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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 8 minutes ago, Fighting Sioux 23 said:

    North Dakota clinches a Top 3 spot!

    A split next weekend, and they clinch a Top 2 spot.

    Or just win out and hoist another Penne Rosa!

    Like they said in major league..." win the whole freaking thing!"

    • Upvote 3
  2. 14 hours ago, CMSioux said:

    When hockey is all you know you think it is okay to play right up until play begins. 

    this is EXACTLY the problem.. band director dosent know crap about football, and the whoever is in control of the sounds system knows less.  cant believe Bubba hasnt said anything about this.  it literally cost us more than one false start

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  3. 13 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Don’t NFL teams do it?

    having attended a game in Green bay recently...no...no they dont.  it is pin drop quiet other than telling you what down it is or getting jacked up after a big play..i could hear rodgers caddence, and i was in the upper deck

  4. the person or persons responsible for the music and overall noise when UND in on OFFENSE. need to be fired, like yesterday...it is totally inexcusible to be playing any sort of music, or making any sort of noise when the offense is on the field.  what is so damn hard to figure out! is a freaking joke, and NDSU fans are still laughing about it.  i have been watching this happen for way to many years.

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