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NCC at 7 schools for how long?


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Let's face it, the fact that you would even mention (with a straight face) the University of Mary as a potential new member for the NCC tells you just how far the conference is going down hill.

they funded more football scholarships than any NSIC team last year... their BB team seemed to do OK against UND.. and their track/volleyball/wrestling teams are normally pretty good... the list of NCC-caliber candidates in the region is not very big (if existent at all) so Mary wouldn't be a terrible option if the NCC really wanted to add a team right now

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I apologize if I missed earlier posts and subsequently misunderstood your point.

I will say however, that the loss of Northern Colorado, NDSU and SDSU (and Morningside as far as basketball is concerned) tremendously weakens the NCC.

After years of being one of the top Division II football conferences in the country, the new-look NCC pales in comparison. I for one commend NDSU for making the move it did, and hope UND will do the same in the very near future.

It's bad enough that the Sioux play the likes of UM-Crookston and Newberry College in non-conference games already, and with only six conference opponents they'll need to schedule at least 4 non-conference per year in the future, while playing a mediocre conference schedule. Frankly, I don't think any of the potential new additions to the conference stack up to what has already left. I think UND fans need to get over this "NDSU is running away" garbage, and the school needs to seriously look at a similar move itself.

Incidently, does anyone know when next year's football schedule is coming out? I'm anxious to see if UND upgrades it's schedule per the statements from the athletic department this season, although I can't imagine it could get much worse.

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I am a UNO fan and it appears from OMaha that the NCC is going to survive. I heard this on a recent radio broadcast where the UNO A.D. was talking about how several schools are in the discussion mode right now of joining the NCC. From a UNO perspective I hope it is Wayne State. They are currently at 22 full rides for fb so they would have to get to 30. Then they would have to match women's scholarships making a total of 16 scholarships. That is about 150k a year to raise which seems doable.

I will predict that within 3 years one of the following 3 schools will join the NCC - Wayne St, WSU, or Northern St. It will take them a couple of years to catch up to NCC quality but they will do it. Between a good 8th member and collaboration with the Pacific NW league it should be an interesting time in the NCC.

Finally, I moved to Omaha from KC 12 years ago and lived thru UMKC's transition (season ticket holder) from NAIA to D1. It is hard as hell to live thru with few bright points over the years. By the way all you Bison fans who think you are going into the MId Cont conference you better think again. Everything I hear from my UMKC buddies there seems to indicate the Mid Cont wants to expand southward. NOt good news for the Dakotas. :silly:;)

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From a UNO perspective I hope it is Wayne State.

What is your view on Nebraska-Kearney? Some time ago, their AD was a quoted on this board as not being interested in the NCC, even though they view UNO as a rival. Do you view Wayne State more than UNK as a rival?

Finally, I moved to Omaha from KC 12 years ago and lived thru UMKC's transition (season ticket holder) from NAIA to D1. It is hard as hell to live thru with few bright points over the years. By the way all you Bison fans who think you are going into the MId Cont conference you better think again. Everything I hear from my UMKC buddies there seems to indicate the Mid Cont wants to expand southward. NOt good news for the Dakotas. 

What school(s) do you think will next be added to the Mid-Con next?

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I know Nebraska-Kearney pretty well (covering the West Region of D2 last season) and they only fund 20 or so football scholorships so the likelihood of them getting to the 30 minimum would be tough. The entire Rocky Mt. Conference has a maximum of 25 scholorships I think.

As for the Mid-Con, two Texas schools would be under consideration in Texas A&M-Corpus Chrisi and Texas-Pan American. Other current indy's in DI basketball include Indiana-Purdue, Fort Wayne and Savannah State (Georgia).

The two Texas schools have been DI indies for 5-7 years each so there must be some reason why they haven't been picked up yet. But those are the only SW schools.

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Last week on the radio the UNO A.D. specifically stated that UNK was not interested in the NCC at this time. I have been to many games down there in the past and it is obvious that they struggle financially. Couldn't possibly raise the money. He didn't mention who was interested in joining the league but was definitive in saying that there was interest among several schools. I have know our AD for several years and take him at face value. Wayne is close to having the money and their facilities are plenty good enough. Apparently Wayne did apply for admission awhile back when the NCC wasn't looking for members. Don't know if Wayne is one of the interested parties but it wouldn't surprise me if they were. They would be a great addition to the league as would Winona or No. State. Quite frankly if UNO continues to do as good a job as they have done for 2004 scheduling fb games I can live with the NCC 7 for a long time. UNO has an attractive 2004 schedule with the exception of one NAIA patsy. I can live with that

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