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Posts posted by AJS

  1. BCHL Stats:

    Blaisdell '01 (F): 7-12-19 41GP (Played World Junior A)

    Keane '97 (F): 7-13-20 42GP

    Weatherby '98 (F): 34-34-68 52GP (Leading League in Points, Tied 1st Goals) 

    Tychonick '00 (D): 9-32-41 43GP (Played World Junior A, 4th League Defensive scoring, 2nd PPG)

    Reid '01 (D): 1-12-13 47GP

    Scheel '99 (G):  2.09 GAA .928 SV% (2nd SV% & GAA)

    USHL Stats:

    Senden '98 (F): 9-8-17 41GP

    Mancinelli '01 (F): 10-8-18 38GP

    Costello '00 (F): 6-1-7 34GP

    AJHL Stats:

    Bernard-Docker '00 (D): 15-18-33 41GP (Played World Junior A)

    NTDP -18:

    Hain '00 (F): 7-14-21 37GP

    NTDP -17:

    Caulfield '01 (F): 11-10-21 34GP

    High School

    Donovan '00 / JR (F) - Duluth East: 11-41-52 24GP

    Randklev '99 / SR (F) - Moorhead: 21-16-37 23GP

    Frisch '00 / JR (D) - Moorhead: 5-18-23 23GP

    Kunz '02 / FR (F) - Red River: 18-15-33 18GP

    Kleven '02 / SO (D) - Davies: 7-5-12 21PG


    Bowen '02 - Fraser Valley - 8-18-26 19GP (Major Midget League, will finish year in BCHL)

    Pinto '00 - Selects Academy -5-3-8 7GP

    Sanderson '02 - Edge School Elite 15s - 10-20-30 22GP

  2. I'll die on the hill that it isn't completely a talent issue with this team, I'm not saying they should be a #1 seed, but we've seen this team be very, very good. They can and have played with the best teams in the country. I also don't think they are that far off from being a good team. Last night was a bad loss, but did anyone think CC was a much better team? 

    With the ups and downs of this year, what I'm losing my mind over is special teams. If nothing else, when this team doesn't make the tournament for the first time in 16 years, you can circle that as the # 1 culprit. It's beyond pathetic, Shaw deserves nothing but blame. 

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  3. 33 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    Anyone else a little concerned that a good number of our commits are "struggling in juniors"?

    The only two I would truly classify as struggling is Keane and Senden (nothing new with those two), outside of that, Costello would be the only other person, but he's also a HS Senior in his first year in the USHL.

    I don't think you could classify anyone else outside those three as struggling.


  4. Mancinelli looks like he could be a good one, in his first year in the USHL (either Sophomore or Junior in HS - June DOB), he currently has 10 G 7 A - 17 P in 36 GP. Of that total, in his last 16 GP, he's almost averaging a PPG, with 9 G 5 A for 14 P.

    Obviously, there's a huge step up from High School / Midget to the USHL, no surprise that it took a while to get comfortable. Seems to be taking off now that he got his feet wet.



  5. 23 minutes ago, scpa0305 said:

    Agreed Costello definitely could use 1-2 years more and it would be nice if Randklev could play a full year.  

    As far as gersich goes, he’s a nice play but I don’t think he’s ready for pro hockey.  He could probably fill a bottom 6 role on an AHL team however I’m not sure why a guy would leave early for that.  Stay another year and continue to develop. His soph numbers were solid however I think everyone knows that Boeser and jost played a huge part in that.  His numbers dwindled as the season wore on.  This year I think we’re seeing the real player...20 in 28 isn’t really lighting the world on fire.  He’s definitely heated up a bit though recently, 10 in 10.  Either way, players shouldn’t leave early with those numbers unless they’ve already graduated I guess.  

    I've always said, if UND only lost players early to pro contracts, that actually played in the NHL, they would be in great shape every year. Last year, no complaints, lose Boeser, Jost, Poolman, all are collecting NHL paychecks. Losing a guy early like Gerisch (previous year Thompson / Johnson) who in all reality have no shot of playing the NHL that year, really hurts.

    Still have my fingers crossed they'll only lose Wolanin early. Gerisch returning would be such a big deal.

  6. I remember reading a couple months ago, that it was pretty much a given that Gersich leaves early, but I'm still holding out hope, that the longer we don't see another 2018 recruit, he may change his mind.

    Right now, UND has 4 for sure forward coming in, taking 4 spots (3 Seniors & Gornall). The incoming forwards being Weatherby, Keane, Senden, Hain. The only two that would be eligible in Costello / Randklev definitely need a year of juniors.

    Here's to hoping that we don't see another '18 forward commit!

  7. 2 hours ago, gundy1124 said:

    If we stop the run, teams will torch us in the air.  All I see right now in the secondary is injuries and inexperience at safety.  I predict a 5.

    Get ready for a frustrating, no shi*t type post, but here it goes.

    A lot of my frustration last year, with the ILB's, is although injuries to key players ultimately sunk the position, everybody knew going into the year that it was razor thin. It's crazy to me that you basically had Rodgers and that's it as a proven commodity. Add Larson / Hunt who you like to the mix and Disterhaupt, who was too undersized to begin with. After that you pretty much had nobody that should be playing. I just can't understand why they didn't bring in anybody else.

    Now, looking at next years defense, let's check off the boxes. If you're looking at Safety / Secondary as a huge, huge issue, is this not priority #1? My first sentence about, no sh*t type post applies to that question, because it obviously probably is. I just hope the coaching staff is doing everything they can to bring in 1 more Safety that can make an impact.

    I can understand how injuries can derail a certain position if they add up, but I'll never understand not being prepared at the beginning of the year to put your team in position to succeed. Being one injury away from disaster (i.e. ILB last year).

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Midwestern Hawk said:



    Hopefully the Gopher transfer can be a player for us this fall.....is it August yet?

    "Maybe the best news? My predictive two-deep at inside linebacker features four players who played a total of eight games for UND a year ago. Maybe that sounds strange as a positive, but I think it is considering the results."

    Miller isn't breaking any news, but this is why I'm extremely optimistic that defensively, last year will be an abnormal blip for UND's defense. Thinking back to games like USD / Montana State where they could run up the middle at will. That won't happen this year.

    Rankings are obviously subjective, but on a 1-10 scale (10 being the best), what's everyone's rankings for this team defensively:

    2016: 7

    2017: 3

    2018: 7

    Does anyone think they'll be back to how they were in 2016? Slightly worse? Slightly better?

  9. 1 hour ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Yeah, it's comical to defend a guy who just gave up 4 goals all weekend to DU. Sheesh. He's the better goalie, right now. Is Thome the better talent? Probably. But, right now, Cam is the best goaltender on our team.

    By what metric?

    I'm not saying Thome should play from here on out, or that he's a huge upgrade from Johnson, but I also don't think that Johnson with his play this year (the guy has a .906 SV%) should automatically be the guy. Johnson played well this weekend and I'm all for starting him Friday against CC, but if he has a bad game and Thome plays well the next night, just don't automatically start Johnson after that.


    Edit: Play the best goalie, regardless of class, I'm just not convinced Johnson is better.

  10. 32 minutes ago, SiouxTupa said:

    Cam was fantastic to start this year, before his injury. As far as being dialed-in, to me it was the best he's looked in any of his seasons. I think Thome will be a solid G, but Denver seriously exposed his weakness (lateral movement) for eight goals in those two games. He's gotten enough time for us to feel confident going into next year without Cam. But this year, if Cam is healthy, he needs to be in net down the stretch.

    Whatever weakness Thome has, he still has a better SV % than Cam (they are close .913 vs .906). I just think it'd be crazy to play Cam no matter what, given his very mediocre numbers. This isn't saying play Thome every night, but given where we are at, I'd prefer to go with whichever goalie gets hot.

  11. 1 hour ago, TheFlop said:

    If Cam plays both games UND gets swept.  Need to put Thome in and have him get hot.  

    Did you forget how well Cam played his Sophomore year?

    Do I think they'll get swept if Cam is playing, no, but I am in the corner that there isn't a big difference between Cam / Thome. If both are healthy, I'd like to see them split time and whoever plays better takes over. If that's Thome, then he should be the one in net.

  12. 2 minutes ago, ksixpack said:

    Speaking of WHL Top Prospects, the #1, #10, and #13 top skaters for this years WHL draft will be in the Ralph tomorrow at 12:30.  In addition, so will be the #1 goaltending prospect for the WHL draft.  The Rink Academy (Rink Prep) will be in town playing the Grand Forks Aviators.  Carson Lambos is a D that is rated #1.  I am sure you will see both coaching staffs from UND and Denver at this game.  Here is the projected draft ranking for WHL: http://www.dubnetwork.ca/draftgeek/whl-bantam-rankings/

    By the way the Grand Forks Aviators are no slouch either as they are currently ranked #2 in MN Bantam AA and have a lot of prospects themselves: http://www.youthhockeyhub.com/page/show/2949799-now-rankings-mn

    Should be a great hockey game.  12:30 Saturday main rink at the Ralph...free admission...enter through the Olympic rink.

    Interesting! Does GF have a Jackson Kunz type player this year, or overall depth (or both)?

  13. I'm actually optimistic going into tonight's game. You'd think otherwise given (1) Special teams in Duluth (2) Playing on CBS Sports (3) Playing Denver who has as much talent as anyone in the country. All these factors are going against UND, but I tend to believe that everything evens out. (1) Special teams can't be as bad as it was last weekend, Duluth's PP percentage was absurd (2) They can't lose every single game they play on CBS Sports, can they?

    It's time for Cam to step up and possibly steal a game for UND. They need to come out with urgency and play like their season is on the line.

  14. 1 hour ago, I Ranger said:

    Agree to disagree. In my opinion, he is our 14th forward and it's not close. The puck is a hot potato on his stick and his skating is atrocious. Slowest forward I may have ever seen play at UND.

    The blame for their recent play isn't on just a few people, but on the group. That being said, it's frustrating that it appears if you have a letter, you're in the line-up, no matter what. Looking at Simo / Olson, who should be fair game to sit (because they aren't very good), but instead you have guys like Mismash / Adams, who have talent in the stands every other night.  Berry, maybe mix in 11 & 10.

  15. Here’s my one huge frustration with Berry (and Hakstol before), it’s clear special teams is a complete disaster, I don’t want coach talk or his normal “we just need to get one to go” quotes. Something is wrong, (1) Figure it out (2) Fix it — a little transparency would be nice, explaining what is wrong and how they plan on addressing the issue. Take some accountability.   

    Year is far from over, but it needs to get fixed now. 

  16. 24 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Spot on.................cause nothing screams mediocrity than a 4-5-3 record since stealing the opener in Denver.

    Schloss predicts a split nearly every week. Maybe he gets it and we don't.......this team just is not as good as most fans think it is.

    Like I said yesterday with Cam, numbers don’t lie. What’s ultimately frustrating this year, is after certain games or weekends (Western for example), I would have never thought this team would be having this much consistency issues. Still time to fix it and this year they look better than last. Need the win tonight, then hope better weekend next. 

  17. 7 hours ago, Irish said:

    Recruiting used to be spot on - not as much lately.  My theory is that after taking over and winning it all Berry became enamored with the grit of the championship team but forgot that a lot of that grit was on our first line of high-end NHL talent.  We are really stuck without a consistent scoring front liner this year.  That should not happen at a school like ours.

    Turnover, turnover, turnover. What killed them last year was Non-NHL players Thompson / Johnson also leaving early. This year, 50 / 50 player Jost. They need to start winning some of those battles (like let’s say Gersich this year). It’s tough having huge freshman classes every year. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    Yea, that Cam guy has done nothing worth mentioning during his tenure at UND...well, outside of backstopping the team to a national championship.

    Posts like this are so frustrating, what are you talking about? Where did he say Cam has done nothing? He was great his Sophomore year, but we aren’t talking about that. He’s been mediocre his last two years, numbers don’t lie. 

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