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Music at the Ralph during Hockey


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Really enjoyed our recent trip to GF for the Duluth series. What a couple of great games.

Couple of thoughts. Our group was really appreciative of the band being in the lower bowl. We thought that really helped with atmosphere. Tried to get the crowd chanting a few times (Let's Go Sioux) but had trouble getting up any interest, and the one time the band caught on they started up off-beat. What's up with that? :D

Anyway, I dug Cowbell Guy. He got a big cheer from the crowd on Saturday night. If the guy is reading this who yelled out afterwards "He's just a band geek, people!" and then proceeded to tell your lackeys and everyone around how you used to pick on guys like that in high school, you can kiss my ass. We expect that attitude from gopher fans, not one of our own. How about having fun at the game instead of sitting quietly at the game with your 4 door 4wd red pickup stuck in your pants.

Also dug "All By Myself" played when the 'Dog was sitting in the sin bin, all lonesome. I hope more of that kind of thing is thrown into the mix.

Very impressed with the students in the 2nd deck on Friday night. You put the students in the first deck to shame, along with the rest of the crowd. Very active and vocal. Way to go!

Would love to see the words for Stand Up and Cheer on the ring. It would help me as I haven't memorized them.

Dug the band playing in the concourse between periods on Sat, and watching the little show the percussion section put on. Those guys are having a good time and the crowd that gathered was impressed. Keep it up!

Here's to more good times at the Ralph!

I agree with you regarding the students in the upper bowl. Very into the game and made a fair amount of noise. However, what about all the emply seat (Especially in the lower student section). I was perplexed by the number of people in the bars. There had to be 300+ people in the bar drinking and visiting oblivious to the fact they were at a hockey game. If they don't want to watch the game I'm sure many others would love to have their tickets.

The play on the ice was acceptable in my eyes. The passing was much improved compared to games earlier in the year, but the intensity dropped dramatically after the two goal lead. They need to sweep this weekend and that will only be possible with a full 60 min. game.

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Please tell me you didn't learn to spell at UND!!

Going to a hockey game is also about the experience as a whole, which includes cheering, jeering, music, snacks, intermission entertainment the whole nine yards. Which is why people go to the game rather than just watching it on TV or reading about it in the paper.

This 'sports' character seems a little bit like the poster formerly known as "Siouxrock"... :D

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I'm telling you, in those situations,

with Duluth, or Tech, or St. Cloud, or even Anchorage, in town,

I wanna hear "How Much Is That Doggy In The Window" crankin' out. ;):D

You should really consider a career change.

The guy who does the sound at the DECC is pretty cool. Esp. when he plays Journey's "Don't Stop Believing"

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