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Posts posted by AJS

  1. 1 hour ago, burd said:

    I'd say SCSU IS a college hockey power.     Whether they are "better" or "worse" than UND depends on the wants and needs of the recruit and our considerable prejudices.    As a UND fan, I think they lag behind us, but I've tried and tried to get those green glasses off, and they appear to have just grown into my face somehow.    Probably won't be asked to be a neutral judge because of it, but I like the view. 

    Everyone's definition differs (as with what's a blue chip recruit), but I'm interested about how many schools would you consider "powers". If you include SCSU, you must have like 30 on the list.

  2. Kunz has really stepped into the HS game with no problem leading RR in scoring with 13 points (6 G, 7 A) through 4 games. ND HS stats are tough to really gauge, especially out West, but right now he's tied in the East in scoring with one less games. For comparisons sake, Caulfield had 64 last year as a Sophomore and is doing just fine in the NDTP program. Does anyone know if a freshman has ever lead the East in scoring? 

  3. 10 minutes ago, 90siouxfan said:

    Huh?, i guess I thought they needed finishers...   refresh my memory on why is overage a problem

    Not a problem, just more of a personal preference. Would rather not see UND be a school where a majority of their freshman are 20 years old. It's necessary for sure sometimes and it works out well, I don't think there is as high of a ceiling. Also, in this specific example, the SJHL isn't great. For next year, I'm happy they landed Weatherby, who plays in a better league and can put the puck in the net.

    If they are looking for another person for next year, I hope it'd be Cruickshank.

  4. 9 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    I always hate to hear about schools pulling offers, but it's probably the best option for Mattson in the long-run.  He's a pure offense-first power forward who is having remarkable difficulties scoring at USHL level.  Mattson would be way out of his element next year vs NCAA talent; a situation hardly conducive to development.         

    Out of the three players I've highlighted in the past, this probably makes the most sense. I wish Mattson the best of luck and hope he finds another school that's a better fit. I agree with @UNDlaw80 you never like to see it, but this type of thing happens.

  5. 40 minutes ago, cberkas said:

    I’ve seen players score a bunch of goals in Juniors and were busts in college and seen players that didn’t score a bunch of goal and did very well in college.

    No doubt on the first one, I'd be interested in a player that didn't score a lot in juniors that put up points in college. Of course there's always going to be outliers in every case, but I'd think for the most part, you'd rather have players that actually perform in juniors.


    20 minutes ago, siouxforce19 said:

    To add on to this, I would advise people to stop over analyzing recruits and their stats. If Berry and Co. don’t feel they can contribute to the program, they won’t be here. There are several recent former recruits that were let go for various reasons. 

    Most of us haven’t seen any of these kids play extensively anyways. 

    I can get on board with this. I also realize you need players that play different roles and it seems UND does recruit this better than almost anyone. I've mentioned this before, but it's not specifically Keane by himself that I question, it's bringing in 2 others that also can't get on the score sheet as overagers. Ultimately, I know this coaching staff will do what's best, so I'm out of the conversation. I

    • Upvote 1
  6. 58 minutes ago, cberkas said:

    He just got back to the team from an injury.

    That's true and I'm looking strictly at stats, but have you seen anything prior to his injury in Penticton (few points) or his two years in Sioux City, that would point to him as a contributor at the D1 level?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Quincheezmo said:

    So I check out our commits periodically on eliteprospects.com via Schlossman's blog and I've noticed something curious.  The past, present, and future teams are listed for each recruit and UND is listed as a future destination for all but Jackson Keane.  A while back it was listed there.  Does anyone know what's up with that?  Is he no longer in our pipeline?

    Interesting, he did tweet out a picture of him signing his NLI not too long ago, so would be surprised if things changed that quickly. He is one of 3 that haven't seemed to pick up their play in juniors, so I don't think it would necessarily be a bad thing for UND if they agreed it didn't work out.

  8. 9 minutes ago, UND1981 said:

    What about the poster that didn't like the combo of 14 and 22 playing together?  Did this weekend change your opinion?

    I'll include 29 into the conversation with 22 of players a lot of posters didn't think were any good. The people getting on 29 a month into his college career were ridiculous, let the guy settle in. I think 22 has been awesome for some time. He might not be the conventional #1 Center, but he's solid. It's nice to see 29 start to get more comfortable with the game. Still pretty snake bitten, but he'll be a scorer for this team sooner than later.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Injuries are part of the game and the break can't come soon enough for this team to hopefully get healthy. That said, this has helped get everyone playing time, which will pay off down the road. Every member of the team has played this year with Rieger at 6 having the lowest total. 

    I really did like what Gornall brought to the table and he would have contributed this year, but him leaving early will be a blessing going forward. Basically you are trading Weatherby for Gornall next year, which should be a net positive for the team. Also, like I mentioned above, it's getting guys like Rieger playing time they would have not otherwise. 

  10. On 12/1/2017 at 4:31 PM, tnt said:

    On GPL they are saying Berry isn't following Randklev on Twitter.  I'm assuming he must have been.  I would think that we may have lost out on him to St. Cloud, which would be disappointing. Anyone have info to the contrary?

    I'll take UND's chances going against SCSU for a recruit 10 out of 10 times, I'd be shocked in Randklev picks SCSU over UND and Minnesota. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, burd said:

    It was fun to watch.   I do think the waived goal was a fair call.   If it had been WMU's goal, I would have been calling for it to be waived off.  

    Exactly, have no problem with the disallowed goal.

    This appeared to be a classic make sure the PP's are even at the end type game. Some seem to have a short memory when talking about officials and poorly called games. The problem is as a group I don't want UND fans to look like the "refs are always against us" type crowd. IMO there was a huge difference between last night and Saturday in Denver (and pretty much any game in UND history and Saturday night in Denver). Brandt did say it with about 10 left when UND couldn't capitalize, you knew the next time the refs could, they were going to call something on UND, which I understood. Kind of snow balled from there, thought the call on Shaw was weak, but the next one of Wolanin was definitely a hold. Then of course the dive at the end, which at full speed, you can't blame the refs, given the sell job by WMU.

    Overall, great win by UND, I know it's still December, but tonights game has huge implications. WMU is a good team and UND doesn't travel to the Zoo this year, a sweep would go very far in the overall picture of the year. The NCHC is tough, need to sweep at home. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Siouxhawkey said:

    Just because you were at the game doesn't mean you had a better view of the play,  and like has been said before let's see a replay and end the debate.

    We did see the replay, I am a little confused with the no-contact crowd. Zero contact to the legs, but it did look like Garnders elbow clipped him in the side. 

    Edit: And by side, it was more the WMU player was already slightly passed him, so it would have been side / back. That being said, I'd need to see a different angle, because it's possible there was no contact as Garnders elbow would have just skimmed him from what it looked like on the replay. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Siouxhawkey said:

    I am with fightinghawks4life,  until I see another replay of it I think it was a dirty play,  I wasn't expecting to come on the site after the game and see so many people thinking there was no contact, so I would have to see it again. From what I saw on tv I saw contact with the legs.

    The only way I could see this as a possibility is if you watched it live, then immediately shut off the tv before they showed the replay multiple times. I can agree that live it looked bad, until you see the replay where it's not possible to conclude there was any contact with the legs. It was a very good dive, Garnder's elbow clipped him.  

  14. 24 minutes ago, UNDMOORHEAD said:

    Dipietro is a POS diver as far as I'm concerned.

    I'll never understand it, but Dipietro needs to pick his spots a little better, maybe wait for the NCAAs to put on a show like that. The officials with obviously review and see how outrageous the dive was, should be a marked player in their eyes moving forward. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, brianvf said:

    Add in Rizzo and we have quite the 4-some.

    I was just talking about the guys who will be here next year, but a Rizzo / Blaisdell class coming out of the BCHL in 2 years would be phenomenal. Both have the same stat line of 4-10-14 in what would be their junior high school year. 

  16. Looking at next years recruits currently playing in the BCHL you have:

    • Weatherby: Tied for first in points w/ 41. Second in goals with 21
    • Tychonick: Tied for fourth in points for a defenseman w/ 23 (as an '00 much younger than leaders who go '97, '98', 97', 98')
    • Scheel: Best GAA at 1.88, 2nd in SV% at .936

    Nice forward, defenseman, goalie combination with that group. Now, it's on the rest of the group to pick up their numbers. 

  17. Landon Parker with a nice start to his season at EGF, 2-1-3 in 2 games. Was the Bantam Elite League MVP last year. MN Hockey hub has him as a 9th grader, is that correct? Netural Zone has him as a Jan 1st, 2002 DOB, is that correct? Those two don't really mesh, early '02 / late '01 would normally be a sophomore. 

    Looking at the college hockey landscape, a lot of 02's have been going off the board. Minnesota is now at 7, 02's or younger. Would like to see UND get Parker / Cole Shepard locked up in the '02 category.

  18. 18 minutes ago, Sodbuster said:

    What I mean was that maybe someone had inside info that UND was hot after them, not just were aware of them......sheesh.

    I'm in the same boat, big difference between players UND is actively recruiting and a list of good hockey players.

    • Upvote 1
  19. 1 hour ago, joeyjr said:

    What is weird is the structure of this entire article. I had read it earlier and saw that they say: "If picking an All-Showcase Team in terms of top Division I prospects, the nod goes to forwards Justin Pearson, Shane Pinto and Azzaro Tinling . . . "

    Then in the scouting report further down that you included, they rag on him a little bit. Do they mean they picked the all-showcase team before the tournament. Not that they picked it based on the performance at the tournament? Are they saying though he is essentially one of the top prospects there, he just didn't perform as well as expected in this particular viewing?

    That's how I read it.

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