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Don Adam


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Hi all--

I'm certainly not asking this request for any macabre reason....unfortunately, I was working and simply didn't see the game in which Robbie Bina was injured.

As the father of a 9-year-old, I'm particularly concerned about the consistent policing of checking from behind penalties. It truly is the only time in a game when I hold my breath, watching the play. That being said, I haven't seen any video clip of the hit that occurred between Paukovich and Bina. Again, this is hardly for lurid interests, I'm just curious about how it occurred -- positioning of the two players, etc.

It can be e-mailed to me by clicking on my name.

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Hi all--

I'm certainly not asking this request for any macabre reason....unfortunately, I was working and simply didn't see the game in which Robbie Bina was injured.

As the father of a 9-year-old, I'm particularly concerned about the consistent policing of checking from behind penalties.  It truly is the only time in a game when I hold my breath, watching the play.  That being said, I haven't seen any video clip of the hit that occurred between Paukovich and Bina.  Again, this is hardly for lurid interests, I'm just curious about how it occurred -- positioning of the two players, etc. 

It can be e-mailed to me by clicking on my name.


See post #110 of the "Robbie Bina" thread on page 2 of this forum for a link to the vid you will need to forward the video as he says in the post

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Pat Sweeney just said on WDAZ that Adam and the two other officials were reprimanded by the WCHA for the UND/Denver game officiating.

I haven't found anything online that says this, and he didn't say how they were reprimanded.

I'm curious to know.

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The WCHA reprimand of Adam and his officiating crew was discussed here this morning in this thread.

PS: I liked your old avatar better, Hockey Mom. It's the best one on the board.


Ah crap, maybe I should have paid better attention to the boards this morning. I guess it doesn't matter since the WCHA isn't really doing anything anyway.

And thanks, maybe I'll change my avatar back. The pic I have now is way cooler when it's big.

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Pat Sweeney just said on WDAZ that Adam and the two other officials were reprimanded by the WCHA for the UND/Denver game officiating.

I haven't found anything online that says this, and he didn't say how they were reprimanded.

I'm curious to know.


Uh, I can almost guess the interaction of the reprimand:

GS: Hello Don. How are you doing?

DA: Not bad, Greg. How about you?

GS: Not bad, but not good, Don. Look, we've known each other for a while so I'm going to cut straight to the chase. The league and I have reviewed the game tape of the Denver game and found that yourself and your assistant linesmen were not correct in the call on Paukovich's hit. It should have been a major penalty.

DA: I know, Greg, but it was the playoffs and it didn't look as bad as it did until the Sioux player hit the ice. I'm sorry about the injury and I wish I could change it back.

GS: Good, that's just what I want to hear. Look, we're going to have to do something. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to pin some of the blame on the assistants and we're going to put a reprimand in your file. Don't worry about the reprimand, Don, you know me. I'm your buddy.

DA: What does the reprimand say?

GS: It states what happened in the game and that you were incorrect. Anyways, just do me the favor of not screwing up again, ok?

DA: Ok, boss.

GS: I hate it when you call me boss. Call be Greg or buddy, or pal or chum. We're all friends here. I've got your back.

DA: Thank you chum.

GS: Better. Now, let's see about next year....


Ok, that assumes Greg can actually think like that. More than likely the reprimand is a signed document saying that Don Adam will not be a bad little ref again.

Fluff. Serious fluff. Don's no closer to being fired now than he is to retirement.

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Ah crap, maybe I should have paid better attention to the boards this morning. I guess it doesn't matter since the WCHA isn't really doing anything anyway.

And thanks, maybe I'll change my avatar back. The pic I have now is way cooler when it's big.


I am ignored for PCM's comments again. My question of the day was about you yesterday HockeyMom, and I got nothing. :sad::lol:

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