I am guessing Bubba is well aware of the fact that nearly the entire fan base is calling for him to be done. Even the football 360 crew, which used to include his brother, has run out of good things to say and are calling for change. His quote is an emotional reaction, albeit not a very smart one, to the pressure he obviously knows is there - and is warranted. There are a lot of things to say about his coaching (which has been said over and over in this blog and which I think is generally accurate) but to say he doesn’t care about his players is not right. The players will tell you that. The problem is he does not recognize his own shortcomings in coaching at this level and changing to a more modern brand of football. At his core, Bubba would still prefer the old 3 yards and a cloud of dust 1970s football he advertised when he first came - and a defensive scheme to stop that which nobody runs anymore. Couple that with an inability to recruit players with body types to play that scheme and here we are. I would love to see Bubba do some soul searching and decide for the sake of his players and the University that he should resign and go to the alumni office. Retire on his own terms rather than have his own personal legacy being canned after a 4 or 5 win season next year. In spite of all of the negativity surrounding Bubba, some of which has been consistently by me, he did help bring us out of the Mussman years. There was improvement in the program and the culture. Unfortunately that improvement had and continues to have a very low ceiling. It is time to move on and I would love to be able to thank Bubba for his contributions to the program as he makes a decision best for himself AND the program and resigns on his own terms. For all his coaching flaws, I continue to believe Bubba is a good guy - just not the right guy for this program. That may be a pipe dream but I am still holding out hope for now…