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Sioux vs Minnesota State Friday Game Thread


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:huh:, have to have fun with it

i did see him open the bench door for both the osh and jonny on a line change too :D:D

IMO we need to look back and laugh at things like this. Yea they broke the law, but it made a good story at the same time. People blew it way out of proportion. It keeps the morale high if players know that the fans aren't hating on them. I was ready to throw my hat on the ice if Lee got another goal last night, another example of laughing off the little things.

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Oh no Mikejm!!! :D

I thought this would all be taken care of before sioux-cia got got home. I talked to Phats last night at the game and gave him the names of some good contractors, and I'll help paint and replace carpet. Should all be good by the time she gets back. :lol:


alright, first off, MIKE, its YOU that i dont see at the games. and if it is, its one game a weekend, 2 games a month, its like your a weekend warrior sioux fan. We are using the tickets, and loving it, i get to go to the games, and watch us turn it around as of late, and a few of my friends have delveloped a affinity for some of the cheerleaders that frequent my bar, and the fights also, so it is a win-win situatuion.


Sure, its a little messy, and no, not Nearly as bad as it was when sioux mama came and got the clothes to ship. There is no painting, or carpet to replace, everything is fine.

and for the record, you guys are going down. :D:huh:

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This hotel computer is far too slow to stop to read this thread. I thought I'd just quick post a few of my own observations of last night's game.

The Ascension

In my mind last night's game was where Jonathon Toews stepped out and showed the world the player he truly is. Keeping in mind that this is the first time I've seen him play all season in person, maybe I've just missed too much. But from what I've seen on tv in a handful of games, Toews was a step up from anything I've seen from him. He moved from an excellent college hockey player to a guy I just hope remains with our program for the rest of the year. He was that good last night, I thought. Body position, puck control, vision, hands, face-offs, responsible defense, playing at a high speed....it was all there last night.

I was fortunate to be sort of behind the goal where he scored his first goal of the game. If you saw it on tv, slow motion replay doesn't do it justice. As he came in to the Mav zone at high speed it was hard to believe how he could handle the puck so effectively as he puckhandled and blew right by the poor defenseman, and then burned the goalie five hole. For me, it was one of the top few goals I've ever seen scored, not just because he walked a defenseman, but because of how fast he was moving in everything that he did. Incredible.

Chorney's interview with Hennessey after the game was a gut-buster. Very funny. Hope you heard it.

We also got a good laugh out of Clark challenging Walski to a fight while everyone else was tied up with 50 seconds left in the game. We thought Walski should skate out part way to the red line and tell Clark "I'm not going to fight you. The way your team plays I'm probably getting in the game tomorrow night too." :lol:

Funny how predictable Mankato is. With 5 minutes left we said to each other that this game could turn ugly and shortly thereafter Genoway is in a fight with a Maverick player. With 1 minute left we said there's no way we get through the last minute. We didn't get 15 seconds.

Lastly, for those of you who were lucky enough to attend the Sioux Booster lunch, what a treat. If you weren't there the highlight was the MC, who is a real spunky gal, said she had a present to send to one of the WCHA refs. McLeod was in the audience, and she said she hoped he didn't mind that she had a present for the refs. Then she pulled out a MN gopher jersey with Campion's name stitched on the back. The place roared. Then she asked if Coach Hakstol and Jutting might like to sign the card! What a great way to kick off the weekend. Mcleod looked like he took it with good humor.

Hakstol came across as very sincere when he talked about how he was going to handle the Judy issues. I trust that he's handling things constructively.

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Just a heads up, I'm currently uploading the fight from last night to youtube. It should be done by game time. I will then be uploading it to another site and posting the link here for all the siouxsports.com members to view.

Key words will include Hockey Fight Sioux Mavericks UND

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