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NJ court: No shield law for message boards posters


The New Jersey Supreme Court says people posting in online message boards don't have the same protections for sources as mainstream journalists.

The court ruled Tuesday that New Jersey's shield law for journalists does not apply to such message boards.

The case involved a New Jersey-based software company named Too Much Media. It sued a Washington state blogger for defamation and wanted her to reveal sources she cited on message board posts.

Our freedoms are being taken from us daily.

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NJ court: No shield law for message boards posters


Our freedoms are being taken from us daily.

What freedoms are those? The right to make up charges without being able to provide proof? Many times officials acting in their official positions are protected from those decisions even when others don't like them such as the current lawsuit against former AG Ashcroft. A poster whose doesn't like things can make up comments without proof. Should these people be protected? It has been established for a long time that certain speech is not protected. For example, screaming fire in a theater when there is no fire just to create a panic is not protected speech although I had read recently that some liberal groups are challenging this that it should be protected speech. Unless there is more information, it would appear the NJ court made the right decision.

Consider this, what if somebody charged another person as a rapist or any other crime on a message board. If there is no proof, then this attack on the individual should not be allowed to continue. You should have the freedom from false attacks.

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What freedoms are those? The right to make up charges without being able to provide proof? Many times officials acting in their official positions are protected from those decisions even when others don't like them such as the current lawsuit against former AG Ashcroft. A poster whose doesn't like things can make up comments without proof. Should these people be protected? It has been established for a long time that certain speech is not protected. For example, screaming fire in a theater when there is no fire just to create a panic is not protected speech although I had read recently that some liberal groups are challenging this that it should be protected speech. Unless there is more information, it would appear the NJ court made the right decision.

Consider this, what if somebody charged another person as a rapist or any other crime on a message board. If there is no proof, then this attack on the individual should not be allowed to continue. You should have the freedom from false attacks.

Do you ever read the comments posted to stories on the Herald or Forum websites. Some of the comments have all kinds of crazy accusations. Are we going to start hunting down these people or allow them to have the freedom to post. I hope we don't get to the day where you or I or someone else on this forum have to worry that something we post on SiouxSports.com gets us in legal trouble.

Some other changes that have or will change our lives,,,,, The light bulb law of 2012.. The toilet law of 1992.

One day they will be telling you what to wear and what to eat.

How about a law regarding men's genitals?

Freedoms are being taken from us.

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The nation we live in.... Dept. of Education breaks down Stockton man's door

As it turned out, the person law enforcement was looking for was not there - Wright's estranged wife.

"They put me in handcuffs in that hot patrol car for six hours, traumatizing my kids," Wright said.

Wright said he later went to the mayor and Stockton Police Department, but the City of Stockton had nothing to do with Wright's search warrant.

The U.S. Department of Education issued the search and called in the S.W.A.T for his wife's defaulted student loans.

"They busted down my door for this," Wright said. "It wasn't even me."

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Do you ever read the comments posted to stories on the Herald or Forum websites. Some of the comments have all kinds of crazy accusations. Are we going to start hunting down these people or allow them to have the freedom to post. I hope we don't get to the day where you or I or someone else on this forum have to worry that something we post on SiouxSports.com gets us in legal trouble.

Some other changes that have or will change our lives,,,,, The light bulb law of 2012.. The toilet law of 1992.

One day they will be telling you what to wear and what to eat.

How about a law regarding men's genitals?

Freedoms are being taken from us.

I don't read the herald much and almost never the Forum let alone the comments. Living near DC, I do read the Washington Post. The Herald or the Forum have nothing on the comments generated by people here. Many of them are just pathetic. While I agree that regulations can be sometimes crazy. Here is the fundamental question; Is there a the right for people to post unsubstantiated pieces on somebody or company that can harm them with the expectation that you will not be liable for the harm that you cause? That is just wrong

As far as what you wear or eat, they already regulate it. Try to get the old coconut oil in theaters. Clothing are regulated in the sense that companies are forced to watch the welfare of workers in foreign countries don't abuse such activities as child labor. It also applies to electronics such as the number of deaths at the plant where Apple has the Ipad made. The list is extensive all in the guise of protection.

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I don't read the herald much and almost never the Forum let alone the comments. Living near DC, I do read the Washington Post. The Herald or the Forum have nothing on the comments generated by people here. Many of them are just pathetic. While I agree that regulations can be sometimes crazy. Here is the fundamental question; Is there a the right for people to post unsubstantiated pieces on somebody or company that can harm them with the expectation that you will not be liable for the harm that you cause? That is just wrong

But should wrong make it illegal?

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But should wrong make it illegal?

Yes. I get them confused but libel or slander are the terms right?(Not a Legal professional)

The reason this is important is that it keeps people from passing local gossip as fact. Whether it is someone making the accusation of rape as cited earlier or stating part of a story they heard from a source at Southgate that was reliable in an incident in Jan 2011.

If you cannot guarantee something you claim as fact, on here, where it can be confirmed, or in life, where it is hearsay, you should not state it as anything other than opinion.

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