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All I know about anything you just asked is that Foyt was a walk-on last year, and no, he didn't play very much at all.

Foyt, to my knowledge was the only walk on last year. I believe he played in only one game: The exhibition against the U-18 NTDP team.

He seemed, from that game, to be sure on his skates. He didn't get too many shots off and those that did were not that great. Plus, he was greatly overshadowed in that game by Robbie Bina.

Gosh, all I want now is to see Bina hit someone :p

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Foyt, to my knowledge was the only walk on last year. I believe he played in only one game: The exhibition against the U-18 NTDP team.

He seemed, from that game, to be sure on his skates. He didn't get too many shots off and those that did were not that great. Plus, he was greatly overshadowed in that game by Robbie Bina.

Gosh, all I want now is to see Bina hit someone :ohmy:

Foyt played in two games. He looked much better than Bina, but Bina had a scholarship. Bina became very good during the season though, and then didn't do well at the end when it counted. Geez RW, get the facts straight. And to think I was going to stick up for you in the Roy thread. :p

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Foyt played in two games. He looked much better than Bina, but Bina had a scholarship. Bina became very good during the season though, and then didn't do well at the end when it counted. Geez RW, get the facts straight. And to think I was going to stick up for you in the Roy thread. :p

I forgot about your flame for Mr. Foyt :ohmy:

Glad to see you could correct me though. :p

Maybe he'll get more ice time this year? Though, again, it looks kindof bleak with our D Corps basically unchanged from last year plus the addition of Radke.

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I think Foyt doesn't have a chance here. It would be nice to see him at another school just so I could see if he is any good. Of course if he doesn't play, there is no chance he can look bad and embarass me. :p

I heard he is here on a full-ride academic scholarship. If that is true, he is probably willing to wait and see if he can play as an upperclassman.

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By "Academic," I meant the scholarship was not related to hockey. He must be pretty smart.

He was a walk-on who was more than good enough to make the roster, but not better than those who would be starters ahead of him. Perhaps when he is a junior/senior, he may play more. At least, that was the story I gathered last year.

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He looked much better than Bina, but Bina had a scholarship.

Foyt looked ok against some weak competition. Bina had some up and downs like every freshman, but I thought he overall played really well. His skating and puckhandling skills are among the best I've seen in WCHA defensemen. His size hurts him and his defensive positioning needs work. I think Bina earned his playing time over Foyt, regardless of any scholarships.

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Foyt looked ok against some weak competition.

Given that I was comparing Foyt against Bina in the games they played together, it was the same competition. So because Foyt played well against weak competition and Bina didn't, it was decided that Bina should get the chance to develop? At least it worked with Bina, for a while. Given that Foyt started better than Bina, it would have been interesting to see how he could have developed.

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Given that I was comparing Foyt against Bina in the games they played together, it was the same competition. So because Foyt played well against weak competition and Bina didn't, it was decided that Bina should get the chance to develop? At least it worked with Bina, for a while. Given that Foyt started better than Bina, it would have been interesting to see how he could have developed.

Regardless, with Radke coming in, I doubt either Bina or Foyt will get much ice time this season.

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Foyt is extremely smart. Perhaps too much so, resulting in scams that have landed him in trouble. Yeah, he's a pretty good skater, but UND quality has yet to be seen, given the few chances he has had. I've noticed in his bio that he says his last Jr. A team was in the USHL but it wasn't. He spent the last half of his last Jr. A year down a level in the AWHL (now it's the NAHL) with the Bozeman Icedogs. Why he was there is up for interpretation. Interesting that he doesn't mention his last team experience.

I've been under the impression that the only reason he is even in GF is because his partner in crime is Bochenski, inseperable since they were little. Maybe Foyt and the team would be better off, since Radke is here, to step aside and allow someone else a spot, since Foyt says he will follow Bo to the show as his manager. And that may be sooner than we hope or think.

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