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UND's 125th Anniversary


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Did anyone tape the Good Morning America segment? Or watch it? Anyone wanna describe it or something since I woke up too late to catch it? Thanks!
It was on at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday and I recorded it. The segment began with President Kupchella standing in front of the multitude in his green shirt saying a few words about UND's 125th anniversary. "Stand Up and Cheer" was playing in the background. Then they cut to the group shot in which the UND logo shouted "Good morning, America!" and yelled and waved. The "Good Morning America" hosts seemed impressed. One of them tried to sing along with "Stand Up and Cheer," but wasn't very good at it. He gets an A for giving the good old college try, however. :glare:

EDIT: Here's a version posted on YouTube. The quality's not too great, but it gives you an idea of what GMA did.

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It was on at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday and I recorded it. The segment began with President Kupchella standing in front of the multitude in his green shirt saying a few words about UND's 125th anniversary. "Stand Up and Cheer" was playing in the background. Then they cut to the group shot in which the UND logo shouted "Good morning, America!" and yelled and waved. The "Good Morning America" hosts seemed impressed. One of them tried to sing along with "Stand Up and Cheer," but wasn't very good at it. He gets an A for giving the good old college try, however. :glare:

EDIT: Here's a version posted on YouTube. The quality's not too great, but it gives you an idea of what GMA did.

Why didn't you answer her first question? You had to be at least in your teens when it happened, so you obviously remember it.

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It was on at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday and I recorded it. The segment began with President Kupchella standing in front of the multitude in his green shirt saying a few words about UND's 125th anniversary. "Stand Up and Cheer" was playing in the background. Then they cut to the group shot in which the UND logo shouted "Good morning, America!" and yelled and waved. The "Good Morning America" hosts seemed impressed. One of them tried to sing along with "Stand Up and Cheer," but wasn't very good at it. He gets an A for giving the good old college try, however. :glare:

EDIT: Here's a version posted on YouTube. The quality's not too great, but it gives you an idea of what GMA did.

I give him an A for effort though he didn't do a very good job of learning it.

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That was the second question, not the first question. You're bad at math.

That's true. :glare:

But your reading comprehension sucks. Most people probably understood that I only responded to the part of her post that I quoted. I can draw you a picture of how this works if it will help. :);)

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My reading comprehension certainly does not suck. It is in fact excellent. I understood that you only answered the part you quoted, hence why I asked why you didn't answer the first part, brainiac.

You need to stick to arguing about the nickname and with Bison fans because when it comes to nonsensical and pointless arguments, you stand no chance against me.

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  • 5 months later...

Got their cake and ate it, too

The famed "Nickel Trophy" even came out of hiding for the occasion. Beginning in 1938, the winner of the UND-North Dakota State University football game has staked claim to the trophy 2 inches think, 22 inches in diameter and 75 pounds of aluminum alloy.
UND officials said the nickel hasn't really had a permanent home on campus the past few years. They like to keep it moving around to throw off would-be thieves from "the other school." The trophy has been the target of several successful and failed attempts by both schools to purloin it over the years.

"I don't think they'd dare steal it out of here, there's too many people in here," joked UND spokesman Peter Johnson during the birthday celebration.

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I got a picture with IT! I was so excited.

I got there, looked at it, and then my friend and I went and sat a table to listen to Kupchella sing. Afterwards, we got our picture with him, and as we were walking towards the Nickel they were taking it away!!!!!!!!! *angry face* :D

We didn't even get any cake because it was all gone by the time we got there!

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