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Free DishPointer App for your IPhone contest.


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I am running a FREE giveaway of DishPointer Pro Software for IPhone (Only)

There are 3 copies to win so you are in with a FIGHTING chance!

Use this software to check for line of sight issues before mounting any satellite dish, if your thinking about a FTA (Or any satellite system) you can check before buying with this stunning application. You can actally SEE the satellites LIVE in the sky by simply holding up your phone to the southern sky!

To win simply visit the www.SatellitePlus.US forum and post a few words about your satellite system, or your future satellite system : )

Here is adirect link to the contest, remember you have to join the forum to enter, we have loads of Sioux fans there including maybe the Biggest fan, Jake, who just got himself a 6 foot dish "To be on the safe side" for this seasons coming games : )



Well while others are thinking about hot summer days many folks here are thinking about the coming season of Sioux on FTA Satellite

Last years signals were garbage so its a good idea to get a bigger dish and if your LNB is over a year old a new low noise LNB can only help.

I just dropped the price ($85 shipped) of the Hot Dish 90cm on www.FreeSat.US so it maybe a good idea to buy early (You may remember there was no stock last winter)

As usual GO SIOUX

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I just dropped the price ($85 shipped) of the Hot Dish 90cm on www.FreeSat.US so it maybe a good idea to buy early (You may remember there was no stock last winter)

As usual GO SIOUX

Great price on a great dish. Had trouble with the FSSN last year like everyone, but, once pointed slightly west of the actual satellite (where all the other transponders on that sat were), got the games without problem. Lost much of just 1 game during the season. We still hope for a better transponder at the same location as other transponders, so fixed people don't have the problems, but the HD90 motorized will do the job for sure. For those that want to get the BUD like Jake, of course you'll have no problems whatsoever, and can pick up C band also.

Nice app, but no iphone for me.

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I had problems all last year, too, but was able to get a decent signal by bumping west for one of the games. The Satellite Gods smiled on me that day, because it was the ONLY game that wasn't on DirecTV's FCS channels this past year (I think it was one of the UNO games), and after that night I was never able to get a reliable FTA signal for the rest of the season.

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I had problems all last year, too, but was able to get a decent signal by bumping west for one of the games. The Satellite Gods smiled on me that day, because it was the ONLY game that wasn't on DirecTV's FCS channels this past year (I think it was one of the UNO games), and after that night I was never able to get a reliable FTA signal for the rest of the season.

Lets all hope for a better signal this year............. PLEASE : )

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