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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 8 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    The music wasn’t the problem. Don’t act like you’re 90 (although you may be). The issue in my opinion is how close the damn band plays the music to the snap, even UND has the ball.

    At one point, it appeared UND was trying to go up-tempo, and couldn't because the band was still playing away like they were still in the homecoming parade

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  2. 32 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    They are playing music between plays. Settle down.  Go for a walk or something.  

    The opposing fans are complaining that their stadium DOESN'T do it.

    I guess when I attend a game, I would like to hear what the call on the field is, or the refs call, and not some stupid crap being played over the top of it...but, hey, I guess the alerus is better for concerts than football, anyway

  3. 4 hours ago, Irish said:

    I know it has been mentioned before but I just got back from my first game of the season.  It was an exciting game - however the loud and incessant music piped in is almost a deal breaker.  Between every snap and right up to the play starting.  Most of it is loud techno-pop.  No one in my section could stand it.  I am not familiar with what other teams are doing - is this common or an Alerus Special?  The sound is just brutal and at times drowned out the PA announcer and crowd noise.  The band, when they got to play, was great.  Who is responsible for this?


    Same for me as well...no one I know can understand the constant need to keep playing music when UND is on offense...it is inexcusable!   It is basic football 101...if you even make a whisper down in the dome when NDSU is on offense, I think they kick you out!  Need to cleanmthis crap up....cost us a time out 2 weeks ago, and damn near cost us one again today!

    • Upvote 2
  4. At the alerus for the first time in a year.....we clearly are not a football school, and have no intentions of being one....the absolute lack of football knowledge is almost laughable....WHY IN THE HELLIS THE BAND PLAYING WHEN WE ARE ON OFFENSE!?

  5. 36 minutes ago, Big Green said:

    Hate the earlier start times.  IMO it was done to increase food sales on saturday night.  More people will eat dinner at the game.  

    and that absolutely kills the atmosphere for the start of the 2nd.  practically empty when they drop the puck.  why do we always try to do things to kill the atmosphere in the ralph?

  6. this may have been covered, and if so , i appoligize, but are people actually happy with the earlier start times for the games, or am i in the minority.  it really makes it a challenge if you work until 5;30-6:00 on a friday, and it kinda limits to what you can plan to do on a saturday.  (this is if you attend the game in person)

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    I would venture to guess KVLY knows more about their market research than you do and they made a financial decision to play the games. They wouldn’t continue to play them if less people watched than whichever alternative game would have been played instead.

    you are giving them WAY too much credit...they have rarely ever given any sort of care to what happens outside of Fargo, or with any other school, other than NDSU, for that matter

  8. 6 hours ago, Bison06 said:

    Any fan base can be annoying, especially when they are on a winning streak.

    But how can you fault people in North Dakota for being excited for the first ever Top 5 pick from the state? And then businesses just doing what businesses do and trying to make money off of it.

    Seems pretty reasonable to me, even if it is annoying to other fanbases, you must see the logic in it right?

    im not sure that there was as much love for the wentz hype, as you may think...outside of fargo, most people didnt really care...the way that KVLY had to put EVERY eagles game on, even when there were far more interesting games being played at that same time, was really annoying.  Even Bismark(his home town) didnt choose to show all of the eagles games.  if i would venture to guess, that in KVLY viewing region, only about 30% of the people actually cared about the journey of carson in Philly

    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, Bison06 said:

    Wow…ok so 25 then? Pick a number under 32 and my point is still valid. There isn’t a single person on this board that is in the top 32 at their job in the world.

    Good lord, some of you people need to grow the hell up. Because a kid went to your rival school you’re cheering for him to fail and are giddy with excitement when he doesn’t play well. It’s a sad existence. Life is more fun if you look for reasons to cheer people on, especially when it’s a North Dakota kid.

    honestly, it has nothing to do with carson, i have never met him, but by most all accounts he is a great guy, with a strong faith, and a great family...most peoples problem actualy is with the Bison fans that instantly went out and bought Eagles jerseys, and were suddenly the biggest Philly fans, the stupid KVLY that suddenly had to broadcast all the Eagles games, when there is clearly more fans of other teams, than of the eagles in the upper mid west, and on, and on, and on.  just wondering when they will pick up all the 49ers games, now that Lance is starting?

    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, Bison Dan said:

    Same with county government.  Try building a home outside of GF and unless you have 15 acres to build on the county dictates location, driveway, etc. 

    100% correct... i have a home on a little over 5 acres, and wanted to divided it with my brother in ln-law so we could share a larger shop, and each have a home...county said no....unless your name is greenberg or crary, you are handcuffed

  11. 46 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Will a change of scenery (NAS --> TBL) held Grant Mismash figure it out? Discuss. :)  

    short answer is no.  never has had the "it" it takes to go to the next level, much like luke johnson

  12. 3 hours ago, Goon said:

    HAIR NATION. I listen to the music. There are tons of channels to listen to. sure on ESPN radio it is. 

    hair nation is the only thing on in my truck.....gawd i miss those days.....

    • Upvote 1
  13. 40 minutes ago, Wildfan said:

    I guess outside of UND Sports I haven't listened to IHeart Stations much, but did listen more to Leighton and know they have alot of local talent and seemed to be more active in having events and little pop ups at town events than IHeart did. They also would've needed to get new talent over such as Tim Hennesey to cover, which is probably where their experience and production got ranked lower. Cunningham does okay for high school but IHeart has done well with UND Sport productions, just wish there were more coverage outside of games and Tim's morning show. 

    I believe Tim is actually employed by UND for the radio call....but I could be wrong

  14. 25 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    Thanks for the heads up!  Iheart wins on the radio side.

    im actually disapointed with the decision to stay with Iheart...just dont like the organization, as a whole.

  15. On 5/13/2022 at 2:30 PM, nodak651 said:

    McFeely says UND's rights were available in 2017 and that nobody besides Midco was interested.  UND signed its extension with Midco in the summer of 2016, a year before rights were set to expire in summer 2017, so I don't understand how his statement could be accurate.  Did he legitimately just make that up?  I emailed the Forum to request a correction.  Schlossman also seems to be implying that the only reason the tv rights are out for bid now is because of state law, and this contradicts McFeely's statement that relates to why UND is seeking bids now, vs 5 years ago (when competitive bids were not required by state law).   Doubt anything comes of it, but their reporting on this and the Learfield contract are complete busch league at best.  McFeely's Learfield article literally states that "the hockey and basketball arenas are owned by the Engelstad Family Foundation"...    

    well, mcfooly is an idiot, so there is that

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