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World Jr. "Hat Trick"


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Finally got my tickets to the tournament and am eagerly awaiting the puck drop. I've also been making some pro-USA signs and some "rally hats" with the same Go USA-type theme. The hats are decorated with slogans, flags, red/white/blue beads and hockey doodads and are free of charge to anyone who would like to have one. I've only got 10 made so far but will probably make more as the tournament gets closer. If you'd like a sign and/or a hat, PM me. I can deliver them to your seat at the Ralph during this weekend's games.

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For those of you not in the know, you would do swell to take YaneA up on the hat offer.

My daughter scored one in Duluth. Top shelf stuff. A Rylan Kaip top hat..

Coach Eades saw her with it before the Friday game and asked her about it. She filled him in while Coach Skarperud talked to me about the really important things in life. Young children. Anyway, Coach Eades took the time and the effort to track my daughter down after the game and got her hat signed by Kaip.

A class move by a class guy with a class organization after a hard fought win on the front end of an impressive split of a great WCHA series.

Sometimes I grow tired of folks who are constantly criticizing the team over some close, tough losses to some quality competition.

Fact is, this team is the real deal, from the coaches on down. We're with them - all of them - through thick or thin. Why? Because in the final analysis, it really is not about the banners that fly from the rafters, although they are fun and exciting. No, in the final analysis, seasons are more about the people you meet, the fun you have, the miles you travel, the goals scored and the goals allowed, the close calls, the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat. In the final analysis, it is the memories that the team, and all of us, build for ourselves and for others. These are the things that make Sioux hockey the crowning tradition that it is.

Thanks to YaneA, to Coach Eades, and to Rylan Kaip for making a young Sioux fan's Christmas dreams come true.

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I now have lots of USA rally hats--and a living room coated in glitter-- so don't be shy about asking for one. As always, there's no charge. Just PM with your seat number and I'll deliver on Friday night at the Ralph. If you aren't a Sioux season ticket holder but will be at the World Jr. tournament, PM with the tourney seat number and I'll deliver Christmas Day. Let's paint the Ralph red, white and DREW, in honor of UND's own U-20 player.

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Fact is, this team is the real deal, from the coaches on down.  We're with them - all of them -  through thick or thin.  Why?  Because in the final analysis, it really is not about the banners that fly from the rafters,  although they are fun and exciting.  No, in the final analysis, seasons are more about  the people you meet, the fun you have, the miles you travel, the goals scored and the goals allowed, the close calls, the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.  In the final analysis,  it is the memories that the team, and all of us,  build for ourselves and for others.  These are the things that make Sioux hockey the crowning tradition that it is.

I couldn't have said it better myself. It's what keeps me going through crappy weeks, and something I love no matter the score.

Great, great post NDH. Best I've read.

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