that is all you can expect from team when it's performing. The questions are where are they at the end of the season and i don't see how coaches are to deal with that in this time when players have so many people in their years telling them that the grass is greener elsewhere and in fact that isn't true most of the time, we have seen that with some of the players we have lost. We have seen how this coaching staff has found young players and developed them but to lose them and it's just not us but most of the teams in Summit conference and is happening much more often with changes in rules on transferring players. Look around the Summit how many of stars will we lose again this year if schools from bigger conference come knocking to improve their team for the following year. Nelson from NDSU could very well see this like Scheierman from SDSU going on getting NIL money and chance to play on national level. We haven't had that type of player, but we have had players that school trying to build out their roster for depth have come in basically poached young talent and if it doesn't work out are cut or just sitting on bench and used to play there starting lineup. I believe they will extend Sather contract after the season and my gut feeling were going to keep our players for next season. I have my reasons for this but i believe it comes down to this group of players seem to be more bought into this team than previous players we have left previous couple of seasons.

  13. We just need to protect home floor this next week which we have done most of the year. Also, I think it has been good that young players have been able to come in put important minutes out on the floor giving our starting 5 players rest. I think you see it in Kacie she has gotten her legs under her again and not leaving shots hitting off the front of the rim and especially on the 3. Manson has worked on her shot as year has gone along and now, she brings that element to the team of spreading the floor for our post people can drive on use their quickness down low offsetting our smaller size. The team is pretty much in control of their destiny if they just win out. It would be really nice if ORU would beat NDSU next week this would put us up game to go to get second place in the conference if we take care of business. I never would have thought that both ORU and NDSU would lose both games this weekend, but I guess should never take anything for granted in the Summit. 

  14. Swsiouxmn you’re so right, which I didn’t think possible just a few days ago. If they win out they would have good chance for second. Omaha is going to be good test for us tomorrow. NDSU is going to have hard time in Denver it always tough road trip. If NDSU would loose in Denver we could be tied for second in the Summit and ideally would be Western Illinois pulling upset over ORU. This would set us up for big week next week in Grand Forks.

  15. I have different opinion UND must have quality coaches when even the mighty NDSU has come to poaching away one our coaches. Second i see he had been at FBS level but was let go after they had fired their coach he had followed from Northern Illinois. I suspect he is trying to leapfrog his way back to FBS and he is doing this by using his connections in MVFC, where he started his football career. I think he probably took our job last year because it was best job he could find after being let go. In this jumping to job to job he be better hope not to land on spot where coaching staff gets let go by head coach firing because i think he will have used up some good will with coaches he left after short period of time being with them. Finally, i also think he has to believe that Entz is looking to move on to FBS or by chance SU moves up to FBS. Yes, we may be underfunded to top programs in the conference but i also believe were still in upper tier in the conference on funding for football. This is to be expected when our number one division sport is funded as one of highest in the nation and continually looking to be funded to stay ahead of all other schools in funding their program. The football program is better shape than other sports in amount of support but whole athletic department has been underfunded for number of years and beginning to show. The administration has done good job in updating and building academic part of university, but they now need to work on athletic programs as well to help attract future students and advance its brand to greater public nation wide. 

  16. I agree with you it has to be athletic players like in mold of Evans in NDSU or Myer from SdSU that can run the floor and can play defense.  I would think Beal should see that she is line to get significant playing time next year and her potential will be limited to herself she already has shown she can play defense and be able create scoring for self down low in second chance opportunities. The next part of her game is learning to develop outside shooting consistency and to be able to make tough shot while being heavily guarded. I truely  believe that she can make that next step but she is going to need patience in achieving that goal. But getting back to recruiting we need to start recruiting players with length if we want to make the next jump in women’s basketball. Aron Johnson at SDSU is doing that now because if want to win and have chance advancing in NCAA tournament this type of team you need and should I say also quick and fast point guards which he appears he has at least 3 of them on the roster. If we’re going to finish in top of the conference we need to sweep this road trip. Then we need to also sweep our next home stand. If we sweep next weekend we should over come USD in standings by a game. Then the falling weekend if we sweep and NDSU also beats ORU we should be a game up on ORU. This will leave us with our last road trip and winnable road trip and with ORU and USD behind us a game  with final week end playing each other and ORU with game against SDSU.  The key we have come to crunch time in conference play and we have not left ourselves much wiggle room to get to number 3. I would like for us to.finish up 3 to be opposite SDSU for the conference tournament. I may be missing something but this is scenario we need to have chance to reach conference championship game. This would also be big boost for recruiting and retaining players.

  17. Beal is freshman and she needs to work on her offense especially her shot. Her time is coming if she continues to improve. I have been happy with these younger players getting playing time I still think they should had more earlier. Loosing Lane last year really hurt the potential of this team. I was hoping they would have brought in portal player to replace her we needed one experienced player who was legit number 5. Every time we come up against team that is deep with length we have struggled and look at teams ahead of us four of them fill this bill. That is why I think we will have hard time getting seeded higher than fourth and more likely 5.  I was looking at next years recruits they are listed as guards but two of them are listed at 6 feet and third one is listed 5’8”. I also think we should have at least 2 more and could have additional if some of our seniors don’t come back and use their COVID year. With our remaining scholarships I hope we can find couple 4 or 5  to help us get a little bigger. I wouldn’t be surprised if they redshirt Jardine next year to help her develop she has size that could become quality post player and she would be trading development year for best year. My hope is they can find at least one experienced post player to play with kacie where they can make run for the conference. Next year will be pretty much end of the COVID extra year players. SDSU, if look at this team this team would look completely different without extra COVID year they would still be good but not this deep and experienced. They would not have Selland, Burkhard, and Gylten three starters off this team and Nelson and Thiesen would be seniors this year.  The COVID eligibility extra year has helped several teams this year and will be big factor next year. This years team is good team but their Achilles heal is they are undersized and they need to play nearly perfect game to win against another good team especially on the road. We just need to continue to recruit and hopefully can build roster that will be competitive and be able to be conference champ.

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