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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 10 minutes ago, SJHovey said:

    I guess I get bailing out on attending the game if you've made the personal choice not to get vaccinated, and don't wish to get tested in the days before.  Not sure I track on the idea of bailing on a trip, that should be a blast, just because I don't want to tell anyone that I'm vaccinated.  It's not like I'm telling Bridgestone (or anyone else for that matter) anything that they can use to harm me. 

    its a damn slippery slope........

    • Upvote 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    Lots of strong willed stubborn good people in these parts 

    I know some people who are vaccinated, and don't want to go.....it's not about that

    • Upvote 1
  3. Just now, tnt said:

    Are they offering ticket refunds, because the tickets weren’t bought under those premises.  I have the shot, but don’t want a vacation not knowing all the places that are going to have stipulations. 




    Good question

  4. 4 minutes ago, SiouxperDave said:

    My wife and I are vaccinated so it doesn't make a difference to us. LFG!

    my wife is, i am currently not, but am thinking of doing it,mainly for extra protection if i should get sick( i hope it will, anyway) but im not going to go to anything that requires me to show any kind of proof...just what my stance is.  we will be canceling our plane tickets and hotel this week...probably will have to eat the tickets, but it is what it is, i guess

    • Upvote 3
  5. On 5/29/2021 at 8:22 PM, Cratter said:

    The World of Outlaws will be rolling into Grand Forks this Friday at the Speedway.


    and if we are lucky, Larson may make the trip as well....would be great for him to come back and be able to do some autographs, since we couldnt last year for fear of the 'rona

  6. you know, there is alot of things i do love about GF...the race track is one of the most entertaining and exciting places to take in a race in the country( just look up world of outlaw highlights from last year), the REA is the best place in the country to take in a college hockey game...period, the river offers world class fishing, living here isnt too far to get to the big city, but is far enough away that alot of the big city crap dosent happen here.  now, that being said, the winters here can be the most brutal and unbearable at times, and that is a major down vote for alot of people.  including me, as i get older and less tolernt of the cold/snow

    • Upvote 1
  7. 9 hours ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

    ND grows by an outstanding 107,000 people in a short 10 years which is about 16%...wow! 2010-2020

    But somehow, of those 107,000 new citizens, only a measly 800 were counted from the state’s 3rd largest city?! Ouch

    Yes, absolutely the oil boom played a major factor out west, but man alive...only averaging a positive 80 people per year out of 60k in the state wide booming decade?!

    Side note- You’ve got to give it to those western communities for developing at warp speed to help aid in retaining citizens after the boom cooled. 

    IMO- GF only getting 2.0% growth in the hub of the NE quarter of ND during this booming decade makes it almost seem like leadership would’ve had to purposely make an effort to suppress the growth given everything happening state-wide. What gives? 

    The NE primarily suffered all together especially compared to the other 3 regions. Did it suffer because the hub failed, or did the hub fail because of the impacts of the region failing. Poor ag years? Fargo, Bis and Minot success overshadow and stunting GF growth? 

    The West boomed for obvious reasons, but the SE boomed by blazing their own successes. Did the huge SE successes overshadow the NE so badly that it’s completely stunted it? New businesses and talent are continuing to chose Fargo and Bis, adding to the momentum just exacerbating the issue. 

    Hopefully the new GF leadership capitalizes on the niches of the region, takes some risks to attract some attention and turns things around to catch back up before Minnie Minneapolis sucks the life out of Forks even further. 

    I like seeing all the downtown development. Great start for sure.  Now they need to land some big businesses looking to relocate out of IL, MN, NY and CA. Warm bodies to fill roles will limit all of ND currently but hopefully that changes soon!  

    your one underlying fact is that there is absolutly NOTHING to bring people here.  if it wasnt for the university, this wouldnt be much more than a post office and a couple bars.  if it dosent get turned around fast, this place is done....my kids arent coming back after college graduation, i know that much.  and most of their friends are leaving as well,

    • Upvote 2
  8. 39 minutes ago, Yote 53 said:

    Good.  It's about time the NCAA gets sat in the corner.

    for some reason the NCAA seems to think they are the end all, be all, for the sporting world. but the times they are a changing, and i think they are gonna get a dose of reality very soon, if they continue on this path.  we have proven in the last 12 months that alot of what we thought we couldnt live without, actually wasnt that important , and we could live with out .  the same holds for the NC$$

  9. On 3/20/2021 at 2:30 AM, cberkas said:

    This is a reason why I don't care for Tkachuk, decides to fight when Holl has his back and picking up his glove.

    Tkachuk is a little bitch.  he fights dirty, and is starting to loose the respect of his teammates

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