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  1. SS0016

    Shaw's gone.

    I guess he wasn’t here seeing family last week GREAT HIRE
  2. SS0016

    Shaw's gone.

    What ever the deal, lets hope he applied and interviewed. Would be a great hire.
  3. SS0016

    Shaw's gone.

    Spotted Karl Goehring in GF last night, possible candidate? Outstanding guy, and always got the most out of our goaltenders.
  4. SS0016

    Shaw's gone.

    On the UND site the posting said 8 years coaching OR playing, professional or at D1 level.
  5. SS0016

    Shaw's gone.

    The word in Grand Forks is Matt Smaby for Asst. Coach, any thoughts? Would of been fun to know who applied, darn open record law changes
  6. Agree with 1 and 2. 3. Fire Pres Kennedy and just hire Steve Shirley. Don”t risk opening it up and chance state board hiring another Ego guy.
  7. Plus, $10,000 media apperance increase, if people on here actually read the article he got a $60,000 raise.
  8. Do you realize we had Klevan(best player at camp by a country mile) and Sanderson make it? Also, Jackson will be fine, he is only a 9 grader compared to the rest were 10 graders. Has lots of time. Would ve a mistake to play at RR though. UND has solid recruits coming next couple years, esp on D. RELAX
  9. No, sounds like coaching and locker room issues. Hearing they are losing one more top player soon.
  10. Most people forget the twins were gophers until they realized it wasn't all about them there and transferred. Ironic, they leave and Minny wins national titles.
  11. Anyone that questions UND about Fundraising efforts must remember there is only so much money to go around. Afterall, phase 1 of HPC barely got done and had several shortcuts do to cost. Then, there is phase 2 of HPC that we arn't even close on i heard. We must prioritize what is important, WIH is not one of them with a loss of 2 mil a year.
  12. Ya, we just here about the 10 Olympians, never about the misfits.
  13. Was told the sister of Annelese Rice (player on WIH) posted copy of letter back from OCR. So, not official but we know where it came from. Check out for yourself on twitter at @lau_rice
  14. Who else is tired of the Lamoureux twins? Now that they both are making 70k to 100k, are they still selling tshirts as a fundraiser? what a joke, when are people gonna wise up to there personal motives. Its all about them.
  15. My bad, your right.
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