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Jerome Beasley


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So using your logic, if I walk into a restaurant where the majority of the people happen to be black, and one table starts calling me a racial slur, I am justified to walk up to a completely separate woman, that has not called me anything, and strike her? This is not an issue of color, it is an issue of violence against women. When people like yourself continue to make excuses or rationalizations for it, it keeps building into worse and worse crimes.

You only take bits and pieces to what I am stating. You are assuming the interviewed women did nothing wrong and I really doubt she was just sitting and minding her own business and they went off on her. I just would like you to see the other side of the coin.

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Wow am I surprised at the number of people sticking up for JB. At what point then in in your logic would JB have crossed the line of wrong-doing? Apparently you are saying it is ok to hit a female (or male for that matter).

Regardless of what was said to him, JB needs to be accountable for his actions - it would have made a lot more sense for him to just walk away and take the high ground. He choose not to and take matters into his own hands, therefore he should take responsibility for his actions.

I am not condoning anything done in the situation, I was just trying to get Bringdeanback to look at it from another perspective and not assume the reporter gave a fair and accurate account of what went on. I don't know the whole truth to the story, but most newspapers tend to omit a lot of facts in order to slant a story. I just don't know that we should blast somebody based upon a story that is likely far from the truth.

I don't use violence to solve problems, but I have also never dealt with being a minority that is a likely target for some idiot that has prejudices based on ethnicity. People can only take so much abuse before they act.

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