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This is actually Squirtcoach's son, Papa is up deer hunting.

Is anyone having any luck, or is it too early to tell?


looking good. just the sioux logo test pattern for now


YES! The Test card is up and the music is a playing, 39%Quality here, its still on the low side, but its working so we cant complain! I would much rather we were getting the same quality as CCTV at 90%.....

Go Sioux!


for what its worth I've found that resetting to factory default, then doing a blind scan helps.

To speed up the blind scan process, (on a 3618) hit blind scan, then go down to where it says "normal" and hit the right arrow. This moves you to an "advanced" search where you can set the start and ending frequencies for the scan. Then just type in something like 11990 for start and 12010 for end. Why scan ALL frequencies when you know where its supposed to be?

Are the correct coordinates still....

Frequency: 12041 H

Symbol rate: 4880

Because im not getting anything  :silly:


I'm on 12000 with symbol rate of 4882, and Vertical. Signal strength 37 in northwest Minneapolis area


Everything was working well for me until the end of the 2nd when the picture and sound suddenly stopped. Now all I have is a frozen screen. Did this happen to anyone else?

** edit - re-setting my system did the job and it's up and running. Does this happen to others frequently? It's the first time it has happened to me.


I had a flicker round about then also, try up one channel then back down sometimes works for me, if it locks again..........go Sioux!


I live in Maple Grove, MN. I am having no luck at all tonight, except when I first turned the dish on at 7:15 and had the Sioux logo. I have a Satwork ST3618 system. I didn't get the Manitoba game, the football game came in but was dicey towards the end of the game. I was in GF for the rodent series, so this is the first time since the Manitoba game I am trying my system for hockey. I didn't have this problem last year.

I have done numerous scans, resetting the system, blind scanning, entering coordinates. At times when I do a blind scan it locks on 11998 and 4882 V but when looking to lock it says No Channel. I have run out of ideas. Any additional ideas. CCTV works just fine.


I started with signal strength of 37--which is fine, but towards the end of the first it statred pixelating. It got progressively worse so by mid 2nd it was too annoying to watch, so back to the internet radio. the end of the 3rd was boderline tolerable with a signal strength of 35. Last year I had no problems at all and never was over a 39 for signal strength....perhaps the change to vertical polarization has something to do with it?


Had 38 all night except towards the end of the 2nd where it dropped to 35 and started to pixelate but it only lasted for 2-3 minutes and then back to 38.

Go Sioux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Test card up again right now, about the same quality as last night 38% on my Satwork 3688............

11999 Mhz


4882 S/R

Go Sioux!


I had a 45 last night....dropped to 29 at the end, but still watchable..no pixelation

I dont know why they changed frequencies this year. I sent Jamie @ The Ralph an e-mail about it and he said it works fine on the one they can see. I'm going to e-mail him back Monday

This really sucks that it doesnt work like last year :silly:


I wrote to Jamie at the Ralph : ( He is a man of few words.......

Hello Jamie,

Thanks for all your hard work bringing us the Sioux home games on KU satellite : ) My names Pete Bain and I am a KU installer from the St. Paul MN. area, I am lucky enough to have installed quite a few systems for Sioux fans in the metro area and this year as I am sure you know I have been asked a few times why the systems don't seem to be pulling in the games the way they did last year, don't get me wrong I am not complaining as I have REALLY enjoyed all the games and never miss a game on satellite, in fact with my motorized system I have even been lucky enough to pick up a few away games last year on other satellites, I don't want to bug you but I was wondering if you could tell me how the game is uplinked and if it were possible to bump up the power slightly : )

I use the Channel master 1009 IFD for all installs and have never had a problem with any other KU installs, even this weekends games were right on the fringe of reception and I have a slightly bigger dish and lower noise LNBF than most of the fans have, I was just looking for any ideas or hints to help out the local fans get to see the home games. This weekend all was well for me until the end of the 3rd when it started breaking up slightly but thankfully the post game show was perfect.

I would be most interested in any pictures of your satellite setup if you have any as first and foremost I am a satellite hobbyist, talking of witch I am a moderator at a FTA MPEG2 forum at www.satelliteguys.us if you ever find the time I invite you to come over there and have a look there is a nice bunch of satellite nuts there and its always fun, we also run satellite related giveaways just in case you want to get involved, QUITE a few Sioux fans there, I tell all my customers to check it out, my name/handle over there is PSB. Thanks for your time and as I said I am not complaining as I realize maybe more than most that with FTA satellite you take what you get and are thankful, but I would surely like the fans to get a slightly better signal than they have been getting since the coordinates change this year, hope you have a nice week ahead.

Go Sioux!


"What size dish do you use?"

I use a 1m but most fans use a 75cm dish

" I use a 75cm dish and it was fine here all weekend" :silly:


Tonights game is about to start on......





Quality 50 they way it should be on G3C!


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